


1. 塔 [tǎ]塔 [tǎ]佛教特有的高耸的建筑物,尖顶,多层,常有七级、九级、十三级等,形状有圆形的、多角形的,一般用以藏舍利、经卷等:宝~。佛~。像塔形的建筑物或器物:水~。灯~。纪念~。金字~。~楼。姓。……







汉语拼音:tǎ lì bān



塔利班 Taliban;一种伊斯兰原教旨主义运动组织的代称。


  1. The translator told me that I owed my life to the Taliban commander we had been staying with.


  2. For more than a year, British intelligence officers have been instigating contacts with Taliban commanders and their entourage.


  3. Apologists point to Stalinism and Nazism as murderous ideologies, as if their existence made Torquemada and the Taliban somehow acceptable.


  4. Paying for a program to encourage Taliban insurgents to give up their fight is expected to be one of the main Afghan demands.


  5. On our first trip we were told to leave a gap between our cars of at least 10 yards for fear of Taliban fire from the top of the mountains.


  6. Jones says the situation represents progress from a few years ago, when the Taliban appeared to have the upper hand and was gaining ground.


  7. During Monday's change of command ceremony, Petraeus' successor, Lieutenant General John Allen, said he plans to keep up the pressure.


  8. There have been a number attacks this week on Afghan forces, including Taliban suicide bombings that killed at least 16 people on Tuesday.


  9. A Western official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the attack made the talk of a peace deal with the Taliban seem "absurd. "


  1. 塔利班复活了。

    The Taliban are resurgent.

  2. 塔利班缘何死灰复燃

    Why the Taliban Stirs Again

  3. 塔利班现在被称为射手。

    The Taliban now call the shots.

  4. 我们推翻了塔利班政权。

    We brought an end to the Taliban regime.

  5. 塔利班则号称有1。2万人。

    The Taliban claims to have 12,000 men.

  6. 塔利班真的不需要炮灰。

    They don't really need cannon fodder.

  7. 更加难对付得塔利班组织。

    The tougher forms of Taliban.

  8. 更加难对付的塔利班组织。

    The tougher forms of Taliban.

  9. 巴基斯坦军队追捕塔利班首领。

    Pakistan army to go after Taliban chief.

  10. 她身居塔利班的打击对象名单。

    She is on the Taliban's hit list.

  11. 但塔利班没动我一根毫毛。

    But the Taliban never touched me.

  12. 我们总是担心会被塔利班发现。

    We always wondered what they knew about us.

  13. 塔利班走了!父亲大声叫着。

    The Taliban are gone!my father shouted.

  14. 他一年前加入塔利班,那年他13岁。

    He joined the Taliban a year ago when he was 11.

  15. 但是, 塔利班也违背了这一诺言。

    But the Taliban have violated that pledge as well.

  16. 塔利班扬言要扰乱星期四的选举。

    The Taliban are vowing to disrupt Thursday's balloting.

  17. 但是塔利班的声明并未得到证实。

    But there is still no independent verification of the Taleban's claims.

  18. 塔利班各种形式的暴力行径猖獗不已。

    Overall Taliban violence is rising.

  19. 他们也许是塔利班,也许是军阀,谁会在乎?

    THEY may be Taliban, they may be warlords, who cares?

  20. 塔利班武装宣称对此次事件负责。

    Among the wounded were several coalition service members, according to ISAF.

  21. 它也是模仿先前阿富汗塔利班运动的。

    It is modelled on the older Afghan Taliban movement.

  22. 塔利班强迫所有女人都要穿布卡。

    The Taliban forced all women to wear the burqa.

  23. 塔利班强迫所有女人都要穿布卡。

    The Taliban forced all women to wear the burqa.

  24. 在阿富汗, 塔利班的动力将被釜底抽薪。

    In Afghanistan, the Taliban's momentum will be broken.

  25. 我们得到一卷 塔利班制作的宣传片

    We've obtained a propaganda video made by the Taliban.

  26. 塔利班经历了崛起、发展、衰亡的过程。

    The Taliban had come through a course that from rising and development to contabescence.

  27. 卡尔扎伊希望劝说塔利班放弃抵抗。

    Mr Karzai wants to talk to the Taliban not fight them.

  28. 塔利班嘲笑巴基斯坦毫无价值的停战协议。

    Taliban derides worthless truce with Pakistan.

  29. 如果你是总统,你会对那塔利班怎么样

    If you become president what will you do with that Taliban

  30. 最后几名塔利班战斗人员终于投降了。

    The last Taleban fighters finally surrendered.


  1. 问:塔利班拼音怎么拼?塔利班的读音是什么?塔利班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塔利班的读音是tǎlìbān,塔利班翻译成英文是 a fundamentalist Islamic army: in 1996 it defeat...

  2. 问:塔利班化拼音怎么拼?塔利班化的读音是什么?塔利班化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塔利班化的读音是,塔利班化翻译成英文是 Talibanization







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