


1. 免 [miǎn]免 [miǎn]去掉,除掉:~除。~税。~费。~官。~检。罢~。豁~。不被某种事物所涉及:避~。~疫。~不了。在所难~。不可,不要:闲人~进。古同“勉”,勉励。古同“娩”,分娩。……





汉语拼音:miǎn yú



  1. How wonderful it was that You came to me, it was a miracle. You stretched Your miraculous hand to catch me from falling down into the abyss.


  2. The only rule necessary was one that protected them from knowledge that would end in death.


  3. Note that this protects you only from automatic bots, targeted tailor-made bots cannot be stopped by this.


  4. A screen was fixed up to protect the spectators from the wind and rain .


  5. For as for this, it might have happened unto any man, but any man having such a thing befallen him, could not have continued without grief.


  6. White House budget officials have already scaled back estimates of how much money they might need to keep the financial system afloat.


  7. The chairman of Lloyds Banking Group said he would step down within a year, heading off a shareholder revolt.


  8. The right of a state not to be sued and its protection from seizure of assets in the event of a . . .


  9. It has no limits or boundaries, which gives you energy free from judgment that allows you to express yourself.


  1. 免于死亡。

    from certain death.

  2. 他仅免于死。

    He barely escaped death.

  3. 使人免于贫困

    to free one from want.

  4. 使人免于忧伤

    to free a man from worrying.

  5. 使人免于责难

    exonerate a person from blame.

  6. 使某人免于忧虑

    to put/ set somebody's mind at rest

  7. 逃脱惩罚,免于起诉

    To escape punishment or be acquitted of a charge.

  8. 使其免于完全毁灭

    from complete destruction.

  9. 挽救某人免于某事

    to save somebody from something

  10. 使目击证人免于起诉

    immunize a witness

  11. 免于伤害或遭破坏。

    To refrain from harming or destroying.

  12. 他们使他免于受责。

    They absolved him from blame.

  13. 使某人免于做某事

    to save somebody from doing something

  14. 我好容易才免于灭顶之灾。

    I tried hard to keep my head above water.

  15. 不受诱惑就免于罪恶。

    He who avoids temptation avoids the sin.

  16. 节制使你免于沉溺于性。

    Abstinence protects you from sexual addiction.

  17. 看来裁决可能是免于惩处。

    The verdict seemed to be impunity.

  18. 免除免于惩罚,赔偿或损害

    Exemption from punishment, penalty, or harm.

  19. 也不能免于天花之害

    did not protect you from dying of smallpox.

  20. 不能免于危险和灾祸的。

    Not safe from danger or mishap.

  21. 儿童所有儿童都必须免于战祸。

    Children all children must be freed from the scourge of war.

  22. 很难不让自己免于债务。

    It became difficult to keep his head above water.

  23. 很难不让自己免于债务。

    It became difficult to keep his head above water.

  24. 他尽力让自己免于措手不及。

    He tried his best to prevent being caught on the wrong foot.

  25. 他认为这能使他免于行刑?

    He thinks that's gonna get him a stay of execution?

  26. 关于此事对他已免于处分。

    He is exempt from punishment about this thing.

  27. 蒙上帝恩宠, 他们免于一死。

    By the grace of God their lives were spared.

  28. 用你的直觉让你免于心痛。

    Allow your intuition to save you from heartache.

  29. 他俩共历艰辛,同免于难。

    They had shared a common danger and a mutual deliverance.

  30. 她就免于责任,也免除了责难。

    she's absolved of responsibility or criticism.


  1. 问:免于值勤拼音怎么拼?免于值勤的读音是什么?免于值勤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免于值勤的读音是miǎn yú zhí qín,免于值勤翻译成英文是 Excused from Duty

  2. 问:免于受诉拼音怎么拼?免于受诉的读音是什么?免于受诉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免于受诉的读音是miǎn yú shòu sù,免于受诉翻译成英文是 immunity from suit

  3. 问:免于送达拼音怎么拼?免于送达的读音是什么?免于送达翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免于送达的读音是miǎn yú sòng dá,免于送达翻译成英文是 dispensing with service

  4. 问:免于假扣押拼音怎么拼?免于假扣押的读音是什么?免于假扣押翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免于假扣押的读音是miǎn yú jiǎ kòu yā,免于假扣押翻译成英文是 lifting the attachment

  5. 问:免于恐惧的自由拼音怎么拼?免于恐惧的自由的读音是什么?免于恐惧的自由翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免于恐惧的自由的读音是,免于恐惧的自由翻译成英文是 Freedom from Fear

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