


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……





汉语拼音:jī biàn



  1. Now, write down the statement of purpose for your web site. Go over it a few times to make sure it is crystal clear.


  2. You definitely have to do a few drafts of a paper before it's good enough to hand in.


  3. You might have to read something a few times before you understand it.


  4. Once your work from home proposal is ready to be submitted to the boss, read and re-read it carefully.


  5. Once you've defined your mantra, print it out, post it up, and say it several times a day.


  6. I read through it a few times, played with it for a few minutes, and threw them out.


  7. Repeat it in your mind: After you've met someone, repeat her name in your mind a few times until you feel like you got a hang of the name.


  8. As with much good music, you need to listen to it a few times before you can appreciate it fully.


  9. You might have to do a math problem a few times before you get it right.


  1. 我都听过几遍了。

    He has made it several times.

  2. 父亲连看了几遍电报。

    My father read the telegram several times.

  3. 你把这本书读了几遍了?

    How many times have you read this book ?

  4. 我们问他几遍, 他都没吱声。

    We asked him several times, but couldnt get a peep out of him.

  5. 他重复了几遍直到记住为止。

    He repeated it several times over until he could remember it.

  6. 我问过他几遍,他都没吱声。

    I asked him several times, but he didn't say anything.

  7. 他重复说了几遍他要帮助我们。

    He repeated several times that he would help us.

  8. 你需要把这篇课文多练几遍。

    You need some more practice with the text.

  9. 课文多读几遍, 你就会背了。

    Reading the text many times and you will be able to recite it.

  10. 写了文章,要看几遍,仔细修改。

    After writing an article, we must go over it several times and revise it conscientiously.

  11. 在这期间, 在肉上抹几遍烧烤酱。

    During thin period, cover it with barbecue sauce a couple of times.

  12. 尼娜在这期间,在肉上抹几遍烧烤酱。

    During thin period, cover it with barbecue sauce a couple of times.

  13. 这些英语练习我已经看过几遍了。

    I've looked over these English exercises several times.

  14. 我都给你打了九十几遍电话了!

    This is like the ninetieth time I called you!

  15. 这个字我说了几遍他才听清楚。

    I had to repeat the word several times before he got it.

  16. 数数外婆说了几遍我早告诉过你了

    And count the amount of times grandma says I told you so.

  17. 它可能只是需要多听个几遍来习惯。

    It may take a few listening to get used to, though.

  18. 腻子刮几遍,用料量及效果也不一样。

    Putty scraping rereading, with Liaoliang and not the same effect.

  19. 请把台词再背几遍,以免上台时冷场。

    You should run through your lines a few more times, to avoid drying up on stage.

  20. 请把台词再背几遍,以免上台时冷场。

    You should run through your lines a few more times, to avoid drying up on stage.

  21. 一天抓住自己去量几遍是没有用的。

    It is no use measuring yourself several s times day.

  22. 风仍倦倦, 水还款款。无论重新经历几遍。

    gentle wind blowing, tenderness water flowing. no matter how many times experience afresh.

  23. 写完一篇文章之后,他们也不看几遍。

    After writing an article, they do not bother to go over it several times.

  24. 你一定有最喜欢的书吧,你一共读过几遍?

    How many times have you read your favourite book?

  25. 做几遍, 并且试着一边呼吸一边和它取得联系。

    Do this a few times, and try to connect to your breath as you breathe in and out.

  26. 他必须把这篇文章读上几遍才能理解它。

    He had to read the passage over several times before he could understand it.

  27. 克莱拉会把叶子泡上一个小时,然后再冲几遍。

    Clara lets them soak for about an hour before rinsing them several times.

  28. 这首歌你要是唱几遍得话, 孩子们就会学会歌词得。

    If you sing this song several times, the children will pick up the words.

  29. 这首歌你要是唱几遍的话,孩子们就会学会歌词的。

    If you sing this song several times, the children will pick up the words.

  30. 你可以在心里把它们默念几遍,或简单地草草记下。

    You might repeat them mentally or even jot them down briefly.

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