


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……







汉语拼音:nèi kuī jìng






  1. Results Endoscopic observations revealed that there was no cicatricial tissue hyperplasia in rabbits of control group.


  2. Double-balloon endoscopy, which enables endoscopic observation of the entire small intestine, represents such a new system.


  3. Endoscopy also requires medicine to ease pain or to put the patient to sleep.


  4. For this reason Arjen underwent arthroscopic surgery in London.


  5. Conclusion The nasal endoscope could treat the children nasal polyp with safe and ideal effect.


  6. The normal appearance of the gastric fundus on upper GI endoscopy is shown at the left, with the normal duodenal appearance at the right.


  7. virtual endoscopy is a non - invaded and non - touched means for medical examination , and is widely used in many medical fields recently.


  8. X-ray, CT, MRI, ECG, biopsy, blood tests, ultrasound, endoscope examination or any other investigations?


  9. Endoscopy confirmed a hiatus hernia of the gastric pouch and a stricture at the gastrojejunostomy anastomosis.


  1. 内窥镜照片投影仪

    endoscopie film projector

  2. 内窥镜转接器

    endoscope adapter.

  3. 内窥镜用异物钳

    foreign body forceps for endoscope

  4. 工业用视频内窥镜

    Industrial video frequency endoscope

  5. 儿童泌尿系统内窥镜

    endoscope for urology in children

  6. 给我拿个内窥镜包

    Get me a percutaneous catheter kit.

  7. 内窥镜下桥小脑角手术。

    Endoscopic surgery of the cerebellopontine angle.

  8. 异常子宫出血的内窥镜诊治

    Hysteroscopic Diagnosis and Treatment of DUB

  9. 真菌性鼻窦炎的内窥镜治疗

    Endoscopic sinus surgery for mycotic nasosinusitis

  10. 老年人鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术

    Endoscopic sinus surgery in the elder

  11. 他都是用内窥镜治好的

    Now he fixed both of them percutaneously.

  12. 内窥镜术在妇产科的应用

    endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics

  13. 鼻内窥镜下下鼻甲成形术

    Inferior Turbinate Reparative Operation under Conchoscope

  14. 罗伯特内窥镜抓取钳

    Roberts grasping forceps for endoscope.

  15. 脑内窥镜立体定向手术40例

    Stereotactic Endoscopic Operation on40 Brain Lesions

  16. 鼻窦炎内窥镜鼻窦手术投药,吸入

    Observation of curative effect of atomizing inhalation in post operation of ESS SHI Raoji.

  17. 内窥镜下高频电刀电灼伤面面观

    Electricity burns caused the high frequency electricity knife under the endoscope

  18. 内窥镜术在泌尿系统的应用

    Endoscopy in urinary system

  19. 儿童内窥镜图像, 说明儿童肠部疾病。

    Pediatric Endoscopic Photos illustrating intestinal problems in children.

  20. 内窥镜术在呼吸系统的应用

    endoscopy in respiratory system

  21. 经鼻内窥镜射频治疗下鼻道出血

    Endoscopic radio frequency therapy for inferior meatus bleeding

  22. 鼻窦真菌病及其内窥镜治疗

    Mycotic Sinusitis and Nasal Endoscopic Surgery for It

  23. 内窥镜视神经管减压术应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of the endoscopic decompression of the optic canal

  24. 纤维光束内窥镜用屈光度调节轮

    diopter adjustment ring

  25. 鼻内窥镜在咽喉疾病中的应用

    Application of Conchoscope in Guttural Disease

  26. 鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术93例护理体会

    The Nursing Experience of 91 Cases of Nose Antrum Endoscopy.

  27. 目的总结鼻窦内窥镜手术的护理体会。

    Objective To sum up the nursing experience of ESS.

  28. 测压术和内窥镜可能也是必要的。

    Manometry and endoscopy may also be necessary.

  29. 目的总结鼻窦内窥镜手术的护理经验。

    To summarize the nursing experience of Rhino endoscopic surgery.

  30. 鼻内窥镜鼻窦手术病人的护理

    Nursing Care of Patients Underwent Nasal Sinus Operation Under Modern Rhinoscope


  1. 问:内窥镜拼音怎么拼?内窥镜的读音是什么?内窥镜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜的读音是nèikuījìng,内窥镜翻译成英文是 endoscope: a sight glass that can be sent into the...

  2. 问:内窥镜检查拼音怎么拼?内窥镜检查的读音是什么?内窥镜检查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜检查的读音是nèi kuī jìng jiǎn chá,内窥镜检查翻译成英文是 endoscopy

  3. 问:内窥镜检查的拼音怎么拼?内窥镜检查的的读音是什么?内窥镜检查的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜检查的的读音是nèi kuī jìng jiǎn chá de,内窥镜检查的翻译成英文是 endoscopic

  4. 问:内窥镜绝育术拼音怎么拼?内窥镜绝育术的读音是什么?内窥镜绝育术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜绝育术的读音是nèi kuī jìng jué yù shù,内窥镜绝育术翻译成英文是 Sterilization by endoscope

  5. 问:内窥镜活组织检查拼音怎么拼?内窥镜活组织检查的读音是什么?内窥镜活组织检查翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜活组织检查的读音是nèi kuī jìng huó zǔ zhī jiǎn chá,内窥镜活组织检查翻译成英文是 endoscopic biopsy

  6. 问:内窥镜逆行性胰胆管摄影拼音怎么拼?内窥镜逆行性胰胆管摄影的读音是什么?内窥镜逆行性胰胆管摄影翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜逆行性胰胆管摄影的读音是nèikuījìng nìxíngxìng yídǎnguǎn shèyǐng,内窥镜逆行性胰胆管摄影翻译成英文是 endoscopic retrograde cholangio-pancreatogr...

  7. 问:内窥镜下逆行性胆管胰造影术拼音怎么拼?内窥镜下逆行性胆管胰造影术的读音是什么?内窥镜下逆行性胆管胰造影术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜下逆行性胆管胰造影术的读音是nèi kuī jìng xià nì xíng xìng dǎn guǎn yí zào yǐng shù,内窥镜下逆行性胆管胰造影术翻译成英文是 endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatogr...

  8. 问:内窥镜逆行性胰腺X线摄影术拼音怎么拼?内窥镜逆行性胰腺X线摄影术的读音是什么?内窥镜逆行性胰腺X线摄影术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内窥镜逆行性胰腺X线摄影术的读音是nèi kuī jìng nì xíng xìng yí xiànX xiàn shè yǐng shù,内窥镜逆行性胰腺X线摄影术翻译成英文是 endoscopic retrograde pancreatography


内窥镜 [nèi kuī jìng] endoscope;
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