


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……


1. 知 [zhī]2. 知 [zhì]知 [zhī]晓得,明了:~道。~名(著名)。~觉(有感觉而知道)。良~。~人善任。温故~新。~难而进。~情达理。使知道:通~。~照。学识,学问:~识,求~。无~。主管:~县(旧时的县长)。~府。~州……


1. 其 [qí]2. 其 [jī]其 [qí]第三人物代词,相当于“他(她)”、“他们(她们)”、“它(它们)”;“他(她)的”、“他们(她们)的”、“它(们)的”:各得~所。莫名~妙。三缄~口。独行~是。自食~果。指示代词,相当于“那”……





汉语拼音:zhǐ zhī qí yī



wèi zhī qí èr简拼:zzjywzje解释:知道事物的一方面,不知道还有另一方面。形容了解的情况不全面。





  1. No appreciation or no awareness or only partial clarity of every causal effect on the ego-self , and its pain , longing and desire .


  2. You just know one of them, we should research more knowledge about the unknown world, you will know more.


  1. 对于下中国象棋,你就只知其一,不知其二了。

    Regarding Chinese Chess, you just have a one-sided view.

  2. 这是一只知更鸟。

    The bird is a robin.

  3. 在马房中的一只知更鸟

    A robin in the stable

  4. 一只知更鸟落在篱笆上。

    A robin was perching on the fence.

  5. 妈妈为你买一只知更鸟。

    Mamas going to buy you a mockingbird.

  6. 就像歌里唱的那样,两者密不可分,不能只取其一。

    You can't have one without the other, as the song says.

  7. 一只知更鸟在地上啄食面包渣。

    A robin was pecking at crumbs on the ground.

  8. 我们看见了一只知更鸟, 知道春天要到了。

    We knew spring was coming as we had seen a robin.

  9. 数百万高中生都曾读过杀死一只知更鸟。

    Millions of high school students have read To Kill a Mockingbird.

  10. 她刚刚写完杀死一只知更鸟,正等待出版。

    She had just finished writing To Kill a Mockingbird, and was awaiting publication.

  11. 死或自由只能择其一。

    The alternatives of liberty or death.

  12. 头一只知更鸟是春天的先兆。

    The first ribin us a precursor of spring.

  13. 当树叶开始掉落时,你可曾见过一只知更鸟在哭泣?

    Did you ever see a robin weep when leaves began to die ?

  14. 这只毛毛虫受到了一只其在体内产卵的 寄生蜂的攻击。

    This caterpillar was attacked by a parasitic wasp which laid eggs inside it.

  15. 但我不是想说只能两者选其一

    But I'm saying it's not either or.

  16. 只知一条胜利之道者,注定与凯歌无缘。

    Those who know only one path to victory can never hope to triumph.

  17. 而一邊玩家不知道底價 只知到他們的對手知道

    The uninformed player doesn't know, but they know that the informed player knows.

  18. 玩世不恭者, 是只知一切事物的价钱而不只其价值的人。

    A cynic is a man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.

  19. 玩世不恭者, 是只知一切事物的价钱而不知其价值的人。

    A scoffer, debauched person, and, in brief, a man of Belial.

  20. 与其为一只小羊羔不如为一头大羊去吊死。

    As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamp.

  21. 法师召唤一只双足飞龙,并使其为自己服务。

    The Caster summons a Wyvern and binds it to his service.

  22. 那是一只美丽的知更鸟。

    That is a beautiful bluebird.

  23. 如果你不知其一,往往也不能知其二。

    Very often you cannot know one without knowing the other.

  24. 一只土耳其秃鹫在一处加州沙漠里张开翅膀。

    A turkey vulture spreads its wings in one of California's deserts.

  25. 其后,在登记的学期中,木匠遭遇了一只受特许的怪兽。

    The carpenter has thereafter encountered a chartered monster in the registered semester.

  26. 一只老鹰在其猎物上空盘旋。

    A hawk was hovering over its prey.

  27. 如果只食用其绿叶部分, 荷兰芹是一种香草。

    Parsley is an herb if you use just the greens.

  28. 假如只食用其绿叶部分,荷兰芹是一种香草。

    Parsley is an herb if you use just the greens.

  29. 因此,单独评判每一只个股,并保留其周线和月线图标。

    Therefore, judge each stock individually and keep up weekly and monthly charts on them.

  30. 有一只银水瓶很大, 上面得精美装饰可能暗示了其用途。

    A large, exquisitely decorated silver flask might offer a clue to the purpose of the hoard.


  1. 问:只知其一,不知其二拼音怎么拼?只知其一,不知其二的读音是什么?只知其一,不知其二翻译成英文是什么?

    答:只知其一,不知其二的读音是zhǐzhīqíyī,bùzhīqí'èr,只知其一,不知其二翻译成英文是 To know just one aspect of a matter and be ignoran...

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