


1. 荷 [hé]荷 [hé]〔~包〕a.佩戴的小囊;b.食品名。〔~尔蒙〕“激素”的旧称。即“莲”。……




1. 蒙 [mēng]2. 蒙 [méng]3. 蒙 [měng]蒙 [mēng]欺骗:~骗。~哄。~事。欺上~下。昏迷,眼发黑:~头转向。胡乱猜测:瞎~。蒙 [méng]没有知识,愚昧:启~。发~。~昧。遮盖起来:~罩。~子。~蔽。受:承……



汉语拼音:hé ěr méng






  1. 英文hormone的音译。即激素。



  1. Oxytocin is associated with deep feelings of attachment, sort of a 'cosmic union' with somebody.


  2. After the birth, he told Walters, he did not resume taking male hormones because he and his wife Nancy wanted to have another baby.


  3. Caught up in its valence, but the hormonal affection is not the full fraction.


  4. Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study from Jefferson Medical College.


  5. He also referred to an interview Stallone had with customs officers in which he was asked why he took the human growth hormone.


  6. Even tadpoles exposed to the weakest concentration of the hormone were, in one of two groups, twice as likely to become females.


  7. You got to stop listening to these people, they're poisoning your brain. Your hormone things-they're out of whack.


  8. Pregnant bodies produce a hormone, relaxin, which softens tissues around the pelvis to prepare it for birth.


  9. Over the last few days, global markets have been surging and collapsing like a teeny-bopper's hormones.


  1. 荷尔蒙乱飞

    It can be hard to focus.

  2. 内分泌物荷尔蒙

    The product of this processa hormone.

  3. 甲状旁腺荷尔蒙

    The parathyroid gland.

  4. 类交感神经荷尔蒙

    a sympathomimetic hormone.

  5. 是一种女性荷尔蒙。

    It's a female hormone.

  6. 别荷尔蒙瞎泛滥,宝贝

    Keep a lid on your hormones,honey.

  7. 刺激性腺产生的荷尔蒙

    A gonadotropic hormone.

  8. 有些荷尔蒙是止尿剂。

    Some hormones are antidiuretics.

  9. 哟,我爱死这荷尔蒙了

    Oh, I like the stupid hormones.

  10. 死亡荷尔蒙是终极的毒物。

    The death hormone is the ultimate poison.

  11. 碧萝芷促进生长荷尔蒙产量

    Pycnogenol stimulates output of human growth hormone

  12. 我还真是爱死这荷尔蒙

    I am liking the stupid hormones.

  13. 结果是荷尔蒙紊乱 器质性的

    Turns out it was a hormone thing. It's physical.

  14. 人类生长荷尔蒙是处方用药。

    Human growth hormone is a prescription medication.

  15. 这拳是为冒牌荷尔蒙打的!

    This is for the fake hormones!

  16. 因为维护怀孕是依靠荷尔蒙。

    Because maintaining a pregnancy is dependent on hormones.

  17. 雌激素是一种雌性荷尔蒙。

    Oestrogen is a female sex hormone.

  18. 偏向肥胖的非多肽类荷尔蒙。

    Nonpeptyde hormone favouring to obesity.

  19. 那是因为我们的荷尔蒙的缘故。

    That's because of our hormones.

  20. 同时也有平衡荷尔蒙的功效。

    Has also a hormonally balancing effect.

  21. 偏向产生肥胖的多肽类荷尔蒙。

    Peptide hormone favouring to obesity.

  22. 你对于荷尔蒙和绝经怎么看?

    What's your opinion about hormones and menopause?

  23. 这拳是为冒牌荷尔蒙打得!

    This is for the fake hormones!

  24. 研究显示荷尔蒙补充疗法风险多

    Studies Showed Hormone Replacement may be Risky

  25. 当然了, 我指的是荷尔蒙激素。

    I'm talking hormones, of course.

  26. 这种荷尔蒙会从主茎向下流。

    This hormone flows down the main stem.

  27. 乙烯是植物中一种生长荷尔蒙。

    Ethylene is a growth hormone in plants.

  28. 戒掉荷尔蒙治疗法最好得方法?

    The Best Way to Quit Hormone Therapy?

  29. 我们称之为环境荷尔蒙 或者荷尔蒙仿真器。

    we call endocrine disruptors or hormone emulators.

  30. 戒掉荷尔蒙治疗法最好的方法?

    The Best Way to Quit Hormone Therapy?


  1. 问:荷尔蒙拼音怎么拼?荷尔蒙的读音是什么?荷尔蒙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荷尔蒙的读音是,荷尔蒙翻译成英文是 progesterone

  2. 问:荷尔蒙的拼音怎么拼?荷尔蒙的的读音是什么?荷尔蒙的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荷尔蒙的的读音是,荷尔蒙的翻译成英文是 hormonal

  3. 问:荷尔蒙丰富的男性拼音怎么拼?荷尔蒙丰富的男性的读音是什么?荷尔蒙丰富的男性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荷尔蒙丰富的男性的读音是hé'ěrméng fēngfù de nánxìng,荷尔蒙丰富的男性翻译成英文是 androgyn

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