




1. 落 [là]2. 落 [luò]3. 落 [lào]落 [là]丢下,遗漏:丢三~四。~了一个字。落 [luò]掉下来,往下降:降~。~下。零~(a.叶子脱落,如“草木~~”;b.衰败,如“一片~~景象”;c.稀疏,如“枪声~~”)。……



汉语拼音:lěng luò









  1. 冷清;不热闹。

    唐 钱起 《山路见梅感而有作》诗:“行客凄凉过,村篱冷落开。” 宋 苏轼 《喜刘景文至》诗:“过 江 西来二百日,冷落山水愁 吴 姝。” 元 关汉卿 《金线池》第二折:“我去的半月其程,怎么门前的地也没人扫,一剗的长起青苔来,这般样冷落了也?”《警世通言·桂员外途穷忏悔》:“ 桂员外 自得了这个异梦,心绪如狂,从京师赶回家来,只见门庭冷落,寂无一人。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·汤文正》:“ 仁皇帝 初南巡,公引驾自 盘门 入,以为 吴郡 中最冷落者。曰:‘无得使上知 吴 奢荡,有损圣德。’” 杨朔 《蓬莱仙境》:“在我的记忆当中, 蓬莱 是个古老的小城,街道狭窄,市面冷落,现时竟这样繁华,我怎能认识它呢?”

  2. 冷淡;冷淡地对待。

    唐 卢仝 《萧二十三赴歙州婚期》诗:“ 淮 上客情殊冷落,蛮方春早客何如。” 元 关汉卿 《金线池》第二折:“你不肯冷落了杯中物,我怎肯生疏了絃上手?”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“你向来有了心上人,把我冷落了多时。”《红楼梦》第二三回:“﹝ 元妃 ﹞却又想 寳玉 自幼在姊妹丛中长大,不比别的兄弟,若不命他进去,又怕冷落了他,恐 贾母 、 王夫人 心上不喜,须得也命他进去居住方妥。” 叶圣陶 《膈膜》:“那主人最是烦劳了:他要轮流和客人谈话,不欲冷落了一个人。”



  1. It seems that no matter how suspicious or slighted spouses are, they'd rather see their partner pay out of their pocket than end up in jail.


  2. If children can imagine how it feels to be left out of a game or to lose a pet, they are better able to help those in need.


  3. The children are shunted away and rendered untroublesome, while their parents enjoy a life as undemanding as that of any childless couple.


  4. All the others seemed to know each other and I began to feel left out.


  5. He was depressed by the coldness of these humans who had never been cold before.


  6. He made no mention of his host, President Hosni Mubarak, a snub surely noticed by Egypt's autocratic ruler of nearly three decades.


  7. Fleur won the case, but the victory brought her so many snubs from former friends that she was more unhappy than ever.


  8. No mention was made of Li Mo, Shenzhen Airlines' chairman and son of Li Zeyuan, and analysts said he appeared to have been sidelined.


  9. Slowly accustomed to a person's life, become silent, become left out in the cold, didn't ideal, don't want to say, don't want to see. . .


  1. 冷落,疏远

    Freeze off.

  2. 冷落断然拒绝

    A snuba brushoff.

  3. 拒绝回绝冷落

    Rude or unfriendly rejection of an offer, etc. rebuff

  4. 不重视冷落怠慢

    snub v. to pay no attention to.

  5. 她感到倍受冷落。

    She's feeling rather neglected.

  6. 故意冷落新来者

    snub the newcomers

  7. 我感受到了冷落。

    I was made to feel unwelcome.

  8. 我故意假装冷落他。

    I pretend to give him the cold shoulder.

  9. 冷落某人, 给某人以冷遇

    To give someone the cold shoulder

  10. 别人都冷落他,讥嘲他。

    He was shunned and ridiculed by the others.

  11. 捉住鱼,冷落网。

    When the fish is catched, the net is laid aside.

  12. 他因受到冷落而生气。

    He is offended at being ignored.

  13. 这种冷落是精心设计的。

    The snub was calculated.

  14. 陪他聊聊,别冷落了他。

    Why don't you go chat to him – you shouldn't be leaving him out.

  15. 冷落、怠慢的言辞或行为

    Snubbing words or behaviour

  16. 在会议上互相冷落对方。

    they snubbed each other at conferences.

  17. 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视

    cold shoulder deliberate coldness or disregard a slight or a snub

  18. 他被冷落在屋里的角落。

    He was slighted in the corner.

  19. 发达世界的烟民受到了冷落。

    Smokers in the developed world are out in the cold.

  20. 怠慢故意的冷落或轻视怠慢或轻慢

    cold shoulder n. Informal Deliberate coldness or disregard a slight or a snub

  21. 你的家人可能觉得被冷落了。

    Your family may be feeling neglected and unloved.

  22. 没有人会被怠慢或受到冷落。

    No one is to be neglected or made to feel missed out.

  23. 我们出门上了街。街上又寒冷又冷落。

    We went out and up the street. It was cold and wintry.

  24. 她没有冷落你的任何一位朋友。

    She has not lost a single one of your friends.

  25. 这样一来, 某些种族群便遭到了冷落。

    Consequently, this leaves some groups out in the cold.

  26. 她没答覆他们的邀请藉此冷落他们。

    She snubbed them by not replying to their invitation.

  27. 冷落的没有好处以给别人的被忽视的

    Lacking benefits given to others neglected.

  28. 她不去理他的问题,借此冷落他。

    She snubbed him by ignoring his question.

  29. 生物制药也并非门前冷落鞍马稀。

    Biology pharmacy also is not desolate pommelled horse is rare before the door.

  30. 因而, 我并不孤独, 也不是遭人冷落。

    I am not alone and unacknowledged.


  1. 问:冷落拼音怎么拼?冷落的读音是什么?冷落翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冷落的读音是lěngluò,冷落翻译成英文是 isolated; isolate



冷落,是靠孤立忽略对方,把对方冰封在靠不近,走不及自己的角落,没有交流,没有言语,更不会有往来。一旦执行,一般不会轻易改变主意,有点无情残酷,令对象极是感伤,被撇在一边不搭不理,不管不顾,甚至自生自灭。 冷落的结果一般用于淡化感情,疏远距离,建起隔膜,而当冷落成为惯,两个人的人生就会像两条平行线不再接轨,是一种酷刑严重地损坏两人的友情/亲情/爱情。

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