







汉语拼音:kù xíng







  1. 残酷的刑罚。

    《史记·李斯列传论》:“ 斯 知六艺之归,不务明政以补主上之缺,持爵禄之重,阿顺苟合,严威酷刑,听 高 邪説。” 唐 柳宗元 《封建论》:“郡邑不得正其制,守宰不得行其理,酷刑苦役,而万人侧目。” 碧野 《难忘的岁月》:“在狱中,他不肯解下他的红领带,在酷刑中,他也坚持戴着红领带。”



  1. Cutting into halves was not an excruciation only in late Tang Dynasty or previous Dynasties, which had existed in the early Tang Dynasty.


  2. The US developed its own definition of torture and began transporting captives to ghost prisons and a little-known military base in Cuba.


  3. opposed to any application of the death penalty and torture of prisoners, or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.


  4. In the night terrible dreams had broken his sleep, and made it a long torture.


  5. At least that's the talk this week as the judges up the torture quotient, taking train-wreck TV viewing to a whole new level.


  6. Others say they were imprisoned, tortured and only released on condition that they sign documents promising to leave Bhutan.


  7. And yet, torture is still practised or tolerated by many States. Impunity persists for the perpetrators. The victims continue to suffer.


  8. Torture was formerly used to make people give evidence about crimes, or to make them confess.


  9. ChenLiGong believe I can survive the torture, her teeth were dial the out, she said I could make it through the pass is due to ChongFeng.


  1. 可恶的酷刑

    abominable tortures.

  2. 酷刑, 摧残与谋杀

    torture, maim and kill

  3. 好吧,痛苦的酷刑

    Well, there's pain and then there's torture.

  4. 酷刑之后, 他遍体鳞伤。

    His body was covered with wounds after savage torture.

  5. 拷打将置于酷刑之下

    To subjectto torture.

  6. 以前, 我抱怨这是酷刑。

    Before, I complained it was torture.

  7. 所以是要上酷刑了吗

    So it's to be torture, then?

  8. 他受尽酷刑,仍然坚贞不屈。

    He remained unbending under the severest of tortures.

  9. 多少酷刑你会帮我吗?

    How much more torture would you have put me through.

  10. 这就是我禁止酷刑得原因。

    That is why I prohibited torture.

  11. 这就是我禁止酷刑的原因。

    That is why I prohibited torture.

  12. 他们对他使用了各种酷刑。

    They applied all sorts of torture to him.

  13. 城里到处都是酷刑和处决。

    Torture and execution are rife in the city.

  14. 他准备好面对死亡和酷刑。

    He was ready to face both death and torture.

  15. 奥巴马说水刑是酷刑。

    Obama says waterboarding was torture.

  16. 英国在1640年废弃了司法酷刑。

    The English renounced judicial torture in 1640.

  17. 英国在1640年废弃了司法酷刑。

    The English renounced judicial torture in 1640.

  18. 这看起来活像是原始的酷刑。

    It looks like some kind of primitive form of torture.

  19. 宙斯判他三万年这样的酷刑。

    His period of ordeal was to be thirty thousand years.

  20. 在敌人的酷刑之下, 他宁死不屈。

    He would rather die than surrender under the enemy's cruel torture.

  21. 这种酷刑是血肉之躯难以忍受的。

    The worst tortures are more than flesh and blood can bear.

  22. 酷刑是被绝对, 明确地禁止的。

    On the most recent data, the trend is unambiguous.

  23. 他们声称实施了大屠杀和酷刑。

    They have alleged that acts of genocide and torture were carried out.

  24. 沒有人有權利傷害你或對你施以酷刑。

    No one has the right to hurt you or to torture you.

  25. 他说话的人谁被强奸和酷刑。

    He talked with people who have been raped and tortured.

  26. 你怎麽能宽恕酷刑, 虐童和饥饿?

    How can you forgive torture, abuse and starvation ?

  27. 据称他遭受了酷刑,而且单独监禁。

    He has been allegedly tortured and held in solitary confinement.

  28. 中央情报局长称从不使用酷刑。

    CIA Chief Says Torture Is Not Used by U.S.

  29. 自由社会中没有酷刑的容身之地。

    There is no place in a free society for torture.

  30. 那上面称酷刑和草草处决很常见。

    it says torture and summary execution are common.


  1. 问:酷刑拼音怎么拼?酷刑的读音是什么?酷刑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷刑的读音是kùxíng,酷刑翻译成英文是 afflictive punishment

  2. 问:酷刑罪拼音怎么拼?酷刑罪的读音是什么?酷刑罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷刑罪的读音是Kùxíngzuì,酷刑罪翻译成英文是 crime of torture

  3. 问:酷刑惩罚拼音怎么拼?酷刑惩罚的读音是什么?酷刑惩罚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷刑惩罚的读音是Kùxíngchéngfá,酷刑惩罚翻译成英文是 cruel and unusual punishment

  4. 问:酷刑致死拼音怎么拼?酷刑致死的读音是什么?酷刑致死翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷刑致死的读音是Kù xíng zhì sǐ,酷刑致死翻译成英文是 pressing to death

  5. 问:酷刑逼供拼音怎么拼?酷刑逼供的读音是什么?酷刑逼供翻译成英文是什么?

    答:酷刑逼供的读音是Kù xíng bī gòng,酷刑逼供翻译成英文是 the third degree



“酷刑”是个多义词,它可以指酷刑(残酷的刑罚), 酷刑(美国2008年GrahamGreen执导电影), 酷刑(浙江台州方言)。

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