


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà ná







大拿 [dà ná]
  1. 方言。称在某一地区、单位或某一方面最有权威的人。

    孙犁 《风云初记》十七:“现在全县的大拿是 高庆山 ,那明明是他十年以前的活对头。” 浩然 《艳阳天》第四五章:“这些人都是每一个村的大拿。这个村有一百人,一百人全听他们的,有一千人,一千人全听他们的。”



  1. Recently I sat down with Tony Wong, a project management blackbelt whose client list includes Toyota, Honda, and Disney, to name a few.


  2. This can be tough if you were seen as an expert at your old firm.


  3. He is the man of our group and developed corporate bread-and-butter products.


  4. In other sectors, I think Beijing would act to save its big national champions no matter what their books looked like.


  5. Can rub in liu, she fits the king sent liu YaShan big head to the village of investment for further object study.


  6. You're extreme about your programming.


  7. For founders who are hackers: what cool things have you built? (Include urls if possible. )


  1. 在力学方面, 他是我们这里的大拿。

    In mechanics, he is the expert.

  2. 科科拿大棉

    Coconada cotton.

  3. 来,我帮你拿大衣。

    Here, let me take your coat.

  4. 萨米想要拿大得骨头。

    Sammy wanted to get the big bone.

  5. 老刘虽然是个内行专家, 但一点都不拿大。

    Though Laoliu is an expert, he never puts on airs.

  6. 老刘虽然是个内行专家,但一点都不拿大。

    Though Laoliu is an expert, he never puts on airs.

  7. 啤酒节上, 每个人都手拿大酒杯, 开怀畅饮。

    At the beer festival, everyone was holding big cups and swigging down beers.

  8. 过了一会,提着满满得洗衣袋,她伸手去拿大衣。

    Moments later, with her laundry bag full, she tugged on her overcoat.

  9. 过了一会,提着满满的洗衣袋,她伸手去拿大衣。

    Moments later, with her laundry bag full, she tugged on her overcoat.

  10. 港大同学拿出良知来赶陈一谔下台!

    HKU students Vote with your conscience and oust Ayo Chan Yingok!

  11. 所以, 偶们也穿大牌拿款包开好车。

    So, we ware top brands, buy most luxury bags, drive the most cool cars.

  12. 他们把两个盛着食物的大篮子拿到树荫下。

    They had carried two large food baskets to a shady spot under some trees.

  13. 小饼干只好告诉妈妈,那只大棉鞋拿去给小猫做窝了。

    Little cookie has to tell mom that the shoe was now cats' nest.

  14. 大胡子拿起老是挂在脖子上的哨子吹了一声。

    The man of whiskers gave a blast on the whistle which he used to wear hanging round his neck.

  15. 登山者从背后大包裹里拿出一些食物。

    The climber took some food from the bulky pack on his back.

  16. 他会把那些钱从大资本家那里拿过来。

    He's gonna take that money from the big bad capitalist bank.

  17. 她下了床垫, 从她的大提包里拿出一面大镜子。

    After she got off the mattress, she took a large mirror out of her tote bag.

  18. 大首领同样拿不到爱国者已经得手的资金。

    Snake also can't tap into the money The Patriots have access to.

  19. 然后那个大哥哥就拿着一个细管, 用嘴一吹, 哇!

    And then that big brother on the holding of a small, one blowing through mouth, wow!

  20. 请拿块大肥皂。

    I want a large bar of soap, please.

  21. 我有权拿那个大的。

    I deserve the big one.

  22. 我可以拿出来大讲特讲。

    I can sink my teeth into this.

  23. 请给我拿尺寸大一点的。

    Bring me a larger size, please.

  24. 有时候,设计师还会让你拿起大锤。

    Sometimes hammer on.

  25. 你拿这个大箱子,我拿这三个小箱子。

    Take the big box, I'll get the three little ones.

  26. 也许你应该给我拿一件大点儿的。

    Maybe you'd better give me a larger one.

  27. 不要拿一大堆琐事把我搞迷糊。

    Don't befuddle me with all those masses of detail.

  28. 她拿起大锤便用力敲打起来。

    She picked up the sledgehammer and began banging away with enthusiasm.

  29. 把这个小盒子拿走,给我拿一个大的来?

    Take this small box away and bring me a big one.

  30. 农场主拿着大棍子把那些男孩子赶跑了。

    The farmer saw the boys off with a heavy stick.


  1. 大拿

    expert; person with power




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