


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……





汉语拼音:hé lì









  1. 协力。

    《商君书·画策》:“天下胜,是故合力。”《后汉书·班超传》:“今可遣使招慰,与共合力。” 宋 梅尧臣 《次韵和王平甫见寄》:“我朝三四公,合力兴愤叹。” 清 张维屏 《三元里》诗:“因义生愤愤生勇,乡民合力强徒摧。” 毛泽东 《在陕甘宁边区参议会的演说》:“所有这些,都是为了团结全国人民,合力抗日。”

  2. 物理学名词。一个力的作用与另外几个力同时作用的效果一样时,这个力就是那几个力的合力。



  1. Houston found a way to rally back from an early 10-point deficit, and Brooks and Landry closed it out.


  2. But over the next few months, the school officials and I mapped out a plan to address his weaknesses and bolster his strengths.


  3. The exception is if you're trying to create a strong local affinity like, say, a neighborhood bar.


  4. They threw him out at the window, and sat down again to table as if nothing had occurred.


  5. This extraordinary event will at least lead rival politicians of Japan to put down divergences and work together to figure out a budget.


  6. The same situation also occurred in the county side, large and small, a dozen self-employed persons, but did not form a joint force.


  7. Eric was trying very hard to make a dough syringe and forgot about the small kid who was supposed to work with him.


  8. Find the resultant of two or more forces acting along the same line.


  9. This man was chased home by the dog, he finally put the dog in a cage with his wife's help.


  1. 意志合力论

    theory on Join Forces on Will.

  2. 历史合力论

    historical joint efforts theory.

  3. 合力修建水库

    pool efforts to build a reservoir

  4. 无亲合力抗体

    nonavid antibody.

  5. 牙合力过重

    occlusal overburdening.

  6. 粘阻力等于合力。

    The viscous drags is equal to the resultant force.

  7. 六是要形成合力。

    Sixth, must form the joint effort.

  8. 新疆合力叉车有限公司

    Xinjiang Heli Forklift Truck Co., Ltd

  9. 贵州合力液压有限公司。

    Guizhou Heli Hydraulic Pressure Co., Ltd.

  10. 我们必须齐心合力。

    We have to corporate wholeheartedly.

  11. 亚洲国家合力抗击黄沙

    Northeast Asia countries join forces to combat dust storms

  12. 和她的顾问合力治理

    Governed in consort with her advisers

  13. 下颚强壮,咬合力极强。

    Underjaw to be strong and have biting power.

  14. 他们合力把鱼弄上岸。

    Between them they landed the fish.

  15. 你们大家要齐心合力。

    Each of you have to work together with one heart.

  16. 增强班子成员合力的辩证法

    The Dialectics of Enhancing Common Effort of Leading Group

  17. 加速度的方向与合力的方向相同。

    The direction of the acceleration is the direction of the net force.

  18. 郑州合力钢板仓制造有限公司。

    Zhengzhou HELI Steel Silo Manufacturing Co.Ltd.

  19. 主动介入家庭教育, 形成教育合力

    Entering into Families Initiatively and Forming Resultant Forces of Education

  20. 恩格斯历史合力内涵辨正

    On the Connotation of the Concept of Resultant Forces by Engels

  21. 我们合力把鱼拖上岸来。

    Between us we landed the fish.

  22. 我们合力去劝一定能奏效。

    Surely between us we can persuade the wellands to do as he wishes.

  23. 学生合力创作,订定小组目标。

    Students worked together to create and set their group target.

  24. 他们合力能把这石头抬起来。

    Together, they were able to lift the stone.

  25. 鼓励创新,团队,协合力,同步。

    We encourage innovation, teamwork, synergy and synchronization.

  26. 这种新胶水得粘合力较强。

    This new glue makes a firmer bond.

  27. 系脂的对脂类有亲合力的

    Having an affinity for lipids.

  28. 论职业技术教育育人的合力

    The Join Forces of Cultivating the Talented in Vacation and Technology Education

  29. 第三,交流合作,合力抗击自然灾害。

    Third, make exchanges and cooperation and jointly combat natural disasters.

  30. 斥力点,和压力点交汇处叫合力。

    The repulsion point is composition of pressure point and joining place.


  1. 问:合力拼音怎么拼?合力的读音是什么?合力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合力的读音是hélì,合力翻译成英文是 composite force

  2. 问:合力多边形拼音怎么拼?合力多边形的读音是什么?合力多边形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合力多边形的读音是hé lì duō biān xíng,合力多边形翻译成英文是 closed force polygon

  3. 问:合力最大点拼音怎么拼?合力最大点的读音是什么?合力最大点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:合力最大点的读音是hé lì zuì dà diǎn,合力最大点翻译成英文是 point of max axle brakeage



“合力”是个多义词,它可以指合力(著名策划人/主持人), 合力(物理学术语), 合力(合力新说)。

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