




用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……




1. 语 [yǔ]2. 语 [yù]语 [yǔ]话:~言。汉~。英~。~录。~汇。~重心长。指“谚语”或“古语”:~云:“皮之不存,毛将焉附”。代替语言的动作:手~。旗~。说:细~。低~。语 [yù]告诉:不以~人。……



汉语拼音:sì zì cí yǔ



  1. A Dublin economist responds that the real difference lies in a four-letter word: euro.


  1. 几乎,任何成语,四字词语亦能吃吃。

    By far, almost every phrase and idioms could be punned.

  2. 四字骈语初探

    A general probe into four word parallel phrase

  3. 四字格异形成语

    synonym idioms with four characters

  4. 开创工作新局面四字诀

    The Fourword Pithy Formula of Originating a New Situation in Work

  5. 中日文中存在着大量的四字熟语。

    There are as many colloquialisms in Japanese as are in Chinese.

  6. 浅谈中医四字结构的英译技巧

    Discussion on the Skill for Translating the Construction of Four Words of TCM.

  7. 与道人竟过一大石牌坊, 上书四字, 乃是太虚幻境

    He passed with the Taoist through a large stone archway on which was inscribed Illusory Land of Great Void.

  8. 运用许多实例阐明汉语四字词组在英译汉中的妙用。

    Many typical examples are engaged to illustrate the application of Chinese set phrases in English Chinese translation.

  9. 当代汉语简缩词语四题

    Four Topics of the Abbreviation in Contemporary Chinese

  10. 今早要讲的四个字,

    Today, I want to focus on three words from that verse

  11. 这简单的四个字, 具有改变命运的能力。

    Those four simple words have the power to change lives.

  12. 这简单得四个字, 具有改变命运得能力。

    Those four simple words have the power to change lives.

  13. 这四个字,是马云当年亲笔题写的。

    These four characters, is Ma Yun's holograph inscribe.

  14. 到底命定恋人这四个字你哪里不懂?

    What part of destiny do you not understand?

  15. 和气生财, 这是我要指点你的四个字。

    Wealth, which is what I would like your kind words.

  16. 科学院文件下发时就加上这四个字。

    These words should be added before the Academy of Sciences distributes the document to the lower levels.

  17. 我喜欢风日洒然,绝美的四个字。

    I like the wind Saran, the exhilaration of words.

  18. 这四个字将现实生活中的一切幻想吹散。

    Four words blew all the smoke away from reality.

  19. 人们送来的贺幛上写着“福如东海”四个字。

    People send a sheet of cloth with a congratulatory message of"boundless happiness".

  20. 这四个字将现实生活中得一切幻想吹散。

    Four words blew all the smoke away from reality.

  21. 是你让我明白爱情这东西,四个字冷酷到底!

    Is that you allow me realize know love this thing, Four characters It is ever callous!

  22. 这四个字表达了董贝先生生活中唯一的思想。

    Those three words conveyed the one idea of Mr Dombey's life.

  23. 他们显然会有一个对于选择这四个字的合理的解释原因。

    They obviously had a good enough reason to choose this wording.

  24. 这四个字借助科技手段在我胸中燃起一团怒火。

    Four words pushed through technology to build a raging fire in my chest.

  25. 推动学习实践活动扎实开展,网络媒体要在四个字上下工夫。

    The impetus study practice solid development, the network media must work hard on four characters.

  26. 第二天, 法国横跨旧金山纪事报印在纸张的前四个字。

    The next day, the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper printed four words in French across the front of the paper.

  27. 费用是中文每字七分钱, 外文每字一角四分。

    The charge is seven cents in Chinese and fourteen cents per word in a foreign language.

  28. 用汉语拼音表示得词语在字与字间用撇号隔开。

    Expressions given in the Chinese phonetic alphabet have word boundaries marked by apostrophes.

  29. 用汉语拼音表示的词语在字与字间用撇号隔开。

    Expressions given in the Chinese phonetic alphabet have word boundaries marked by apostrophes.

  30. 并列四字格

    coordinated phrases.




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