






1. 张 [zhāng]张 [zhāng]开,展开:~开。~目(a.睁大眼睛;b.助长某人的声势称“为某人~~”)。~榜。铺~。~灯结彩。纲举目~。商店开业:开~。拉紧:紧~。~力。扩大,夸大:夸~。放纵,无拘束:乖~。嚣~。料理,应酬:~……





汉语拼音:fàn lái zhāng kǒu







  • 【解释】:指吃现成饭。形容不劳而获,坐享其成。
  • 【出自】:《金瓶梅词话》第七六回:“那婆子道:‘我的奶奶,你饭来张口,水来湿手,这等插金带银,呼奴使婢,又惹什么气?’”
  • 【示例】:朱延年一辈子娇生惯养,做惯了大老板,~,衣来伸手,吃的好,穿得美,哪里吃过这样的苦头?
  • 【语法】:连动式;作宾语、定语;含贬义


  1. But for those of us asking for the rice to mouth clothes to the children who do not know how to do this kite, so I ask his mother.


  2. At present many extra-curricular YiLaiShenShou parents to let the child independence.


  3. In planned economy time, be just as basket medium tiger, "The meal comes dehisce " . . .


  4. Yes ah, we often parents do not cook, mouth open for food, only to parents for their shelter Guzhao, not herself from the "world" battles.


  5. The parents have to pay far greater than that of high mountains, deep sea, and as we have, only to rice opening, to hand clothes.


  6. 'No seriously, you are. It's not every day I get breakfast cooked for me, ' I said, and put my arms around her waist.


  7. Happiness comes from work. . Thus, Children can learn to take care of themselves in the school.


  8. Now there are many women hope to find a nice guy, so you can feast, from clothing to hand over food to mouth life.


  9. And family together every day, and I live a YiLaiShenShou five minutes, life.


  1. 这些公子王孙衣来伸手, 饭来张口。

    These sons of the aristocracy and the rich lead an easy life, with everything provided.

  2. 这些公子王孙衣来伸手,饭来张口。

    These sons of the aristocracy and the rich lead an easy life, with everything provided.

  3. 我们不要总是过着衣来伸手,饭来张口的安逸的生活。

    We do not always lead to hand clothing, rice mouths of a decent life.

  4. 这也是从小饭来张口衣来伸手的娇惯坏了。

    This is also a small mouth opening to coddle the broken hand.

  5. 这也是从小饭来张口衣来伸手得娇惯坏了。

    This is also a small mouth opening to coddle the broken hand.

  6. 呵,我们的饭来了。

    Ah, here's our food.

  7. 我现在可以端饭来吗

    May I bring your rice now

  8. 我现在可以端饭来吗,先生?

    May I bring your rice now, sir ?

  9. 做出饭来颗粒分明, 香气四溢。

    Food particles to make clear, of aroma overflowing.

  10. 女佣张嫂连忙盛了两碗饭来。

    A maid quickly served them bowls of rice.

  11. 年轻人, 在成长, 吃起饭来像恶狼。

    A growing youth a wolf in his belly.

  12. 年轻人, 在成长, 吃起饭来像饿狼。

    A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.

  13. 请把你的托盘桌打开吧,饭来了。

    Please open your tray table. It's coming.

  14. 妈妈善于现抓现凑, 做出一顿饭来。

    Mama is very skillful in whipping up a meal at a moment's notice.

  15. 我的饭来了, 是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me, of fool and boiled goat's knuckles.

  16. 我得饭来了,是甜点心和山羊肘子。

    A meal was brought to me, of fool and boiled goat's knuckles.

  17. 你能不能在几分钟内凑合出一顿饭来?

    Can you toss a meal together in a few minutes?

  18. 一顿饭来上三个这样的菜就没治了。

    A meal for three of these dishes on the rule of no.

  19. 但我得说用这法子跟 本做不出饭来。

    I can't say it improved the rice any.

  20. 大家用眼梢儿撩着刘老头子, 都拿起饭来。

    The rest eyed Fourth Master Liu and picked up their bowls.

  21. 这么迟才通知我,我没办法做出一顿饭来的!

    I can't produce a meal at such short notice!

  22. 天知道,你的卡罗琳婶婶会做出什么味道的饭来。

    God knows what disaster your aunt Caroline is making.

  23. 本义为再巧的主妇, 要是没有米也做不出饭来。

    The saying means no matter how skillful a housewife is, she can't cook a meal without rice literally.

  24. 现在吃起饭来活象个饿鬼,这全是受了海洋气候的影响。

    I eat like a famished ogre; it, the sea air.'.

  25. 我一吃完饭就来了。

    I came immediately I'd eaten.

  26. 我让人给你把饭送来。

    I'll get your dinner sent in.

  27. 护士用推车把饭送来了。

    The nurse wheeled the dinner up.

  28. 这顿饭我来付钱,你别客气了。

    I'll pay the bill, you don't need to stand on ceremony.

  29. 这顿饭我来付钱,你别客气了。

    I'll pay the bill, you don't need to stand on ceremony.

  30. 许多人们需要用水来煮饭来打扫清理。

    Many people need water to chink to cook and to clean.


使用频率 常用发 音 fàn lái zhānɡ kǒu释 义 :指吃现成饭而不劳动,多为贬义词,

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