







汉语拼音:sān chéng







  1. 三重,三层。

    《周礼·秋官·司仪》:“令为坛三成,宫旁一门。” 郑玄 注引 郑司农 曰:“三成,三重也。”《尔雅·释丘》:“三成为 崐崘丘 。” 郭璞 注:“ 崐崘山 三重,故以名云。”

  2. 音乐之三终;三度奏乐。

    《仪礼·燕礼》:“笙入三成,遂合乡乐。” 郑玄 注:“三成,三终也。”《礼记·乐记》:“且夫《武》,始而北出,再成而灭 商 ,三成而南。” 郑玄 注:“成,犹奏也。每奏《武》曲一终为一成。”

  3. 十分之三。

    古华 《芙蓉镇》第四章第二节:“ 李国香 就还没有达到这个水平,还没有赢得这种自由,还是个‘三成生,七成熟’的干部。”



  1. Almost 30% of Americans tell pollsters that America is not ready to put a septuagenarian into the White House.


  2. Doctor Tectonidis says only three percent of them will receive ready-to-use-food this year.


  3. That the price of diapers on the market than the Chinese price of your other two or three into.


  4. Paradoxically, despite the takeovers, the state's share of GDP seems still to be around 30%, the same as it was in 1998.


  5. The price of the company's stock jumped thirty percent last month.


  6. There have only less than 30% of the teachers currently assessment are at the secondary level or above on the title.


  7. He said Glide had seen an almost 30% rise in the need for its services since the economic downturn, but also a 20% decrease in donations.


  8. In fact, Mr. St-Pierre insisted that at least 30 percent of the fans at his fights are women.


  9. Assuming a loan-to-value ratio of 70%, the initial payment for a 675-square-foot flat would be around four times median household income.


  1. 三成长大了, 吃喝嫖赌吸样样都通。

    When Sancheng grew up, he indulged in eating, drinking, gambling, visiting prostitutes, and taking drugs.

  2. 他以三成七五的打击率结束那棒球季。

    He ended the season with a batting average of.375.

  3. 调查又发现,三成受访工人每周工作超过60小时。

    The survey also found that a third of the respondents work more than60 hours a week.

  4. 三成哼,我宁可被监视也强过跟他在一块儿浪费时间。

    IshidaHum, I would rather be spied on than spend time with him.

  5. 把柳条剁成三段

    chop a willow branch into three pieces

  6. 盘子打破成三块了。

    The dish was broken in three pieces.

  7. 汹涌的巨浪把油轮撞成三载。

    Heavy seas had pounded the tanker into three parts.

  8. 汹涌得巨浪把油轮撞成三载。

    Heavy seas had pounded the tanker into three parts.

  9. 这个事情转变成三个左右为难的窘境。

    The issue resolves itself into three major dilemmas.

  10. 三尖瓣成形

    tricuspid valvuloplasty.

  11. 这个组把议案压缩成三页的文档。

    The team contracted the proposal into a three page document.

  12. 这个组把议案压缩成三页得文档。

    The team contracted the proposal into a three page document.

  13. 这个组把议案压缩成三页的文档。

    The team contracted the proposal into a three page document.

  14. 政府希望把十个州合并成三个新得州。

    The government hoped to consolidate ten states to form three new ones.

  15. 政府希望把十个州合并成三个新的州。

    The government hopes to consolidate ten states to form three new ones.

  16. 请换成三张二十元和四张十元得钞票。

    Please change this into three 20 s and four 10 s.

  17. 请换成三张二十元和四张十元的钞票。

    Please change this into three 20 s and four 10 s.

  18. 只要你装成三维体计画,你要创造动画。

    Once you have loaded body into your 3 d program, you need to create a animation.

  19. 我们可以将这些题目加以分类成三个主题。

    We can classify these subjects under three headings.

  20. 好吧,那我要不要把预约改成三人位?

    Well, then should I change the reservation to three?

  21. 贝多芬本可以把低音部也改成三连音

    Beethoven could have made that bass go with triplets too.

  22. 三个成一组的穹顶

    triparted vault

  23. 因此触媒裂解汽油应分馏成三馏份以便个别处理。

    The FCC gasoline can be fractionated into three fractions and treated separately.

  24. 修剪芦笋并漂白,再将其的茎切成三薄片。

    Trim and briefly blanch one bunch of asparagus slice the stalks into thirds.

  25. 阀体的中部有一径向的出气管,使阀体成三通状。

    The middle of the valve body is provided with a radial air outlet pipe to make the valve body in a threeway shape.

  26. 三股拧成的绳子不易断。

    A threefold cord is not quickly broken.

  27. 帮会最终分裂成三个阵营,归入不同的任务和角色。

    The group eventually split into three segments, relegating distinct roles and tasks.

  28. 不过,事故和葬礼等不幸的事件也有可能会成三的出现。

    However, it is also possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well.

  29. 我们三个成了一幅画定格在这一刻。

    The three of us became a picture freeze frame at this moment.

  30. 膨胀型阻燃剂三聚氰胺合成

    Keywords Melabisintumescent flam retardantmelaminesynthesis


  1. 问:三成洞拼音怎么拼?三成洞的读音是什么?三成洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三成洞的读音是Sānchéngdòng,三成洞翻译成英文是 Samseong-dong

  2. 问:三成站拼音怎么拼?三成站的读音是什么?三成站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三成站的读音是,三成站翻译成英文是 Samseong Station

  3. 问:三成分系统拼音怎么拼?三成分系统的读音是什么?三成分系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三成分系统的读音是,三成分系统翻译成英文是 three component system



三成 sānchéng [three tenth]∶十分之三 [30 per cent]∶百分之三十 增产三成 ------ 把一标物,假设为"1".这个"1"就视为10份.每一份就是一成. 如:100的一成就是10.

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