




1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……


数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……





汉语拼音:mǎ lā duō nà



  1. There has been a sense that something similar is in the air right now: almost as if the antagonism fuels Maradona, keeps him alive even.


  2. Manager Diego Maradona, once the greatest soccer player on Earth, has been reduced to something of a cartoonish figure.


  3. Who was the Best? Maradona or Biro-Biro? Slug it out in this 3D game.


  4. Maradona is often seen in the middle of team celebrations, freely giving hugs to congratulate his players.


  5. Replays left no doubt that it was the hand of Maradona that scored the goal.


  6. "Maradona as a coach? It was always very good from my point of view. He helped me a lot, even with a personal problem, " he added.


  7. He has shown remarkable ability for a player so young, and is often touted in the media as "the new Diego Maradona" .


  8. And with his new TV show, Maradona, 45, has returned to the limelight after years of dealing with cocaine addiction and health problems.


  9. The striking self-regard and individual brilliance which had taken Maradona to the top now began to push him into trouble.


  1. 浏览马拉多纳壁纸库

    Browse Diego Maradona Wallpapers gallery

  2. 马拉多纳把球踢进了网内。

    Maradona put the ball in the net, ie scored a goal in a football match.

  3. 迭戈 马拉多纳是八个孩子中的一个。

    Diego Maradona is one of eight children.

  4. 马拉多纳只能反唇相讥,指责其荒谬可笑。

    Maradona simply batted away the accusations as absurd.

  5. 马拉多纳足球生涯中大半时间与毒品有染。

    Maradona has been playing on drugs for most of his career.

  6. 马拉多纳一向与穷人保持着良好得关系。

    Maradona has always cultivated his relationship with the poor and the oppressed.

  7. 马拉多纳一向与穷人保持着良好的关系。

    Maradona has always cultivated his relationship with the poor and the oppressed.

  8. 四个月后,16岁的马拉多纳加入了国家队。

    Four months later Diego played for the major National team at the age of 16.

  9. 在阿根廷,马拉多纳被小孩子当作英雄崇拜。

    In Argentina, Maradona is a hero worshipped by the young children.

  10. 马拉多纳不光彩地回到了布宜诺斯艾利斯。

    Maradona returned to Buenos Aires in disgrace.

  11. 也许有一个镜头至今还吸引着马拉多纳的同胞。

    Perhaps one image still seduces Maradonas compatriots.

  12. 想必马拉多纳应该是当时世界上最伟大的球员吧。

    Surely the Pibe de oro was the greatest player in the world.

  13. 贝利和马拉多纳都是伟大得10号, 你怎麽看他们

    Pele and Maradona were both great 10 s, what have you seen of them in action

  14. 贝利和马拉多纳都是伟大的10号,你怎麽看他们

    Pele and Maradona were both great 10 s, what have you seen of them in action

  15. 比赛录像清晰无疑地显示了马拉多纳是手球得分的。

    Replays left no doubt that it was the hand of Maradona that scored the goal.

  16. 马拉多纳提高了那不勒斯队得地位,球迷们也出动了。

    Maradona lifted the Neapolitan team and the fans turned out.

  17. 马拉多纳提高了那不勒斯队的地位,球迷们也出动了。

    Maradona lifted the Neapolitan team and the fans turned out.

  18. 但是马拉多纳一直说他想完全控制球队所有的决策。

    But Maradona has continued to say he wants complete control over all footballing decisions.

  19. 还没有人能发明一种能像马拉多纳那样踢球得药物。

    They have not invented a drug that can make you play like Maradona.

  20. 还没有人能发明一种能像马拉多纳那样踢球的药物。

    They have not invented a drug that can make you play like Maradona.

  21. 马拉多纳在一个综艺节目中初次登场,献上了一首歌曲。

    Maradona sang a song during his debut on a television variety show.

  22. 马拉多纳同样表扬了扎内蒂失去队长袖标之后得反应。

    Maradona also praised Javier Zanetti for his reaction to losing captaincy.

  23. 马拉多纳同样表扬了扎内蒂失去队长袖标之后的反应。

    Maradona also praised Javier Zanetti for his reaction to losing captaincy.

  24. 迭戈?马拉多纳用手攻入了关键一球,此举着实激怒了英国人。

    Diego Maradona enraged most of England when he scored a crucial goal with his hand.




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