




数量大,与“少”、“寡”相对:人~。~年。~姿。~层次。~角度。~难(nàn )兴(xīng )邦。~~益善。~行不义必自毙。数目在二以上:~年生草。~项式。~义词。~元论。有余,比一定的数目大:~余。一年~。过分,不必要的:~嘴。~心。~……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:rén duō dí



  1. more than a year, and I do not like going to crowded places to go, do not know why, always felt cold in crowded places.


  2. This was more than we could bear, so we decided to spend our last day exploring the countryside.


  3. Using this in a public place, I found, was more useful for starting conversations with girls than having a Labrador on a leash.


  4. Ma: Because so much of what I do involves people, being in a place with more trees than people immediately takes me down.


  5. Bessel low a place in people "abuse" is also a lower probability of infection is an effective way.


  6. For instance, avoiding large groups when you know that there's an outbreak of influenza.


  7. "Thousands of people gathered in the Three Self churches for Sunday service and sometimes you could barely hear anything, " said Sun.


  8. If you just want to put on a heavy coat and drink a fancy vodka in a modern-day igloo, consider the fun, if touristy, Absolut Icebar.


  9. Stick to larger streets with foot traffic, even if it takes longer to get to where you want to go.


  1. 这样的人多的是。

    There are many such people.

  2. 找我借钱的人多的是。

    Many is the man I have lent money to.

  3. 你最好作来人多的打算。

    Youd better calculate for a large group of people.

  4. 人多的时候让我觉得不自在。

    I am not at ease with a lot of people.

  5. 不再愿意在人多的时候突出自己

    I didn't want to stand out in the crowd anymore.

  6. 身边人多的时候, 不要太情绪化。

    Trynot to be too emotional with those around you.

  7. 我喜欢一个人呆着,不喜欢人多的地方。

    I enjoy my own company, because I don't like to be in a crowded place.

  8. 我喜欢一个人呆着,不喜欢人多的地方。

    I enjoy my own company, because I don't like to be in a crowded place.

  9. 每当人多的时候, 她总是一副羞人答答的模样。

    Whenever there is a crowd of people, she always looks bashful.

  10. 每当人多的时候,她总是一副羞人答答的模样。

    Whenever there is a crowd of people, she always looks bashful.

  11. 许多人 多的数不过来 有着和你一样的职业难题。

    Many people too many to count share your career conundrum.

  12. 我认为你应该尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方。

    I think you should try to stay at home to more people, less.

  13. 不要跟比利出去约会。像他那样的人多的是呢。

    Billy's not that special.In fact, guys like him are a dime a dozen.

  14. 人多的街道会每天清洗,不像以前般每周才清洗一次。

    Busy streets will be hosed every other day instead of weekly.

  15. 尽可能呆在家中,不要上班、上学或去人多的地方。

    Stay at home and keep away from work, school or crowds.

  16. 德国人多喉音的说话

    The guttural speech of the Germans

  17. 避免到人多挤迫的地方。

    Avoid spending time in crowded places with poor ventilation.

  18. 是, 我就是冲着人多来的。

    Yeah, I come here for the crowd.

  19. 你应该给那人足够多的时间。

    You give that person all the time they need.

  20. 有些人再多的恭维话也听不腻。

    Some people just cant get enough of flattery.

  21. 也许我们应该给予这些人更多的尊重。

    Perhaps we owe these people more respect.

  22. 我想可能是喜欢马屁精的人多了的缘故!

    I think the likelihood is the person that likes lackey's much reason!

  23. 他不喜欢海滩上那种人多拥挤的场面。

    He didn't like the crowding on the beach.

  24. 值得注意的是, 人多挤迫的地方总是不安全。

    Significantly, crowded places seem to be as unsafe as deserted places.

  25. 因此,大型工程决策是一类多人多目标的决策问题。

    Hence, there is the most important significance aboutdecision making of LEP.

  26. 结果是, 你可能不欢聚在人尽可能多的像你希望的那样。

    The result is that you probably don't get together in person as much as you'd like.

  27. 假如像她的人更多的话, 光环的存库就会耗尽啦。

    If there were many more like her, the stock of halos would give out.

  28. 认识更多的人

    and meet new people.

  29. 比我好的多的人

    Much much better.

  30. 看戏的人多不多?

    Were there many people at the play?

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