









汉语拼音:gǔ shí hòu



  1. A long time ago, a man in the state of Wei did not take a fancy to anything in the world, except keeping cats as pets.


  2. Modern, manufactured dyes can be costly. Natural dyes from plant and animal products have been used since ancient times.


  3. In ancient times he would have been swept off his feet and carried to the chapel, where a mass would be said in his honor.


  4. It was put up in wuld times by the relations of a malefactor who was tortured there by nailing his hand to a post and afterwards hung.


  5. In ancient times, a king and a boulder placed on a roadway . Then he did himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.


  6. Once upon a time some bandits robbed a village. Then they escaped into a thick forest.


  7. In northern China, especially in farming communities, people celebrates new year by dressing up in ancient costumes and parading on streets.


  8. Once upon a time, you could leave your doors unlocked at night and not worry about someone breaking in.


  9. In ancient times , there was a dignitary traveling far and wide. One day it was getting late . He stayed overnight at a peasant family .


  1. 古时候, 人类住在山洞里。

    In days of yore men lived in caves.

  2. 古时候人们佩腰刀防敌。

    In ancient times, people wore side swords to guard themselves.

  3. 古时候人们佩腰刀防敌。

    In ancient times, people wore side swords to guard themselves.

  4. 古时候,有一位南郭先生。

    In ancient times, there was a man called Nan guo.

  5. 古时候罗马人骄奢淫逸的生活

    The voluptuous life of the Romans in ancient times

  6. 古时候, 女子无才便是德。

    In the good old days, a woman without talent is virtuous.

  7. 古时候, 地球被认为是平的。

    In ancient times the world was conceived to be flat.

  8. 从古时候开始 人们就开始写作了

    Since time immemorial, there have been authors.

  9. 古时候,皇帝的太太们统称为妃嫔。

    In ancient times, the emperor's wives were called imperial concubines.

  10. 原来是古时候的两个国家啊。

    Oh, you were talking about two ancient states.

  11. 古时候, 有个人琴弹得很好。

    In ancient times there was a man who played the zither very well.

  12. 她是古时候一位真正的海盗。

    CLEOShe was a real pirate who lived a long time ago.

  13. 古时候人们就发现了火的用途。

    Man early discovered the use of fire.

  14. 在古时候, 小国要向大国进贡。

    The small kingdoms had to pay tribute to the big kingdoms in acient times.

  15. 古时候,王室,贵族和教会拥有土地。

    In ancient days, the crown, the barons, and the clergy possessed the lands.

  16. 古时候, 一人犯罪要诖误全家人。

    In the old times, when one committed a crime, all the family would be punished.

  17. 古时候,有一个非常有权势的国王。

    Long ago, in a very olden time, there lived a powerful king.

  18. 古时候,一人犯罪要诖误全家人。

    In the old times, when one committed a crime, all the family would be punished.

  19. 有些冰上钓客喜欢古时候的方法。

    Some ice fishermen prefer the old ways.

  20. 古时候人们用冰轮来指代明月。

    In ancient times, people refer to the moon as the"ice wheel".

  21. 在古时候麻疯病人被视为邪恶的。

    In ancient times lepers were thought unclean.

  22. 古时候人们使用羊皮纸包油腻的食物。

    People used parchment to wrap greasy food in ancient times.

  23. 古时候人们使用羊皮纸包油腻的食物。

    People used parchment to wrap greasy food in ancient times.

  24. 古时候,直呼皇帝名字是犯讳的。

    It was considered irreverent to call the emperor's name in ancient times.

  25. 古时候,一个人除了本名还有个表字。

    In ancient times, one gets a secondary name apart from his official name.

  26. 古时候,猎人们打猎通常都要使用梭标。

    In ancient times, hunters usually used spears in hunting.

  27. 古时候,猎人们打猎通常都要使用梭标。

    In ancient times, hunters usually used spears in hunting.

  28. 传说古时候曾有10个太阳绕地球旋转。

    According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it.

  29. 古时候, 只有皇帝才能穿明黄色的衣服。

    In the ancient times, only emperors can wear bright yellow clothes.

  30. 古时候,只有皇帝才能穿明黄色的衣服。

    In the ancient times, only emperors can wear bright yellow clothes.




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