








汉语拼音:xiàn duàn






  1. line refers to any of these, unless specified to mean only a line segment.


  2. Some students to let me go have a look on the line dividing the autumn leaves all articles.


  3. Enter a point after point and the mouse to enter the current bit of painting for the end-point segment, segment with the mouse while mobile.


  4. Moreover, the continuous edge can be obtained which has no breakpoint on line.


  5. Break off pieces of the red thread and tie a randomly chosen pair of buttons together by the thread.


  6. When the line brush was used to produce two wide lines, the obvious breach would be presented at the junction .


  7. Each additional point specifies the end of a line segment whose starting point is the ending point of the previous line segment.


  8. The line segment connecting the center and any point of a circle is called the radius. It's represented by the letter r.


  9. A line segment that joins the center of a regular polygon with any of its vertices.


  1. 平面线段查询

    line segment query

  2. 嵌入约束线段

    embedding bound line.

  3. 编辑剖面线段

    Editing the Section Line Segments

  4. 可公度线段

    commensurable segments.

  5. 三环共线段

    common section with third ring road.

  6. 不可通约线段

    incommensurable segments.

  7. 线段字符发生器

    stroke charactor generator

  8. 辅助线段滑块法

    auxiliary segment sliding bar method

  9. 这线段就是一个特殊线段。

    This line is a special segment.

  10. 清楚空文字, 零长度线段

    Kill null textmtextattrib, zerop line.

  11. 向当前图形追加一条线段。

    Appends a line segment to the current figure.

  12. 三维空间中点与直线线段间距离求解算法

    Distance Between Point and Line, Ray, Line Segment

  13. 做一个线段,需要一个,开始点和一个结束点。

    There's a line segment, it's got a starting point and ending point.

  14. 分析该复合函数的不同线段之间的连续性。

    The continuity between different line segments of the compound function is also analysed.

  15. 如果在这画条线段,那这里就是个直角。

    If you draw this segment in here, you know that here you have a right angle.

  16. 球半径将心与球面上任一点起来的线段

    A line segment that joins the center of a sphere with any point on its surface.

  17. 它支持预览,并可以转换成任何剪辑或线段。

    It supports preview and it can convert any clip or segment.

  18. 圆半径将圆心与圆周上任一连接起来的线段

    A line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on its circumference.

  19. 俺觉得他并没有真正懂得线段划分的最本质内涵。

    I think he did not really understand the essence of division of line segment.

  20. 将正多边形的中心与它的一任一顶点起的来的线段

    A line segment that joins the center of a regular polygon with any of its vertices.

  21. 在平面几何里比较容易的一件事, 就是做一个线段。

    So an easy thing to do in planar geometry is I want to make a line segment.

  22. 受试者要求指明了方向偏离目标点的中点的中间线段。

    Subjects were required to indicate the direction of deviation of the target dot from the midpoint of the intermediate line segment.

  23. 提出了一种4几何结构下两线段相交性测试的快速算法。

    A fast algorithm that tests whether two line segments intersect in the 4geometry is presented.

  24. 拖动后可以添加在同一状态环境开始和结束的转换线段。

    Drag to add a transition segment that begins and ends on the same state context.

  25. 请给我一段线。

    Please give me a piece of thread.

  26. 广州轨道交通四号线直线电机车辆段感应板安装技术

    Induction Plate Installation Technique of Line No.4 of Guangzhou Track Traffic

  27. 导火线一段黑色火药线,用作引爆炸药的引信

    A string of gunpowder that acts as a fuse for exploding a charge.

  28. 传输线的两段或多段之间的一种连接。

    A connection between two or more sections of a transmission line.

  29. 多段线线段

    Polyline segments.

  30. 锥状多段线线段

    Tapered polyline segments


  1. 问:线段拼音怎么拼?线段的读音是什么?线段翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段的读音是xiànduàn,线段翻译成英文是 line segment; section

  2. 问:线段树拼音怎么拼?线段树的读音是什么?线段树翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段树的读音是,线段树翻译成英文是 Segment tree

  3. 问:线段法拼音怎么拼?线段法的读音是什么?线段法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段法的读音是xiàn duàn fǎ,线段法翻译成英文是 segment method

  4. 问:线段复形拼音怎么拼?线段复形的读音是什么?线段复形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段复形的读音是xiàn duàn fù xíng,线段复形翻译成英文是 complex of segment

  5. 问:线段相交拼音怎么拼?线段相交的读音是什么?线段相交翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段相交的读音是xiàn duàn xiāng jiāo,线段相交翻译成英文是 line segment intersection

  6. 问:线段端头拼音怎么拼?线段端头的读音是什么?线段端头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:线段端头的读音是xiàn duàn duān tóu,线段端头翻译成英文是 line end cap




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