




动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:mài mìng








  1. 拼命尽力。

    王西彦 《眷恋土地的人》:“他知道庄稼人要活得像样,就得有自己的土地。为了达到这个目的,他卖命地给东家干活。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第二章:“ 常飞 赌气地说:‘你不要催命,要我没日没夜地卖命办不到。’”

  2. 为某人、某集团所利用去干可能送命的事。

    曹禺 《日出》第一幕:“他们手里都有家伙,都是吃卖命饭的。” 王西彦 《刀俎上》:“我说让我去应征好啦,去上火线卖命好啦,横竖只有人一个,命一条!”



  1. But it wasn't clear to me that, as I said before, it has always been an ambition to drive for Williams since I was a kid.

  2. what does nearsightedness have to do with you working yourself to death on your job ?

  3. Thanks to you, they were able to close ranksand throw me to the fucking wolves!

  4. Life is likely going to be living in a dormitory, working for the man and looking at hot wives on the Internet.

  5. The President has since returned to the region three times, but Donnelly is nonetheless fighting for his political life.

  6. It's about politicians hoping it keeps us busy for a month and making enormous amounts of money for themselves and their friends.

  7. "WE risked our lives for them, " says an Iraqi man in Baghdad who until recently was employed by an American government agency.

  8. None of these soldiers wanted to die in a war of aggression.

  9. All players that work with him can improve, provided they listen and train well.


  1. 他每天卖命赚钱。

    He works himself to the bone every day.

  2. 工人们为资本家卖命。

    The workers worked themselves to the bone for the capitalists.

  3. 悠着点儿干,别太卖命了。

    Take it easy; don't overdo it.

  4. 我相信他为我是肯卖命的。

    I am convinced he would give his life for me.

  5. 她工作起来非常卖命,不惮艰辛。

    She works very hard, and is never afraid of trouble.

  6. 你工作起来一定是很卖命吧。

    You must be a fireball at work.

  7. 我们经常为之卖命的强奸犯。

    A rapist we've done most of the work for.

  8. 金钱通常毁灭为金钱而卖命得人

    Money often unmakes the man who makes it.

  9. 金钱通常毁灭为金钱而卖命的人

    Money often unmakes the man who makes it.

  10. 别再为我在外卖命了, 杰克。

    No more walking on the wild side for me, jack.

  11. 谁也不愿为非正义战争卖命。

    None want to die in an unjust war.

  12. 你知道我不能再为贝茨卖命了。

    You know I can't slave for Bates again.

  13. 他这么卖命干的目的在于他需要钱。

    His motive for working so hard is that he needs money.

  14. 我只会雇用为钱卖命的奖金猎人。

    I will only employ bounty hunters who work for money.

  15. 我们的兄弟替你卖命,没功也有劳。

    We did what you asked. that's why we deserve something.

  16. 她工作非常卖命, 常常连家都忘了。

    She works so hard that she is often neglectful of her family.

  17. 我们都知道太卖命了会导致心跳加速。

    We all know that when we exert ourselves our heart rate increases.

  18. 我不想再为英国最恶毒的人卖命!

    I dont wish to work any longer for the wickedest man in England!

  19. 这些士兵没有一个愿意为侵略战争卖命。

    None of these soldiers want to die in a war of aggression.

  20. 只要为她卖命一年,之后随你想去什么杂志社。

    You work a year for her, and you can get a job at any magazine you want.

  21. 如果我不喜欢这份工作的话,就不会这么卖命干了。

    If I had not been enjoying the work, I would not have done so much of it.

  22. 乌娜被谋杀了而你还为那些杀她的人继续卖命?

    Una is murdered and you keep working for the people who did it ?

  23. 作家的一生都被为钱卖命的不变常规和交配仪式牢牢拴住。

    The writer chained for life the routine of a wage slave and the ritual of copulation.


  1. 问:卖命拼音怎么拼?卖命的读音是什么?卖命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖命的读音是màimìng,卖命翻译成英文是 work oneself to the bone




拼音:maì mìng 基本解释 1. [work oneself to the bone for sb.]∶ 指为某人、某集团所利用或为生活所逼而拼命干活,也泛指下最大力气干工作 地主逼着长工们为他卖命 2. [die(unworthily)for]∶冒着生命危险去干 这些士兵没有一个愿意为侵略战争卖命 详细解释 1. 拼命尽力。 王西彦 《眷恋土地的人》:“他知道庄稼人要活得像样,就得有自己的土地。为了达到这个目的,他卖命地给东家干活。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第二章:“ 常飞 赌气地说:‘你不要催命,要我没日没夜地卖命办不到。’” 2. 为某人、某集团所利用去干可能送命的事。 曹禺 《日出》第一幕:“他们手里都有家伙,都是吃卖命饭的。” 王西彦 《刀俎上》:“我说让我去应征好啦,去上火线卖命好啦,横竖只有人一个,命一条!”  

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