


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:kě rén









  1. 有才德的人。引申为可爱的人,称心如意的人。

    《礼记·杂记下》:“其所与游辟也,可人也。” 孔颖达 疏:“可人也者,谓其人性行是堪可之人也。”《三国志·蜀志·费祎传》:“君信可人,必能办贼者也。” 宋 苏轼 《广陵后园题申公扇子》诗:“闲吟‘绕屋扶疏’句,须信 渊明 是可人。” 明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·魂游》:“有情人叫不出情人应,为什么不唱出你可人名姓?”《红楼梦》第二八回:“你是个可人,你是个多情。”

  2. 称人心意。

    宋 黄庭坚 《次韵师厚食蟹》:“趋蹌虽入笑,风味极可人。” 清 曹寅 《沿河秋花》诗:“野色秋来早,烟光渐可人。” 萧乾 《海伦·斯诺如是说》楔子:“高速公路两旁是一片温柔可人的秋色。”



  1. Forget trying to salvage the date or see if she sobers up to being cute and sexy again.


  2. Actually your image is very soft and you know, very sweet usually. But I feel very muscular, and look like a real man today.


  3. Her mouth was like a flower, and her eyes were large and soft, sometimes black, blue or grey, sometimes all three colours together.


  4. In order for a woman to feel sexy, she needs to feel beautiful (at least in your eyes).


  5. The portly gentlemen in the front rows began to feel that she was a delicious little morsel.


  6. It was so silent, quiet, and with her eyes Qingli Keren, affectionately looking at the beautiful night Ning.


  7. I did meet this cute young woman, and I got her to marry me. But what a nagging wife she turned out to be!


  8. I'm not a supermodel, but I'm good-looking and seem to attract men when I bother to do things that aren't work or the gym.


  9. Carefree young age, let me miss! Keren must grow up, to assume the responsibility of one kind or another.


  1. 你多么可人。

    How sympathetic you are.

  2. 你真是聪慧可人。

    You're nice and smart.

  3. 孩子可人,事业美满。

    You have the kids.You have the career.

  4. 孩子可人,事业美满。

    You have the kids. You have the career.

  5. 我并不活泼可人。

    I am not deliciously saucy.

  6. 可人的容貌, 平易的风度

    with her beguiling looks and easygoing charm

  7. 她香甜可人,让人上瘾

    No, she's delicious. She's addictive.

  8. 那群孩子十分活泼可人。

    The children are all life.

  9. 他在绘画方面,真是个可人。

    He is good at drawing.

  10. 这房子的外表是可人的红色。

    The house has a pleasant red outlook.

  11. 她其貌不扬, 但是面色红润可人。

    She had poor features, but attractive colouring.

  12. 揣在花边手套里,朴实可人。

    In their lace mitts, austere and sweet.

  13. 其叶茎体态修长, 婀娜可人。

    Leaves and stems of its slender body, and graceful girl.

  14. 可人的女士啊, 正是我心上的人。

    Beautiful lady, so dear to my heart.

  15. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  16. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  17. 我新交了一个活泼可人的女友?

    I've got myself a smashing new girlfriend?

  18. 什么东西最可人?各种海鲜供应充足。

    What could be the best? Seafoods in abundant supply.

  19. 新鲜可人的嫩叶向你微微挥手。

    The fresh and tender leaves are slightly waving to you.

  20. 色泽深紫, 有如一朵可人的牡丹花。

    Lovely, deep purple robe with peony nuances.

  21. 现在我请求你,甜美而可人的圣人啊。

    Now piease, sweet and loveiy saint.

  22. 春天就要来了,你就像春天一样清新可人。

    You are as refreshing as the spring to come.

  23. 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。

    A joyous warmth began to relax his body.

  24. 气味淡淡的烟草清香,芳香可人,果味浓郁。

    Bouquet Restrained nose of smokey, savory aromas. Fruity.

  25. 在这炎热的夜晚, 露丝却显得清新可人。

    She was cool and fresh in the hot night.

  26. 他看起来很是可人,但是他是个真正的吝啬鬼。

    He seems as sweet as honey, but he really is a mean little boy.

  27. 她的娇声细语非常悦耳,口吻也亲切可人。

    She had a soft, slender, agreeable voice, and her tone was decidely sociable.

  28. 大多数人是整个身体均匀的晒黑,可人是局部晒黑。

    Most people tan evenly all over the body, but some people tan just in spots.

  29. 有可人的柑橘和热带水果的香气, 伴有鲜花的香味。

    Bouquet The wine exhibits a lovely citrus tropical fruit nose , with intermingled floral characters.

  30. 回来发现,雨中的花更加娇媚,雨中的草更加绿得可人!

    Back found that more flirtatious flower rain, rain, the grass more green Keren!


  1. 问:可人拼音怎么拼?可人的读音是什么?可人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可人的读音是kěrén,可人翻译成英文是 People who have an advantages.; Satisfying...



【词目】 可人

【拼音】 kě rén

【释义】①有才德的人。引申为可爱的人,称心如意的人。《礼记·杂记下》:“其所与游辟也,可人也。”《红楼梦》第二八回:“你是个可人,你是个多情。”②称人心意。 宋 黄庭坚《次韵师厚食蟹》:“趋跄虽入笑,风味极可人。”蔡东藩 《清史演义》第一回:“一日,姊妹三人,散步郊原,到了长白山东边,有一座布库里山,洞壑清幽,别有一种可人的景致;那时正是春风澹荡,春日迷离,黄鸟双飞,绿枝连理,暗藏春色。”萧乾《海伦·斯诺如是说》楔子:“高速公路两旁是一片温柔可人的秋色。”

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