


1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……



汉语拼音:zēng kān






  1. 报刊逢纪念日或有某种需要时增加的篇幅或另出的册子。



  1. Their paper appeared in a supplement to an August issue of The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.


  2. On the Times Literary Supplement's list of the 100 most influential books since the second world war, two were by Mr Bell.


  3. The 16-page color supplement, which launches tomorrow will include interviews with the top football players and managers.


  4. Want to see how that new supplement affects real people?


  5. The current "Economic Daily" special supplement China painting pipeline, "ARTOUCH artistic touch, " deputy editor.


  6. From 1905 Woolf began to write for the Times Literary Supplement.


  7. The upset supplement supplier went up with the puppet to the upper room for supper.


  8. Although there are much controversy to the supplement, the praise and blame also exists, the supplement has academic reference value.


  9. On September 16th the latest one appeared, compiled by staff working for the Times Higher Education, a British magazine.


  1. 索引指南增刊

    index guide supplement.

  2. 特号, 临时增刊

    extra edition

  3. 星期日彩色增刊

    the Sunday colour supplements

  4. 返回本增刊首页

    Return to Home Page of This Supplement

  5. 肝病学杂志附增刊。

    Journal of Hepatology, with Supplements.

  6. 英国血液学杂志增刊

    British Journal of Haematology Supplement

  7. 泰晤士报文学增刊

    Times Literary Supplement

  8. 让增刊出版回归正轨

    Let Supplement Issue of Journals Return to Its Correct Path

  9. 星期日报纸的彩色增刊。

    The colour supplements of the Sunday newspapers

  10. 这是一份星期日增刊。

    This is a Sunday supplement.

  11. 星期日报纸得彩色增刊。

    The colour supplements of the Sunday newspapers.

  12. 这本杂志本星期有一增刊。

    This journal has a supplementary issue this week.

  13. 你们发行增刊的优待券吗?

    Could you issue the supplement coupons?

  14. 报纸和杂志经常有免费增刊。

    Newspapers and magazines often include free supplement.

  15. 略论正刊与增刊的关系

    On the Relationship between the Journal and Supplement

  16. 报纸加印增刊报告选举结果。

    Newspapers printed extra copies to report election results.

  17. 杂志增刊同时发行, 不另收费

    magazine supplement issued with periodicals at an inclusive price

  18. 美国化学文摘资料来源索引季度增刊

    CASSI quarterly

  19. 每周出版一期,还附有杂志增刊。

    It comes out each week and it has a magazine supplement.

  20. 她在阅读彩色增刊上的游记文章。

    She was reading the travel stuff in the colour supplement.

  21. 就是在星期天增刊上做广告的那个

    That were advertised in the sunday supplement.

  22. 刍议科研评价中增刊论文的两难选择

    On Conflicting Choice about Papers of Supplement in Scientific Research Assessment.

  23. 出版奴隶贸易的增刊,由当地报纸发行

    ? The publication of a supplement on the slave trade, to be distributed by local newspapers.

  24. 每周都另附彩色增刊, 内有大幅图片。

    Each week there is also a color supplement containing large illustrations.

  25. 每周都另附彩色增刊,内有大幅图片。

    Each week there is also a color supplement containing large illustrations.

  26. 这家报纸不定期地附有一期广告增刊。

    An advertising supplement is issued irregularly with the newspaper.

  27. 香港税务个案第6辑新得增刊现已出版

    New Supplement to Hong Kong Tax Cases Volume 6

  28. 香港税务个案第6辑新的增刊现已出版

    New Supplement to Hong Kong Tax Cases Volume 6

  29. 我一直迷恋着阅读杂志增刊上的连载小说。

    I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement.

  30. 文后参考文献表中期刊增刊著录格式的探讨

    Discussion on descriptive style of supplements in bibliographic references


  1. 问:增刊拼音怎么拼?增刊的读音是什么?增刊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:增刊的读音是zēngkān,增刊翻译成英文是 supplement; supplementary issue; additional p...



增刊zēngkān[supplement (to a newspaper or periodical)] 报刊遇有特殊需要时临时增加的篇幅或册子

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