







汉语拼音:wú jīng







  1. 植物名。又名蔓菁。块根肉质,花黄色。块根可做蔬菜。俗称大头菜。

    《东观汉记·桓帝纪》:“令所伤郡国,皆种芜菁,以助民食。” 唐 韩愈 《感春》诗之二:“黄黄芜菁花,桃李事已退。” 清 曹寅 《戏题西轩草木》诗:“夹路芜菁败素鲜,蔷薇削弱不成妍。”



  1. Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows , an old blacking brush and two decayed turnips.


  2. On Mars, however, you might hope for asparagus, green beans and turnips if the latest results from Phoenix are to be believed.


  3. In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has.


  4. They immediately planted potatoes and turnips, built a dam, and had a solemn ceremony to dedicate the area as their "Promised Land. "


  5. He adds that some carried hollowed-out turnips with a candle inside, representing a wandering spirit.


  6. Turnip mosaic virus is a worldwide popular kind of plant virus, which caused serious damages to the crop production.


  7. A widely cultivated Eurasian plant(Brassica rapa)of the mustard family, having a large , fleshy, edible yellow or white root .


  8. Yet there would be Mother - roasting - right along with the pork and turnips.


  9. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl.


  1. 芜菁黑跳甲

    Phyllotreta atra.

  2. 芜菁丛簇病毒

    Turnip rosette virus.

  3. 芜菁花叶痛毒

    Turnip mosaic virus.

  4. 芜菁黑足跳甲

    Phyllotreta nigripes.

  5. 芜菁黄化黄症病毒

    Turnip yellow luteovirus

  6. 维廉, 芜菁在哪儿?

    Wilhelm, where is the turnip

  7. 芜菁轻性黄化病毒

    Turnip mild yellow virus

  8. 秋葵花叶芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Okra mosaic tymovirus

  9. 芜菁花叶病毒研究进展

    Research progress on Turnip Mosaic Virus

  10. 颠茄斑点芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Belladonna mottle tymovirus

  11. 酸浆花叶芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Physalis mosaic tymovirus

  12. 玄参斑点芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Scrophularia mottle tymovirus

  13. 猩猩木花叶芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Poinsettia mosaic tymovirus

  14. 芜菁丛簇南方豆花叶病毒

    Turnip rosette sobemovirus

  15. 蝶豆黄脉芜菁黄花叶病毒

    Clitoria yellow vein tymovirus

  16. 用大炖锅煮土豆和芜菁。

    Cook the potatoes and turnips in a large saucepan.

  17. 芜菁科甲虫的, 有关芜菁科甲虫的

    Of or relating to blister beetles.

  18. 在下一圈种植芜菁甘蓝和甜菜。

    In the next section, plant rutabagas and beets.

  19. 如果你没有了土豆,你吃芜菁甘蓝。

    If you don't have potatoes, you eat turnips.

  20. 卷心菜是指芥菜, 芜菁, 羽衣甘蓝。

    Cabbage is related to mustard, turnips, kale and collards.

  21. 当芜菁甘蓝也没有了,你吃稀粥。

    When the turnips are gone, you eat gruel.

  22. 在新疆发生的芜菁花叶病毒的鉴定

    Identification of Turnip mosaic virus in Xinjiang

  23. 芜菁根这种植物的根,作为蔬菜食用。

    The root of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.

  24. 德语里,年轻女子没有性别,芜菁倒是有。

    In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has.

  25. 主要的蔬菜是土豆,卷心菜,胡萝卜和芜菁。

    Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and turnip are the main vegetables.

  26. 也不会抓住每一个缝隙中的芜菁灯。

    And catch a turnip ghost in every cranny.

  27. 芜菁块根汁对果蝇发生量的影响

    Influence of Brassica rapa Root Juice on the Borning Number of D.melanogater

  28. 夏秋萝卜抗芜菁花叶病毒品种资源的研究

    Studies on the resistant resources of radish to Turnip mosaic virus.

  29. 好吧, 不如扁我成个蠢蛋, 干脆叫我芜菁算了。

    Well, spank me silly and call be a rutabaga.

