









汉语拼音:lì fāng mǐ






  1. The gas pipeline will provide up to 30 million cubic meters of natural gas a year, helping reduce reliance on heavily polluting coal.

  2. The team produces three cubic metres of methane a day and 50 litres of the liquid nutrient a week.

  3. Thousands of cubic metres of helium were pumped into the towering silver canopy of His balloon.

  4. Turkmenistan halted daily gas deliveries at the end of December of up to 23 million cubic meters, citing technical issues.

  5. In other words, China's water supply is 350 billion cubic meters, or 93 trillion gallons, less than it was at the start of the century.

  6. Jashnsaz said the aim was to reach daily production of 50 million cubic metres of natural gas and other products.

  7. Notice that the density of the syrup in terms of kilograms per cubic meter - is very close to C2-- I mentioned that earlier.

  8. At first Nabucco needs 8 billion cubic metres (bcm) a year from Azerbaijan, but it wants a lot more to be fully viable.

  9. The bypass assembly consists of a meter registering either gallon or cubic measurements, a double check assembly and required test cocks.


  1. 堆垛立方米

    stacked cubic metre.

  2. 一立方米的煤

    a cubic metre of coal

  3. 我们挖了180立方米的土。

    We dug up 180 cuBic metres of earth.

  4. 每立方米大约有100只鱼。

    There may be 100 fish per cubic metre.

  5. 共搬运土方150万立方米。

    5 million cubic metres of earth were moved.

  6. 共搬运土方15亿立方米。

    5 billion cubic metres of earth werewas moved.

  7. 总共, 350立方米的原料被搬运。

    In all, 350m cubic meters of material will have been moved.

  8. 山滑移约5万立方米。

    There was landslide of over 50,000 cubic meters of earth.

  9. 这个包的体积是2立方米。

    The bag is 2 cubic meters in volume.

  10. 这个包得体积是2立方米。

    The bag is 2 cubic meters in volume.

  11. 万立方米锯木和木加工品

    Of sawn and processed wood products

  12. 木材储藏量约50万立方米。

    Timber reserves of about 500,000 cubic meters.

  13. 现场准备压井液60立方米。

    Please prepare 60 cubic meters of well killing fluid.

  14. 这个箱子的体积是10立方米。

    The volume of this box is 10 steres.

  15. 这个物体的体积是30立方米。

    The volume of this object is 30 cubic meters.

  16. 这个容器的容量是50立方米。

    The volume of this container is50 cubic meters.

  17. 这个容器得容量是50立方米。

    The volume of this container is50 cubic meters.

  18. 这个集装箱的体积是20立方米。

    The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters.

  19. 这个集装箱得体积是20立方米。

    The volume of this container is 20 cubic meters.

  20. 这个集装箱的容量是1000立方米。

    The volume of this container is 1000 cubic metres.

  21. 这个集装箱得容量是1000立方米。

    The volume of this container is 1000 cubic metres.

  22. 补充配制重410公斤,体积2立方米。

    The Supplementary Unit weighs 410 kg and occupies 2 m 3.

  23. 备注尺寸毫米体积立方米重量千克

    Remark The dimensions is in millimeters. Capacity in CBM, Weight in kg.

  24. 损失了200多万立方米的木材产量。

    More than2 million cubic metres of timber production has been lost.

  25. 损失了200多万立方米得木材产量。

    More than0 million cubic metres of timber production has been lost.

  26. 浅层地下水储量为4959万立方米。

    Shallow groundwater reserves of 49.59 million cubic meters.

  27. 这个箱子的容积大约有2立方米。

    The volume of this box is about2 cubic meter.

  28. 这个箱子得容积大约有2立方米。

    The volume of this box is about2 cubic meter.

  29. 这座水库贮水约3000万立方米。

    The reservoir has in storage about 30 million cubic metres.

  30. 这水库有五百万立方米的储存量。

    The reservoir has in storage about five million cubic metres.


  1. 问:立方米拼音怎么拼?立方米的读音是什么?立方米翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立方米的读音是lìfāngmǐ,立方米翻译成英文是 cubic meter; a legal unit used to measure volume...

  2. 问:立方米土方拼音怎么拼?立方米土方的读音是什么?立方米土方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立方米土方的读音是lì fāng mǐ tǔ fāng,立方米土方翻译成英文是 bank cubic meter

  3. 问:立方米每秒拼音怎么拼?立方米每秒的读音是什么?立方米每秒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立方米每秒的读音是lì fāng mǐ měi miǎo,立方米每秒翻译成英文是 cumsec




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