


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……





汉语拼音:zhèng jī



  1. Objectives: To determine the agreement among the occlusal indices used to determine the orthodontic treatment need.


  2. Smiling is the natural flow of the emotion when one is happy. Attractive smiling is becoming one of the treatment goals of orthodontists.


  3. CONCLUSION: Extra zinc supplement might be directly or indirectly promote the orthodontic alveolar bone remodeling.


  4. Root resorption is a common complication in orthodontic treatment, which affects the result of the treatment and the health of teeth.


  5. To choose proper brackets and to complement precise position is always regarded as a priority in orthodontic treatment.


  6. Conclusion Stomatological aesthetic education should be strengthened in orthodontic postgraduates.


  7. Due to the significantly increasing demand of aesthetics during orthodontic treatments, aesthetic brackets have gained popularity in clinic.


  8. Therefore, the direct bonding between the orthodontic bracket and resin composite becomes a universal focus in orthodontic clinicians.


  9. abstract: Objective To evaluate the clinical stability of the malocclusion patients with periodontitis after orthodontic treatment.


  1. 正畸保持器

    orthodontic retainer.

  2. 正畸分牙圈

    orthodontic separator.

  3. 正畸陶瓷托槽

    ceramic bracket

  4. 正畸缺隙保持器

    orthodontic space maintainer

  5. 正畸托槽及弓丝

    Orthodontic brackets and wire

  6. 正畸托槽脱落的原因探讨

    The Cause of Brackets Lost in Fixed Appliance

  7. 舌侧正畸标准弓形的研究

    The standard arch form of lingual orthodontics

  8. 唇腭裂序列治疗中的正畸治疗

    A clinical application of orthodontics for the patient with clef lip and palate in theam

  9. 牙列间隙修复前正畸治疗体会

    Orthodontic treatment of space before restoration

  10. 尖牙易位萌出8例的正畸治疗

    Orthodontic therapy for 8 cases of erupted translocation cuspid

  11. 正畸治疗中拔牙矫治的临床分析

    The analysis of extraction in orthodontic treatment

  12. 彩色正畸不锈钢弓丝着色工艺研究

    Investigation of chemical coloration technology for orthodontic stainless steel wire

  13. 含牙囊肿囊内埋伏牙的正畸治疗

    Treatment of impacted tooth in dentigerous cyst by orthodontic management combined with surgical operation

  14. 正畸治疗是改善牙列美观的重要手段。

    Orthodontics plays a major role in dental esthetics.

  15. 口腔卫生宣教对固定正畸并发症的影响

    The Effect of Oral Health Education on the Complications Related to Fixation Orthodontia

  16. 二次手术结合正畸牵引治疗含牙囊肿

    Treatment of Dentigerous Cyst with Second Operation and Orthodontic Traction

  17. 摘要支抗得控制一直是正畸领域得难点。

    The control of anchorage has been a difficult question orthodontics.

  18. 摘要支抗的控制一直是正畸领域的难点。

    The control of anchorage has been a difficult question orthodontics.

  19. 外科导萌与正畸联合矫治上颌埋伏牙

    Correction of impacted maxillary teeth by using both of surgical exposure and orthodontics

  20. 有效指导人分享远见的做法与正畸团队。

    Effective leaders share the practice vision with the orthodontic team.

  21. 有效指导人分享远见得做法与正畸团队。

    Effective leaders share the practice vision with the orthodontic team.

  22. 面型对正畸治疗中牙根吸收的影响

    A study of the relationship between different facial skeletal types and root resorption during orthodontic treatment

  23. 正颌外科和正畸联合治疗下颌前突畸形

    Treatment of mandibular prognathism using combination with orthognathic surgery andorthsdontic method

  24. 正畸医生从比利的口腔内部取了模型。

    An orthodontist took a cast of the inside of Billy's mouth.

  25. 洁治对正畸儿童牙周健康状况的影响

    The Effect of Scaling on Periodontal Health of Orthodontic Children

  26. 固定正畸治疗一般很少在乳牙列上进行。

    Fixed orthodontic treatment is rarely used on primary dentition.

  27. 正畸治疗后脱矿牙釉质的纵向激光测定

    A Longitudinal Laser Measurement of Incipient Caries after Orthodontic Treatment

  28. 理想正常与个别正常的不同,及正畸治疗的目标。

    The difference between Ideal normal occlusion and individual normal occlusion, and the object of orthodontic treatment.

  29. 理想正常与个别正常得不同,及正畸治疗得目标。

    The difference between Ideal normal occlusion and individual normal occlusion, and the object of orthodontic treatment.

  30. 正畸钢丝冠内固定治疗磨牙纵折的应用

    Application of orthodontic steel wire in the fixing of longitudinal molar fracture inside dental crown


  1. 问:正畸变拼音怎么拼?正畸变的读音是什么?正畸变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正畸变的读音是zhèng jī biàn,正畸变翻译成英文是 positive distortion





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