







汉语拼音:chūn xià



  1. I just think: Napian busy spring and summer off the land, perhaps this time the bar has been a very lonely!


  2. Is willing in the heart forever to keep my smiling face, accompanies you to pass through each spring, summer, fall and winter.


  3. We do not always win over time Like rush like flowing water flow, spring and summer autumn and winter.


  4. In every spring or early summer, you can see garage or yard sale signs all over the neighborhoods of the United States of America.


  5. All of these things contribute to the nutrient-rich environment needed to sustain such a large bloom throughout the spring and summer.


  6. There is a spring and summer across the autumn of this cold winter, there is nothing to rave festival this?


  7. One can think of plant grid work in relation to how the grass that blows in the wind down the hillside in spring and summertime .


  8. You know who I'm talking about tall girl, always in high-heels no matter what the seasons; shoulder-length hair, too.


  9. Poor Yin: Ancient to spring and summer as the yang to yin autumn and winter, winter is the last season of the year, it said.


  1. 曰春夏, 曰秋冬。

    Yue spring summer, Yue autumn winter.

  2. 曰春夏,曰秋冬。

    Yue spring summer ,Yue autumn winter .

  3. 白菜一般在春夏栽种。

    Cabbages are usually planted in spring or summer.

  4. 短暂的春夏两季气候

    climate during brief spring and summer

  5. 春夏秋冬各有规律。

    The spring, summer, fall and winter are respectively orderly.

  6. 现正是春夏交接之际。

    Now is the time when spring is turning into summer.

  7. 春夏的时光就是这样度过的。

    So the days passed in spring and summer.

  8. 春夏得时光就是这样度过得。

    So the days passed in spring and summer.

  9. 春夏之交严防犬饲料霉变

    Take strict precautions against food mildew as the summer coming

  10. 厦门春夏两季的鸟类资源

    Ornithological Resources in Spring and Summer in Xiamen

  11. 主营各种春夏秋冬款女鞋。

    Main variety of spring and summer women's Qiudong Kuan.

  12. 清新的春夏, 冬却挂满雪霜

    Fresh spring, and summer, and winter hoar

  13. 洪武三十年春夏榜辨异

    The Arguments of the Spring and Summer Bulletin in the Hongwu Thirtieth Years

  14. 在春夏两季都要保持空气湿润。

    Keep the atmosphere moist and humid throughout the spring and summer.

  15. 在春夏两季都要保持空气湿润。

    Keep the atmosphere moist and humid throughout the spring and summer.

  16. 一年春夏秋冬四季构成一个循环。

    The seasons of the year spring, summer, autumn and winter make a cycle.

  17. 春夏柔美风暴劲吹2007年香港时装周

    Spring and summer softness storm from 2007 Hongkong Fashion Week

  18. 谷子秋冬便宜, 春夏又贵得厉害。

    Rice is cheap in the autumn and winter, but it becomes terribly dear in spring and summer.

  19. 我要与你守候每一个春夏更迭。

    I would like to be with you season after season.

  20. 每到春夏, 时装店便推出色彩鲜艳的春夏时装。

    When spring or summer comes, clothes shops provide Brightly colored fashions for people.

  21. 南京人在春夏及初秋期间极喜食用。

    This is a fantasic favorite among natives of Nanjing in spring, summer and early autumn.

  22. 每到春夏,时装店便推出色彩鲜艳得春夏时装。

    When spring or summer comes, clothes shops provide Brightly colored fashions for people.

  23. 春夏之季, 是游天台山最佳得时间。

    The spring and summer season, is the best time Tour Tiantai Mountain.

  24. 春夏之季,是游天台山最佳的时间。

    The spring and summer season, is the best time Tour Tiantai Mountain.

  25. 春夏肌肤容易干燥,颈部也经常是干巴巴的!

    Chun Xia skin is easy and dry, cervical often also be dryasdust!

  26. 我经历了六十个春夏秋冬的四季变化。

    I went through sixty four seasons of spring and autumn and winter.

  27. 春夏西南低压的发生发展分析及对天气的影响

    Analysis on Initiation and Development of Southwest Low and Its Implication on Weather in Spring to Summer Season

  28. 无论何时何地, 都是你在春夏的上佳选择。

    Regardless of when and where, is you in the spring summer on good choice.

  29. 春夏两种播期甜高粱主要生物学性状比较分析

    Comparison of Main Biological Characters of Spring Sowing and Summer Sowing Sweet Sorghum.

  30. 在春夏交替的时候,更容易想起一些片段的记忆。

    In the alternate of spring and summer, I can't help to recalling some fragmentary memory.


  1. 问:春夏秋冬鱼丸拼音怎么拼?春夏秋冬鱼丸的读音是什么?春夏秋冬鱼丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春夏秋冬鱼丸的读音是chūn xià qiūdōng yú wán,春夏秋冬鱼丸翻译成英文是 Fish Cake Soup

  2. 问:春夏秋冬又一春拼音怎么拼?春夏秋冬又一春的读音是什么?春夏秋冬又一春翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春夏秋冬又一春的读音是Chūnxiàqiūdōng yòu yì chūn,春夏秋冬又一春翻译成英文是 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring...

  3. 问:春夏秋冬美味鱼丸拼音怎么拼?春夏秋冬美味鱼丸的读音是什么?春夏秋冬美味鱼丸翻译成英文是什么?

    答:春夏秋冬美味鱼丸的读音是chūn xià qiūdōng měiwèi yú wán,春夏秋冬美味鱼丸翻译成英文是 Fish Cake Soup

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