







汉语拼音:fáng kòng



  1. The method has previously been used to fight rinderpest in Africa and Asia and hog cholera in South America.


  2. But the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control warned much of the rest of Europe was also beginning to see increases too.


  3. He said the AIDS virus, also known as HIV, has been so difficult to stop because it mutates at a dizzying rate.


  4. The current strategy of containment justified using "precious antiviral drugs" , he said.


  5. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is advising people to avoid travel to Mexico. But it has not suggested a ban.


  6. Dr. Alcabes, who was once a harsh critic of C. D. C. estimates, said he believed the new numbers were as accurate as they could get.


  7. Local officials strengthened monitoring and prepared relief materials in case of landslides and mud-rock flows triggered by the heavy rains.


  8. Objective The present study of the epidemic factors of paratyphoid A Epidemic for the effective prevention and control of the disease.


  9. This system is designed for the overall security control and security operational management of a complex and large-scale event.


  1. 无公害防控技术

    zero allowance control technique

  2. 艾滋病防控的保安处分

    AIDS Control by Security Measure

  3. 论社会治安防控对策

    On the Preventive and Control Solution to Peace Order

  4. 街面多发性犯罪的打防控

    Striking, Prevention and Control of Regular Crimes on the Street

  5. 刺桐姬小蜂检疫与防控技术

    Study on technique of quarantine and control of the Erythrina gall wasp

  6. 聚焦健康瘟疫案例与科学防控

    Care must be taken not to move the bridle hand.

  7. 监狱和戒毒中心的防控活动

    Prevention and control activities in Prison and Drug Rehabilitation Centres

  8. 从禽流感防控再看危机管理

    A Discussion on the Crisis Management from the Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza

  9. 计划设立更多单位防控森林火灾。

    More units to fight forest fires are planned.

  10. 牛传染性鼻气管炎的检疫及防控


  11. 苹果绵蚜发生规律及综合防控技术

    Rule of Occurance and Its Synthetical Prevention of Woolly Apple Aphid

  12. 街面动态治安防控的内涵及方略

    Also on the Connotation and Strategy of the Dynamic Preventing and Controlling System of Peace Order on the Street

  13. 水击在压力管道工程设计中的防控

    Prevention and Control of Water Hammer in Pressure Pipe Works

  14. 柑桔黄龙病的为害现状及防控措施

    Damage situation and control measure of citrus Huanglongbing

  15. 社会转型期流动人口犯罪得防控对策。

    Control plans on the floating population crimes in the social transformation n.

  16. 社会转型期流动人口犯罪的防控对策。

    Control plans on the floating population crimes in the social transformation n.

  17. 我们可以积极防控卫生服务内外的感染。

    We can actively prevent and control infections in health services and beyond.

  18. 行政许可自由裁量权的表现与防控

    Title Discussion on the Appearance and Control of the Discretionary Power in Administrative Licence

  19. 加大社会面见警率增强打防控力度

    Enhancing Frequency of Seeing Police and Strengthening Power of Striking, Preventing and Controlling Crime

  20. 从防控禽流感透视我国政府危机管理

    Perspectives on Our Government Crisis Management though the Bird Flu Prevention and Control

  21. 对防控再审视, 回头看航空货物运输管控。

    To prevents and controls carefully examines again, turns head looks at the aviation goods traffic control.

  22. 疯牛病的研究动态和我国防控体系建设

    Advancing bovine spongiform encephalopathy science and BSE surveillance in China

  23. 职务犯罪亚文化理论及其对职务犯罪防控的意义

    Theory of Duty Offence Subculture and the Significance in Preventing and Controlling It

  24. 国外先进经验对我国传染病防控的启示

    The Enlightenment of Advance Experiences From Abroad on Controlling and Preventing Infectious Disease in China

  25. 加强风险监测,预警和防控,有效防范系统性风险。

    Strengthening risk monitoring, early warning and prevention and control, effective prevention of systemic risks.

  26. 以防控结合为链条的一种安全治理控制。

    Accuse to combine a kind of safety that is chain to manage control case.

  27. 广东林业有害生物防控现状与对策的思考

    Thought on Current Status and Countermeasures of Forestry Pest Prevention and Control in Guangdong Province

  28. 防治脑血管病势在必行论走私犯罪防控机制

    On the Prevention and Control Mechanism of Smuggling

  29. 沿淮单季稻主要病害发生规律及防控技术研究

    Study on Occurrence and Protection Technology of Main Diseases of Single Rice Cropping Along Huaihe River

  30. 外来植物黄顶菊的入侵警报及防控对策

    An alert regarding biological invasion by a new exotic plant, Flaveria bidentis, and strategies for its control

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