







汉语拼音:lái xí



  1. When a financial storm, sorts this "beat" the bank of England's part, again, and the big storm pounds to make a fortune.


  2. Some of the newer houses were built just as the credit crunch began to bite, and voters are anxious.


  3. net will provide at least a little bit of shade from the hot burning sun as well concealing your activities from marauding aircraft.


  4. But after the storm struck layoffs, unfortunately, was driven out of Larry Crow worked for more than twenty years of his store.


  5. Summer brings with it typhoons and rainy weather, making a pair of durable and stylish rain boots an intelligent investment.


  6. Its willingness to dabble beyond its borders marked it out for suspicion when crisis struck and doubts about its foreign exposures grew.


  7. After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave struck us so furiously that it overset the boat at once.


  8. Keep a short list of your achievements on a note card and pull it out when your self-criticism threatens to overwhelm you.


  9. Japan might be a rich country, but a week after the tsunami struck it is struggling to feed and house the victims adequately.


  1. 他们担心敌人来袭。

    They were apprehensive of the enemy attacking them.

  2. 退后, 伙计。炮火来袭。

    Stand back, everyone. Incoming ego shrapnel.

  3. 舰长, 电浆鱼雷来袭!

    WORF Incoming plasma torpedo, Captain!

  4. 舰长,电浆鱼雷来袭!

    WORF Incoming plasma torpedo, Captain!

  5. 海啸来袭, 全球共御探索频道

    Tsunami Disaster and Relief Effort

  6. 第二天温度骤降,暴风雪来袭。

    The next day temperatures plummeted and snowstorm hit.

  7. 本周, 两类新木马悄然来袭。

    This week, two new Trojan horse attack quietly.

  8. 预报员说明天下午就来袭了。

    The forecaster said it's going to hit tomorrow afternoon.

  9. 滚动来袭服务器类型和按下选择。

    Scroll to Incoming Server Type and press Select.

  10. 我们的雷达准确地对准来袭的敌机。

    Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.

  11. 我们得雷达准确地对准来袭得敌机。

    Our radar pinpointed accurately the attacking planes.

  12. 蓝尼,飞弹来袭!用雷射光瞄准目标

    Lennox! The heats coming! Laze the target!

  13. 预计这一地区夜间会有严寒来袭。

    An overnight frost was expected to hit the area.

  14. 因为暴风雪的来袭,毕业舞会完全失败。

    The graduation party was a washout because of the big storm.

  15. 国家气象中心报告预测龙卷风将来袭。

    And the national weather service reports several tornados touch down.

  16. 当台风来袭的时候一点遮蔽都没有。

    There was no shelter when the typhoon hit.

  17. 小伙子们, 要保持警觉, 敌人随时可能来袭。

    Keep on your toes, lads, the attack is expected at any moment.

  18. 布里斯托之声的第三次来袭


  19. 我们得雷达确定了来袭敌机得精确方位。

    Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes.

  20. 我们的雷达确定了来袭敌机的精确方位。

    Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes.

  21. 这完全不是财政危机即将来袭的征兆。

    This is not the sign of an impending fiscal crisis.

  22. 这完全不是财政危机即将来袭得征兆。

    This is not the sign of an impending fiscal crisis.

  23. 目前, 人们正在接受报告对来袭的警报。

    Already, people are receiving reports about the incoming alerts.

  24. 目前,人们正在接受报告对来袭得警报。

    Already, people are receiving reports about the incoming alerts.

  25. 暴风雨来袭前,他们加强修缮河川堤防。

    They added reinforcement to the river wall before the big storm.

  26. 这次流行性感冒的来袭使他变衰弱。

    The attack of influenza has crocked him up.

  27. 这次流行性感冒得来袭使他变衰弱。

    The attack of influenza has crocked him up.

  28. 你已经开始为僵尸来袭做准备了吗?

    Have you begun preparing for a zombie apocalypse?

  29. 他们携带厚重的外套,以预防冷天来袭。

    They took heavy coats as a precaution against the possibility of cold weather.

  30. 李我懂了,他们认为龙卷风可能会来袭。

    LEE I understand. They think a tornado might come.


  1. 问:来袭情况估计系统拼音怎么拼?来袭情况估计系统的读音是什么?来袭情况估计系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来袭情况估计系统的读音是lái xí qíng kuàng gū jì xì tǒng,来袭情况估计系统翻译成英文是 Attack Assessment System

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