


1. 华 [huá]2. 华 [huà]3. 华 [huā]华 [huá]美丽而有光彩的:~丽。~艳。~彩。~贵。~章。~表(亦称“桓表”)。~盖。精英:精~。含英咀(jǔ)~。开花:~而不实。春~秋实。繁盛:繁~。荣~富贵。奢侈:浮~。奢……


1. 佗 [tuó]佗 [tuó]负荷:“以一马自~负三十日食”。……



汉语拼音:huà tuó






  1. 汉 末 沛国 谯 (今 安徽 亳县 )人。一名旉,字 元化 。精内、外、妇、儿、针灸各科,外科尤为擅长。行医各地,声名卓著。又仿效虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟的动态创为“五禽戏”,用以锻炼身体。后因不从 曹操 征召,遂为所杀。所著医书已佚。见《后汉书·方术传下·华佗》、《三国志·魏志·华佗传》。



  1. The famous doctor, Hua Tuo came to take a look and said that he would have to open up his head and take out the tumor inside.


  2. When the truth later became known to Cao, he dispatched his men several times to ask Hua to come back, but failed.


  3. China, is a stretch for five thousand years of ancient civilization, ancient have hair, zhao, CAI lun, zhang hua tuo, shocked the world!


  4. open and scraped the Bone with scalpel. Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess.


  5. Having the well-being of the people at heart, Hua was not prepared to serve one man only, even if the man be Cao.


  6. One day, a man named Hua Tuo came by boat to the CamP especially to cure Guan Yu. Guan asked him about how he would heal the wound.


  7. Three years later, Chen Teng-recurrence of the disease as expected, when Hua Tuo is not, no one can cure, Chen Deng died.


  8. Bozhou has a long history . It has uncounted heroic figure , authers and poets on this piece of land .


  9. Main point: "Hua Tuo Jia Ji" has total 34 point, strength should be equally but rubbing lightly when feel pin. The time should be longer.


  1. 是华佗再生

    be another Huatuo.

  2. 华佗再造丸

    Hua Tuo Recreative pill.

  3. 华佗夹脊穴

    Huatuo spine points.

  4. 华佗健聪汤

    Huatuo Jiancong Tang.

  5. 华佗止痛擦剂

    Huatuo Zhitong Embrocation

  6. 自己是华佗再世,

    and the balm of Gilead in disguise

  7. 然后吩咐宴招待华佗。

    Then he gave orders to hold a dinner for Hua Tuo.

  8. 华佗出生于公元110年前后。

    Hua was born around 110 AD.

  9. 华佗夹脊穴的理论与临床研究

    The Theory and Clinical Research of Huatuo Jiaji Acupoint.

  10. 华佗再造丸临床效应的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Clinical Curative Effect of Huatuozaizhao Pills.

  11. 华佗是东汉末年杰出的医学家。

    Hua Tuo was an outstanding medical scientist inthe last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

  12. 华佗六部三法伤寒学说的历史意义

    Historic significance of Hua Tuo's theory of Six Parts and Three Methods in cold pathogenic diseases.

  13. 华佗再造丸中微量元素与其疗效关系的探讨

    Study of Relationship between Trace Elements in Huatuo Zaizao Wan and Its Curative Effects.

  14. 目的观察采用华佗夹脊穴治疗慢性胃炎的疗效。

    Objective To investigate the efficacy of Huatuo Jaji points for treating chronic gastritis patients.

  15. 华佗再造丸治疗30例脑梗塞的血液流变性分析

    The Hemorheolgy Analysis for30 Cases with Cerbral Infarction Treated by Huatuozaizao Pills

  16. 针刺结合华佗药枕对颈椎病患者颈椎生理曲度的影响

    Influence of Acupuncture Plus Huatuo Medicinal Pillow on the Physiologic Curvature of Cervical Spine in Cervical Spondylosis Patients.

  17. 华佗夹脊辅以督脉敷灸治疗强直性脊柱炎32例疗效观察

    Observation of Therapeutic Effectivness on32 Cases with Ankylosing Spondylitis Treated by Huatuo Jiaji Acupuncture And dumai Moxibustion


  1. 问:华佗拼音怎么拼?华佗的读音是什么?华佗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:华佗的读音是,华佗翻译成英文是 Hua Tuo




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