







汉语拼音:sān dǎng






  1. 指父族、母族、妻族。见《尔雅·释亲》。

    《晏子春秋·杂下十二》:“且以君之赐,父之党无不乘车者,母之党无不足于衣食者,妻之党无冻馁者。”《古今小说·杨八老越国奇逢》:“老爷不信时,移文到 盩厔县 中,将三党亲族姓名,一一对验,小人之冤可白矣。”



  1. "I don't see a change to where we're going to have three parties, or two and a half parties or one party, " he said.


  2. If you have to vote, vote for Ron Paul or for a more extreme third party candidate. Show that you do not support the lie that is the system.


  3. America's distinctive nominating process is an additional structural barrier to third parties.


  4. Young people are more willing to support a third-party candidate, said John Della Volpe, IOP's polling director.


  5. Nominations : Third-party submissions of entries are accepted if they are accompanied by the written consent of the cartoonist.


  6. All of us who have had it with these corrupt politician­ s need to go third party.


  7. "This isn't a third party, " Elliot Ackerman, the group's chief operating officer said. "It's a second process. "


  8. But Mr Rutte may be open to inviting Mr Wilders to join a three-way government of the right.


  9. Many Catalans are tired of the uneasy three-way coalition of socialists, greens and separatists that has governed the region since 2003.


  1. 三党对政权是采取指导与监督政策

    III the party employs the policy of guidance and supervision towards the government

  2. 三是巩固党的长期执政地位。

    And the third was to reinforce the ruling role of the Party.

  3. 摘要小泉是哪个党的跟安培晋三是一个党的吗

    Wolf Junichiro Koizumi Shinzo Abe Muto blue colonial party.

  4. 三是加强党的基层组织建设,提高党的凝聚力和战斗力。

    Intensifying the construction of the Party's rank and file organizations and raising condensation force and fighting force of the Party.

  5. 三是加强党的执政能力建设。实现人与自然和谐共生。

    Strengthening the administration ability construction of the Party to realize the harmony between the human being and nature.

  6. 实现三大转变强化党的执政地位

    Realizing Three Great Transformations and Strengthening the Ruling Position of Our Party

  7. 三是正确处理党与政府、党与非党组织的关系。

    Correctly dealing with the relations between the Party and government, the relations between the Party and nonparty organizations.

  8. 目前中心有16人,管理着三个新公司党 工 团组织。

    At present the center has 16 people, running party of 3 new companies, labour, organization.

  9. 三个重大变化与党的建设规律

    Three Crucial Changes and the Law of Party Construction

  10. 三是在党内外宣传党的重大方针政策。

    Third is to propagate the Party's major principles and policies both inside and outside the Party.

  11. 三年困难时期,党和人民不是团结奋斗,渡过了难关吗

    In the three hard years from 1959 through 1959, didnt the Party and the people struggle in unity and surmount the difficulties.

  12. 这次会议是根据党的十一届三中全会的决定举行的。

    This meeting is being held in accordance with a decision of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party.

  13. 他那个党在议会中占三分之一席位。

    His party has one third of the seats in Parliament.

  14. 三党结盟组成联合政府。

    The three parties combined to form a coalition government.

  15. 这些人分裂出来组成第三党。

    These people splintered off to form a third party.

  16. 两党派将联合以击败第三党。

    Two parties will combine to defeat the third.

  17. 对早期第三党的再认识和评价

    Recognize and Appraise the Thrid Party in Earlier Period Again

  18. 两党派将联合一起以击败第三党。

    Two parties will combine to defeat the third.

  19. 20世纪80年代是三党掌权的政治事务的十年。

    The 1980s has been a decade of three-party politics..

  20. 所有机器供您亲自,或有第三党,装运前审查公司。

    All machinery is available for you to personally,or a 3 rd party,review prior to shipment.

  21. 一个第三党由共和党和民主党之独立份子联合而组成。

    A third party is formed by the fusion of independent republican and democrats.

  22. 三是阿党和交通罪。

    The third was organize party and intercommunicate.

  23. 建国后国共两党三次秘密和谈始末

    Beginning and End on Secret Negotiation for Three Times between the Communist Party of China and Kuomintang after Establishment of Country

  24. 我党三代领导集体对治国方略的历史探索

    The Historic Exploration of the Three Generation Party Leaders'Strategy in Governing Our Country

  25. 党的思想建设是实践三个代表的根本保证。

    Party ideological building is the fundamental guarantee that we put the'Three Represents'into practice.

  26. 得重要思想,要求全党按照?三个代表?

    We request the whole Party to fully promote the great project of Party development according to the requirements of three represents.

  27. 的重要思想,要求全党按照?三个代表?

    We request the whole Party to fully promote the great project of Party development according to the requirements of three represents.

  28. 这次选举是保守党, 工党以及社会民主党三方的较量。

    The election was a threecornered fight between Conservatives, Labour and SLD.

  29. 保守党执政时间仅有三年零四个月。

    The Conservative Party had been in power for just forty months.

  30. 这个新政党赢得了大约三分之一的席位。

    The new party won about a third of the seats.




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