




遮断:~开。~离。~绝。~断。阻~。相去有一段距离:~壁。~年。~行(háng )。~岸观火(喻见人遇到困难,漠不关心,采取观望或看热闹的态度)。~墙有耳。思想感情有距离:~阂。~膜。~心。……



汉语拼音:měi gé



  1. However, the Emperor was happy. He took refuge in his closet, where he had a different coat for every hour of the day.


  2. C: Well, you know , we have to run a spot check on every teller's cage cash at least once every other month.


  3. Whether wear or not. The evening dress needs to be maintain, Best then dry cleans one time once in a while.


  4. The specific methods: every bad half a year or months, with glazing la inunction, next reoccupy cloth wipe clean cotton yarn can be.


  5. Retry policies can attempt to connector to the resource repeatedly over a time period, trigger escalations and fire off notifications.


  6. Nevertheless, abandoned as this child was, it sometimes happened, every two or three months, that he said, "Come, I'll go and see mamma! "


  7. We started with engineers from all over the company meeting every couple of weeks to brainstorm.


  8. Over the years, similar assessments have been issued with some regularity. They turned out to be wishful thinking.


  9. It's like a book that leaps off the shelf every once in a while and reminds you of the stuff you've highlighted.


  1. 每隔一定时间

    at regular intervals.

  2. 每隔一行读一行。

    Read only the alternate lines.

  3. 每隔一天/ 每三天

    every other/ third day

  4. 每隔一段时间

    at set intervals.

  5. 每隔几天/ 分钟

    every few days/ minutes

  6. 每隔15分钟一趟。

    They run every 15 minutes.

  7. 每隔一周怎么样

    How about every other week?

  8. 每隔一日来校。

    The teacher comes to school on alternate days.

  9. 他每隔一天上班。

    He works on alternate days.

  10. 我每隔一天洗澡。

    I have a bath every other day.

  11. 我们每隔一天见面。

    We meet every other day.

  12. 玫瑰每隔几天开花。

    The roses bloom every few days.

  13. 每隔一天服点药。

    Take some medicine every other day.

  14. 我每隔一天去一次。

    I go to there every other day.

  15. 每隔半小时有一班。

    It starts every half hour.

  16. 公共汽车每隔10分钟一辆。

    The buses go every 10 minutes.

  17. 每隔一天来打一针。

    Come to have an injection every other day.

  18. 他每隔一天来这里。

    He comes here every two days.

  19. 每隔两英尺种一行。

    Plant in rows two feet apart.

  20. 每隔四小时喝十滴。

    Take ten drops every four hours.

  21. 政府官员每隔5年换届。

    Government officials are reappointed to their jobs every five years.

  22. 政府官员每隔5年换届。

    Government officials are reappointed to their jobs every five years.

  23. 我们将每隔一天会面。

    We will meet every other day.

  24. 每隔10到15分钟有趟车。

    There s a bus every ten to fifteen minutes.

  25. 汽车每隔五分钟一趟。

    The buses leave every five minutes.

  26. 每隔两小时休息一次。

    We a rest at intervals of two hours.

  27. 大约每隔3分钟来一辆。

    They run about every three minutes.

  28. 他们每隔一天做实验。

    They do the experiment on alternate day.

  29. 邮递员每隔一天来一次。

    The postman comes every other day.

  30. 每隔一会儿我就拍照片

    Every few moments I shoot the image.


  1. 问:每隔一周拼音怎么拼?每隔一周的读音是什么?每隔一周翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每隔一周的读音是Měi gé yìzhōu,每隔一周翻译成英文是 every other week

  2. 问:每隔一晚拼音怎么拼?每隔一晚的读音是什么?每隔一晚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:每隔一晚的读音是měigéyìwǎn,每隔一晚翻译成英文是 alternia nocta

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