







汉语拼音:wán hūn







  1. 指男子娶妻。

    明 史可法 《家书》五:“考期场事俱不远,吾弟完婚后,当以进取为志。”《红楼梦》第一○九回:“我想要给你二哥哥完婚,你想想好不好?” 王西彦 《古屋》第一部三:“那孩子十岁上的大烟瘾,三年之后也就死了,还来不及过门完婚。”



  1. When a man wants to marry a girl, it's customary that he buys her a ring and asks her to marry him.


  2. The first wedding to take place at the abbey was that of King Henry I of England and Princess Matilda of Scotland in 1100.


  3. Relatives said the marriage had not been consummated and that the girl was still living with her mother.


  4. Germany's reserve goalkeeper Ursula Holl made no secret of her marriage to her girlfriend last summer.


  5. After the wedding, he took her family 's name, to perpetuate the Hua line .


  6. Among the foreign diplomats looking on, optimists refer to the squabbling coalition as an "unconsummated marriage" .


  7. By September 1994 she was living and working in London; they married early in 1996.


  8. His uncle said he' d never get married ; he' s a confirmed bachelor.


  9. Father said if it is prince also agreed to it, you can then get married! Otherwise he doesn't can persuade said!


  1. 成婚。完婚

    consummate a marriage.

  2. 不要仓促完婚。

    Do not rush into marriage.

  3. 他年届廿五始完婚。

    He attained the age of 25 before marrying.

  4. 没有完婚的婚姻可以取消。

    An unconsummated marriage can be annulled.

  5. 她的姐姐还没完婚呢。

    Her elder sister doesn't get married yet now.

  6. 按计划他们将于下月完婚。

    They are to be married next month.

  7. 花木兰,我们决定去完婚了。

    FA mulan, we're ready to go through with the wedding.

  8. 可是他是死在你们完婚之前。

    You were separated by his death before you were even wed.

  9. 你去吧, 跟成彬结完婚再去。

    After you marry Seung bin, just go then.

  10. 我要和你的女儿完婚。他说。

    I should like to marry your daughter, he said.

  11. 记住,梅,你三天后就要完婚了。

    Remember, mei, you are to be married in three days.

  12. 英国查尔斯王子与卡米拉完婚

    Charles and Camilla marriage blessed

  13. 还是希望您能帮我在四月完婚。

    I'd still like to be married in april, with your help.

  14. 当男女合法完婚后即是各自的配偶。

    When a man and a woman legally married, they are each other's spouse.

  15. 泰勒与艾迪在1959年完婚,1964年两人分手。

    They married in 1959, but divorced in 1964.

  16. 是啊,我希望我们下个月就能完婚。

    Yes, I was hoping we'd pull this together next month.

  17. 为什么你刚结完婚就和小舅子一起出门?

    You're leaving with your brother in law after marriage ?

  18. 那时他年近三十,已有对象但未完婚。

    He was in his late twenties, and engaged to be married.

  19. 当我来到纽约那年我22岁,刚与王子完婚。

    I was 22 years old and had just gotten married to prince x xxxx.

  20. 于是便为女儿招婿完婚, 将姑爷娶回了家。

    They recruit her soninlaw for marriage, to marry Guye home.

  21. 大多数父母希望他们的子女在自己上年纪之前完婚。

    Most parents want to get their children off before they grow old.

  22. 玛丽将在最近某一天完婚, 届时你会在哪儿?

    Mary will get married one of these fine days, and then where will you be?

  23. 这对佳偶于2008年在她们得贝弗利山庄别墅完婚。

    The pair married in2008 at their Beverly Hills estate.

  24. 这对佳偶于2008年在她们的贝弗利山庄别墅完婚。

    The pair married in2008 at their Beverly Hills estate.

  25. 两家都同意长尾一完成学业就让他们完婚。

    Both families agreed they should be married as soon as Nagao finished his studies.

  26. 两人完婚以后, 他改姓女家的姓, 为华家传宗接代。

    After the wedding, he took her family's name, to perpetuate the Hua line.

  27. 威廉王子本月将与凯特完婚,该问题将成为焦点。

    The issue is in the spotlight as Prince William prepares to marry Kate Middleton this month.

  28. 今年41岁的基德曼和40岁的厄本于2006年6月在悉尼完婚。

    Kidman, 41, married Urban, 40, in Sydney in June 2006.

  29. 我和本下周就要结婚了 我可不想在监狱里完婚。

    Ben and I are getting married next week, and correctional facility isn't exactly my dream venue.

  30. 但波西亚要求巴塞尼奥在他离开之前先与她完婚。

    But Portia wanted Bassanio to marry her before he left.


  1. 问:完婚拼音怎么拼?完婚的读音是什么?完婚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:完婚的读音是wánhūn,完婚翻译成英文是 to get married; marry



wán hūn 指男子娶妻。 明 史可法 《家书》五:“考期场事俱不远,吾弟完婚后,当以进取为志。”明 冯梦龙 《喻世明言》第一卷:“婆子道:“只一个儿子,完婚过了。女儿到有四个,这是我第四个了,嫁与徽州朱八朝奉做偏房,就在这北门外开盐店的。”《红楼梦》第一○九回:“我想要给你二哥哥完婚,你想想好不好?” 王西彦 《古屋》第一部三:“那孩子十岁上的大烟瘾,三年之后也就死了,还来不及过门完婚。”

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