







汉语拼音:ěr hòu








  1. 你的后代。


  2. 从此以后。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“ 萧子云 改易字体, 邵陵王 颇行譌字。朝野翕然,以为楷式……尔后坟籍,略不可看。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见录·图画》:“至若 吴道玄 画鬼神, 韩干 画马,皆近时知名者也。尔后画者甚众,虽有所长,皆不能度越前辈矣。” 毛泽东 《目前抗日统一战线中的策略问题》:“坚持这种有理、有利、有节的斗争,就能发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固派,并使顽固派尔后不敢轻易向我们进攻。”

  3. 然后。

    毛泽东 《关于农业互助合作的两次谈话》:“积极稳步,就是要有控制数字,派任务,尔后再检查完成没有。”



  1. He waited, calmly, gloomily, and then anxiously as she did not appear.


  2. Names that meant nothing to me were to weave themselves inextricably into my life, first as a backdrop and then as my life's primary focus.


  3. Then, just as suddenly, it all collapsed around him, in a whirl of failed productions and very public sex scandals.


  4. I sent thee late a rosy wreath, Not so much honouring thee, As giving it a hope that there It could not withered be.


  5. Then he picked up the note, which had been very dirty and wrinkled.


  6. This was one of the main reasons that reforms in the army had become inevitable.


  7. my mother had a headache yesterday, so i cook the meal for her and then feed the medicineher to her.


  8. I stopped a moment and looked all around; then turned in the direction of the pear-tree.


  9. Thereafter beautician configures the essence oil that suits you and beautiful body frost according to particular case of the individual.


  1. 人必自敬, 尔后人敬之

    Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you

  2. 他们彼此倾慕,尔后彼此相爱。

    They have mutual admiration and then mutual love.

  3. 他先微笑,尔后开始发言。

    He prefaced his words with a smile.

  4. 腾格拉尔后退了一步。

    Danglars retreated a few steps.

  5. 尔后, 他在光线里驻足不前。

    Then he stood in the light.

  6. 他上周得的病, 尔后就康复了。

    He was ill last week but has since recovered.

  7. 尔后,随着夜幕的降临,又是北风大作。

    And then, with the coming of the night the north wind was again loosed.

  8. 历史上有些大国兴起尔后又衰落了。

    Some great states rose and faded away in history.

  9. 厄瓜多尔后来驱逐了这名大使。

    Ecuador subsequently expelled the ambassador.

  10. 一阵冲动之后,她先是木然,尔后又百感交集。

    After indulging in the temporary display of violence, she subsided, first into dullness, and after wards into a compound of feelings

  11. 他先把那年轻姑娘灌醉, 尔后强奸了她。

    He got the young girl drunk first and then rape her

  12. 先挤出伤口中的血尔后 包上绑带。

    Drain the wound before you apply the bandage.

  13. 我们很早醒了,尔后吃了一顿丰盛的早餐。

    After an early awakening, we had a big breakfast.

  14. 自从在尼斯见到内维尔后,我一直忐忑不安。

    It's been niggling at my mind ever since I met Neville in Nice.

  15. 尔后,美国新闻机构记者也在那里进行了实地采访。

    Afterward, American reporters visited it too.

  16. 他继成名的胞兄尔后, 也走入演艺界。

    He followed in his famous brother's footsteps to a career in acting.

  17. 昨天妈妈头痛, 我为她做午饭, 尔后又喂她吃药。

    my mother had a headache yesterday, so i cook the meal for her and then feed the medicineher to her.

  18. 到达喀布尔后,我们终于看到了这种新鲜的气氛。

    We arrived in Kabul and saw this breath of fresh air.

  19. 尔后, 当他开始动工时, 必须对概算进行修改或校正。

    Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate must be corrected and revised.

  20. 我以为搬到克罗威尔后我能有, 但还是没用。

    I thought I could get one back by moving to Crowell. That didn't work.

  21. 尔后,我将参观您的国家为支出根据百分比表明了。

    Thereafter, I will visit your country for disbursement according to the percentage indicated.

  22. 酒店内享用美妙早餐,尔后专车送往机场,结束温馨旅游。

    Breakfast at hotel.Be sent to the airport departure.

  23. 自我们跟布朗兄弟合并, 尔后公司将名为约翰与布朗公司。

    Following our merger with Brown Brothers, the company will henceforth be known as Johnson and Brown Inc.

  24. 我原地站了一会儿, 朝四周看看, 尔后径直向梨树走去。

    I stopped a moment and looked all around then turned in the direction of the peartree.

  25. 这类环境在阀门冷封闭尔后热开启状况下可能发生。

    This may occur if the valve is closed when cold, and then heated to operating temperature.

  26. 尔后数周, 年夜陆媒体环绕着这种节目形式展开了争论。

    For a few weeks after, the mainland press debated the relevance of this format.

  27. 我们得对手先踢进一球, 尔后又进5球, 这使我们创痛巨深。

    Our opponents scored the first goal and then piled on the agony by scoring five more.

  28. 我们的对手先踢进一球,尔后又进5球,这使我们创痛巨深。

    Our opponents scored the first goal and then piled on the agony by scoring five more.

  29. 偶合的是, 尔后的一天, 奥巴马就签订了经济刺激方案。

    Obama signed his administration's economic stimulus plan on Tuesday.

  30. 阿加迪尔后方远处的光秃丘陵是由蓝色石灰岩构成的。

    The bare hills behind Agadir in the West are built of blue limestone.


  1. 问:尔后拼音怎么拼?尔后的读音是什么?尔后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尔后的读音是ěrhòu,尔后翻译成英文是 afterwards; at a later time; thereafter



ěr hòu (尔後)意思是然后,再。 1.你的后代。《诗·小雅·南山有台》:“乐只君子,保艾尔后。” 2.从此以后。 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·杂艺》:“ 萧子云 改易字体, 邵陵王 颇行譌字。朝野翕然,以为楷式……尔后坟籍,略不可看。” 唐 封演 《封氏闻见录·图画》:“至若 吴道玄 画鬼神, 韩干 画马,皆近时知名者也。尔后画者甚众,虽有所长,皆不能度越前辈矣。” 毛泽东 《目前抗日统一战线中的策略问题》:“坚持这种有理、有利、有节的斗争,就能发展进步势力,争取中间势力,孤立顽固派,并使顽固派尔后不敢轻易向我们进攻。” 3.然后。 毛泽东 《关于农业互助合作的两次谈话》:“积极稳步,就是要有控制数字,派任务,尔后再检查完成没有。”

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