  30. 芜菁花叶病毒杭州分离株外壳蛋白基因序列分析

    Sequence analysis of TuMV coat protein gene Hangzhou isolate


  1. 问:芜菁拼音怎么拼?芜菁的读音是什么?芜菁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁的读音是wújīng,芜菁翻译成英文是 turnip

  2. 问:芜菁属拼音怎么拼?芜菁属的读音是什么?芜菁属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁属的读音是wújīngshǔ,芜菁属翻译成英文是 Epicauta

  3. 问:芜菁状拼音怎么拼?芜菁状的读音是什么?芜菁状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁状的读音是wú jīng zhuàng,芜菁状翻译成英文是 napiform

  4. 问:芜菁形的拼音怎么拼?芜菁形的的读音是什么?芜菁形的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁形的的读音是,芜菁形的翻译成英文是 napaceous

  5. 问:芜菁状的拼音怎么拼?芜菁状的的读音是什么?芜菁状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁状的的读音是wú jīng zhuàng de,芜菁状的翻译成英文是 napaceous, napiform

  6. 问:芜菁形液化拼音怎么拼?芜菁形液化的读音是什么?芜菁形液化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁形液化的读音是wú jīng xíng yè huà,芜菁形液化翻译成英文是 napiform liquefaction

  7. 问:芜菁根形的拼音怎么拼?芜菁根形的的读音是什么?芜菁根形的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁根形的的读音是wú jīng gēn xíng de,芜菁根形的翻译成英文是 rapaceus, turnip-shaped

  8. 问:芜菁根欧芹拼音怎么拼?芜菁根欧芹的读音是什么?芜菁根欧芹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁根欧芹的读音是wújīngGēn'ōuqín,芜菁根欧芹翻译成英文是 Hamburg parsley

  9. 问:芜菁节帽虫拼音怎么拼?芜菁节帽虫的读音是什么?芜菁节帽虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁节帽虫的读音是wújīngjiémàochóng,芜菁节帽虫翻译成英文是 Stichopiliumrapaeformis

  10. 问:芜菁还阳参拼音怎么拼?芜菁还阳参的读音是什么?芜菁还阳参翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁还阳参的读音是wújīnghuányángcān,芜菁还阳参翻译成英文是 Crepis napifera

  11. 问:芜菁链格孢拼音怎么拼?芜菁链格孢的读音是什么?芜菁链格孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁链格孢的读音是wújīngliàngébāo,芜菁链格孢翻译成英文是 Alternaria napiformis

  12. 问:芜菁叶艾纳香拼音怎么拼?芜菁叶艾纳香的读音是什么?芜菁叶艾纳香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁叶艾纳香的读音是wújīngyè àinàxiāng,芜菁叶艾纳香翻译成英文是 Blumea napifolia

  13. 问:芜菁形陀螺藻拼音怎么拼?芜菁形陀螺藻的读音是什么?芜菁形陀螺藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁形陀螺藻的读音是wújīngxíngtuóluózǎo,芜菁形陀螺藻翻译成英文是 Strombomonas napiformis

  14. 问:芜菁黄花叶病毒拼音怎么拼?芜菁黄花叶病毒的读音是什么?芜菁黄花叶病毒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁黄花叶病毒的读音是wú jīng huáng huā yè bìng dú,芜菁黄花叶病毒翻译成英文是 Turnip yellow mosaic virus

  15. 问:芜菁黄花叶病毒组拼音怎么拼?芜菁黄花叶病毒组的读音是什么?芜菁黄花叶病毒组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:芜菁黄花叶病毒组的读音是wú jīng huáng huā yè bìng dú zǔ,芜菁黄花叶病毒组翻译成英文是 tymovirus



芜菁,别名蔓菁、诸葛菜、圆菜头、圆根、盘菜,东北人称卜留克,新疆人称恰玛古,拉丁文名Brassica rapa,芸薹属芸薹种芜菁亚种,能形成肉质根的二年生草本植物。肥大肉质根供食用,肉质根柔嫩、致密,供炒食、煮食。欧洲、亚洲和美洲均有栽培。

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