




1. 辟 [bì]2. 辟 [pì]辟 [bì]君主:复~。指君主招来,授予官职:~召。~引。~书。~除(征召推举授官)。~举。古同“避”,躲,设法躲开。古同“睥”,睥睨。辟 [pì]开发建设:开~。驳斥,排除:~邪。~谣。~蠹。透彻:精~……



汉语拼音:fù bì



原指被赶下台的君 主复位,现指被推翻的反动统治者恢复原来的地位或被推翻的旧制度复活。



  1. 谓失位的君主复位。辟,君主。语出《书·咸有一德》:“ 伊尹 既復政厥辟。” 孔颖达 疏:“自 太甲 居 桐 ,而 伊尹 秉政; 太甲 既归于 亳 , 伊尹 还政其君。” 唐 元稹 《迁庙议状》:“ 中宗 復辟中兴,当为百代不迁之庙。”

  2. 谓参与和帮助失位的君王重新掌权。

    胡适 《归国杂感》:“果然船到了 横滨 ,便听得 张勋 复辟的消息。”

  3. 今亦泛指被推翻的势力重上台,或指恢复旧制度。

    鲁迅 《集外集·选本》:“《文选》的影响却更大……五四运动时虽受奚落,得‘妖孽’之称,现在却又很有复辟的趋势了。” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·纪念》:“住在 定县 的还乡队回村复辟。”



  1. In the time during the Restoration, aristocrats were trying to restore what they had lost in the Revolution.


  2. After these conquests Europe stabilised, but the old foundations were already beginning to crumble.


  3. The Restoration had placed him on half-pay, then had sent him into residence, that is to say, under surveillance, at Vernon.


  4. The monarchy is now, more clearly than ever, part of the problem. It sits at the apex of a horrendously hierarchical and unequal society.


  5. The western academy had been researched into the history of finance and taxation of the Restoration for a very long time.


  6. At this point, they faced a challenge: how can socialist China allow the return of capitalist exploitation?


  7. And yet even in the US today, protectionist policies are making a tragic comeback.


  8. This is not to say they are reverting to old-style imperialism; both are too enfeebled for that.


  9. Otherwise a socialist country like ours will turn into its opposite and degenerate, and a capitalist restoration will take place.


  1. 旧王朝已复辟。

    The old dynasty has been restored.

  2. 是不是想复辟

    Arent they in fact attempting a restoration.

  3. 这就是所谓得王政复辟。

    It was called the Restoration.

  4. 这就是所谓的王政复辟。

    It was called the Restoration.

  5. 他成了复辟王朝的忠实走卒。

    He became a faithful restoration dynasty pawns.

  6. 人民的呼声终于战胜了复辟的思潮。

    The voice of the people finally superseded the restoration trend of thought.

  7. 段祺瑞支持张勋复辟起因探析

    An Approach to the Cause of Zhang Xun Restoration Supported by Duan Qirui

  8. 重新上演英国王政复辟时期得喜剧。

    stage a revival of a Restoration comedy

  9. 重新上演英国王政复辟时期的喜剧。

    stage a revival of a Restoration comedy

  10. 曾有一个阶段是旧秩序复辟时代。

    There was for a time restoration of the old order.

  11. 他们打败了张勋,结束了这场复辟丑剧。

    They defeated Zhang Xun and put on end to this restoration farce.

  12. 康有为与袁世凯的帝制复辟新论

    New Ideas on the Restoration of the Manchu Monarchy by Kang Youwei and Yuan Shikai

  13. 他们真是要搞社会主义、反对资本主义复辟吗?

    Did the Gang really want to build socialism and oppose the restoration of capitalism?

  14. 高官们可能会策划一场政变来复辟独裁统治。

    Senior officers could be considering a coup to restore authoritarian rule.

  15. 因此, 我们不要相信反动派和复辟者的虚假宣传。

    Therefore, let's not believe the false propaganda of the reactionaries and revivalists.

  16. 然而在今天的美国, 保护主义政策却正在悲剧性地复辟。

    And yet even in the US today, protectionist policies are making a tragic comeback.

  17. 在波旁王室复辟以后, 他们在法国政界形成一股重要力量。

    During the Bourbon Restoration they were an important force in French politics.

  18. 史密斯一掌权就企图开历史的倒车,复辟到中世纪去。

    Once in power, Smith tried to turn the clock back to the Middle Ages.

  19. 但将军们一定会尽他们最大的努力来阻止他信的复辟。

    But the generals will surely do their damnedest to thwart a Thaksinite restoration.

  20. 资本主义代替封建主义的几百年间, 发生过多少次王朝复辟?

    Over the several centuries that it took for capitalism to replace feudalism, how many times were monarchies restored!

  21. 我曾在布蒙元帅的手下作战, 在复辟以后被封为贵族。

    Made a peer at the Restoration, I served through the first campaign under the orders of Marshal Bourmont.

  22. 复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代。

    The Restoration is an important transformable age in the history of finance and taxation in England.

  23. 君主制复辟后,克伦威尔的头颅被挑在杆子上示众。

    After the Restoration of the Monarchy,Cromwells head was impaled on a pole and displayed to the public.

  24. 海峡对岸, 查理二世得复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。

    Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet.

  25. 海峡对岸,查理二世的复辟王朝正竭力在国内站稳脚跟。

    Across the Channel, a restored monarchy under Charles II was trying to find its feet


  1. 问:复辟拼音怎么拼?复辟的读音是什么?复辟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:复辟的读音是fùbì,复辟翻译成英文是 restore to power



复辟 复辟,又称重祚,指原本失去君位的君主,再次登基为君。辟,意为君主。 中国历史上的复辟,一般都是通过政变,剥夺前任君主的统治地位,从而复辟为君。

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