


1. 藏 [cáng]2. 藏 [zàng]藏 [cáng]隐避起来:埋~。包~。~奸。~匿。隐~。蕴~。~污纳垢。收存起来:收~。~品。~书。储~。藏 [zàng]储放东西的地方:~府。宝~。道教、佛教经典的总称:道~。大~经。三~(佛教……







汉语拼音:cáng qi lai



  1. You should hide the drugs at once and tell the children to ask their parents before they find and eat them.


  2. 'The leader is not in hiding. He is in a safe place, ' Mr. Ibrahim said. 'He is well. He is healthy. He is in high spirits. '


  3. That is for your rudeness to Mamma just now, ' he said, 'and for your wickedness in hiding, and for looking at me like that, you rat!


  4. Do you know where the money comes from? If it is illicit money, you hided it up, you might offence the law.


  5. They're probably not trying to hide the download from you; it's just a matter of knowing where to look.


  6. Some of Mr. Madoff's fellow inmates suspect he has money hidden somewhere and try to cozy up to him in hopes of learning its location.


  7. I hid my mask, hat and shoe covers whenever I needed to leave the surgery floor to be sure they were available again.


  8. Scorponok wisely decided to hide his Matrix, and did it so well that, until very recently, no one ever found out what became of it.


  9. Hiding our teacher's bike from her was a great prank. She was looking for it for hours!


  1. 藏起来,来。

    Hide me.Come on.

  2. 我藏起来了。

    I hid it.

  3. 把你藏起来

    Hiding you away.

  4. 别溜走藏起来。

    Don't sneak away and hide.

  5. 要藏起来的事物

    always taught us to hide from.

  6. 藏起来是没用的。

    There is no use in hiding.

  7. 客房,被藏起来了

    In the guest house. Hidden.

  8. 找她藏起来的毒品

    looking for her stash.

  9. 它们估计都藏起来了

    They're probably hiding.

  10. 就把女朋友藏起来了

    while his mom comes into town?

  11. 他们显然是藏起来了。

    They are obviously in hiding.

  12. 我想他们是藏起来了。

    I guess they're hiding.

  13. 约翰尼,你得把我藏起来。

    Johnny? You need to hide me.

  14. 约翰尼,你得把我藏起来。

    Johnny? You need to hide me.

  15. 你最好别把它藏起来。

    You better not be hiding it.

  16. 他蹲下把身子藏起来。

    He crouched down for shelter.

  17. 马戏团,快,把我藏起来。

    The circus. Quick. Hide me.

  18. 我费尽力气想藏起来。

    I spent every ounce of energy trying to hide.

  19. 把它藏起来, 免得他看见。

    Hide it lest he see it.

  20. 或是藏起来之类,挖掘机。

    Or hid it or something, the backhoe.

  21. 这时他们有必要藏起来。

    It was now necessary for them to go into hiding.

  22. 我们要把漂亮衣服藏起来。

    We're hiding the good dresses.

  23. 她有目的地将小刀藏起来。

    She hide the knife on purpose.

  24. 你们想把漂亮衣服藏起来。

    You're hiding the good dresses.

  25. 藏起来!有头大野牛来了!

    Hide! A heard a big buffalo!

  26. 但如果猫是藏起来的呢?

    But what if cats are hidden?

  27. 爸爸,你把信都藏起来了?

    Daddy, you kept his letters from me?

  28. 托比,帮我把这个藏起来

    Toby, would you hide this for me somewhere?

  29. 他把它藏起来以免她看见。

    He hid it lest she see it.

  30. 我们藏起来时,你从0数到100。

    You can reckon to 100 while we hide.



《藏起来》是中美混血儿歌手倪安东(Anthony Neely)演唱的歌曲。

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