







汉语拼音:dǎng kuí




政党的首领(现 多含贬义)。



  1. 古代指党人中最有影响或被奉为首领的人。

    《后汉书·党锢传·夏馥》:“ 馥 虽不交时宦,然以声名为中官所惮,遂与 范滂 、 张俭 等俱被诬陷,詔下州郡,捕为党魁。”《旧唐书·杨虞卿传》:“ 虞卿 性柔佞……而 李宗閔 待之如骨肉,以能朋比唱和,故时号党魁。” 清 彭定求 《五人墓》诗:“重看俎豆登乡社,尚想干掫捍党魁。”

  2. 政党的首领。

    梁启超 《莅民主党欢迎会演说辞》:“党员之与职员,职员之与党魁,犹若兵士之於将校。”



  1. For a decade before he took over in 2005 his party looked incapable of governing, even when it was still nominally doing it.


  2. After just a year as leader of the opposition, it is a little early for apotheosis.


  3. Kita party chief Datuk Zaid Ibrahim urged the Cabinet to tackle the matter with sensitivity.


  4. Speaker, today, the leader of Liberal Party has received unqualified endorsement for his plan, from Jacques Parizeau, let me tell you Mr.


  5. The leader of that party is ready to form the cabinet.


  6. Still, Ms. Jayalalithaa of the rival AIADMK party appears determined not to be outdone in the great giveaway.


  7. Mr Abbott, his party's third leader in two years, says he is not frightened of a climate-change election.


  8. True, at the start of his leader's speech in Birmingham, Mr Clegg paid mawkish tribute to his party's "grace under fire" .


  9. These are hardly the right qualities for the leader of a party that makes such a great show of transparency and accountability.


  1. 该党党魁准备组阁。

    The leader of that party is ready to form the cabinet.

  2. 金已就任该党党魁。

    King had come into office as the head of the party.

  3. 党魁以贪污腐化堕落而臭名昭著。

    Party bosses have a reputation for corruption.

  4. 他是个无可争议的党魁。

    He is the undisputed leader of his party.

  5. 权利集中在一小撮党魁手中。

    Power is concentrated in the hands of a few party bosses.

  6. 权利集中在一小撮党魁手中。

    Power is concentrated in the hands of a few party bosses.

  7. 两党党魁狺狺对吠的讨厌情景

    the unedifying sight of the two party leaders screeching at each other

  8. 自由党党魁选举得程序是怎样得?

    How Federal Liberal Party leader is elected?

  9. 自由党党魁选举的程序是怎样的?

    How federal liberal party leader is elected?

  10. 该党惨败落选后罢免了党魁。

    After heavily losing the election the party threw their leader overboard.

  11. 哈里特。哈曼, 工党的代理党魁如此认为。

    Harriet Harman, Labours deputy leader, thinks so.

  12. 首脑,党魁控制政党或政治机器的职业政治家

    A professional politician who controls a party or a political machine

  13. 伊利人的易洛魁语。他是个无可争议的党魁。

    The Iroquoian language of the Erie. He is the undisputed leader of his party.

  14. 他轻而易举地击败保守党党魁阿兰,凯耶斯当选。

    He won the election easily over archconservative Alan Keyes.

  15. 英国保守党党魁大卫卡梅伦成为首相,布朗辞职。

    Britain's David Cameron becomes PM; Brown out.

  16. 执掌行政得共和党魁在很大范围内不受欢迎。

    The Republican who heads the executive is wildly unpopular.

  17. 执掌行政的共和党魁在很大范围内不受欢迎。

    The Republican who heads the executive is wildly unpopular.

  18. 只要党魁控制着党的机构,改革者就决不能高枕无忧。

    Reformers could never rest secure so long as bosses controlled the party structure.

  19. 在5月6日选举中,工党失去动力和布朗先生辞去党魁。

    In the May6 election, Labor lost power and Mr. Brown stepped down as party leader.

  20. 民主行动党和他的党魁杜蒙才是这场选举的真正赢家。

    The ADQ and its leader, Mario Dumont, were the real winners of the election.

  21. 阿道夫?希特勒成为国家社会主义德意志劳工党的党魁。

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party.

  22. 但是一系列令人胆寒的挑战也在等待着这位新党魁。

    But daunting challenges await the new boss too.

  23. 魔王出现在共和党魁面前,用一只手卡在他的脖子上。

    The Devil comes over to the Republican and lays an arm on his neck.


  1. 问:党魁拼音怎么拼?党魁的读音是什么?党魁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:党魁的读音是dǎngkuí,党魁翻译成英文是 party chiefman; party boss

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