


聚合,聚在一起:~之。~数。~体。~结。汇~。概括全部,主要的:~纲。~则。为首的,最高的:~司令。~裁。~经理。~统。束系,束头发:~角(jiǎo )。经常,一直:~是这样。一定,无论如何:~归。“万紫千红~是春”。……





汉语拼音:zǒng gāi






  1. 完全应该。含估计推测意。

    鲁迅 《故事新编·理水》:“您是学者,总该知道现在已是午后,别人也要肚子饿的。” 茅盾 《子夜》五:“况且有 吴荪甫 自己一双尖眼监视在上,总该不致于出岔子。”



  1. he says so , and he ought to know , " was the answer , with a wave aside of the manuscript , accompanied by a look of loathing" .


  2. Rubeus Hagrid: Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and Grounds at Hogwarts. Of course, you know about Hogwarts.


  3. OK, so maybe he just wasn't cut out for cab driving or landscaping, but surely he could have gone far as a vitamin distributor.


  4. Over time I think people will say, 'Well, isn't it time that somebody like our governor-general was the head of state? '


  5. After such a dramatic blooper, you'd think that NASA would give it up, but they are still trying to edit the C3 images at that location!


  6. I chose hyena out of the blue, thinking, that's likely to be African isn't it?


  7. Be not, you bit part like this, understanding not arrive hall lord, altar lord, altar lord total the understanding?


  8. There has to be someone or someway who could stop "THIS Land Grabbing" IN Africa or any other.


  9. Now, I don't expect fast food to be fine cuisine, but you need to offer people a few choices, especially at international trade shows.


  1. 总该有个办法。

    There must be a way.

  2. 总该有个办法。

    There must be a way.

  3. 但总该有一个办法。

    But there must be a way.

  4. 但总该有一个办法。

    But there must be a way.

  5. 这时候他总该到了。

    He must have arrived by this time.

  6. 总该有散步的地方吧?

    Are there any walks here?

  7. 但是你总该知道些什么

    But you must know something about him.

  8. 他们总该让我进去了。

    They gotta let me in.

  9. 我总该多少有点运气吧。

    I should have some luck.

  10. 但总该有人为失败承受代价。

    But it ought to be the price of failure.

  11. 大学总该有个院长的,对吧?

    Your college does have a dean, doesn't it?

  12. 谢大夫总该给几分薄面的。

    Doctor Xie all ought give thin side for several cents.

  13. 他总该知道怎样对他最有利吧。

    He knows, presumably, what is best for him.

  14. 替农民着想总该是第一位的

    Get Concerned about Farmers Interests Should Be The First

  15. 上帝总该另有恐惧安排在后面。

    And strong since then, I think God has willed.

  16. 总该选择状态更好的上场首发。

    The total to choose a better state of play first.

  17. 总该有点时间留给你兄弟的。

    There's always time for your brother.

  18. 成人总该为自己的孩子树立榜样。

    Adults should set an example for their children.

  19. 我想你至少总该表示要帮帮忙。

    I think you might at least offer to help.

  20. 要是他六点出发, 现在总该到了。

    If he started at six, he ought to be here now.

  21. 无论在什么情况下,总该说真话。

    Be the matter what it may, always speak the truth.

  22. 他总该知道怎么处理这类事情吧。

    He knows, presumably, how to deal with such things.

  23. 你给我们那么多钱总该有原因吧。

    You gave us that money for a reason.

  24. 该来得总该来, 我是越陷越深, 越走越明白。

    Time to put things right and remove the thorn in my side in the process.

  25. 该来的总该来,我是越陷越深,越走越明白。

    Time to put things right and remove the thorn in my side in the process.

  26. 冬天最糟糕的一段日子总该过去了。

    The worst of the winter should be over.

  27. 如果要我理解的话,你总该开口说吧。

    If you need my understanding, you should talk.

  28. 那今天的问题总该可以告诉大家了吧。

    But as for today's question, you'd better tell it to us now.

  29. 无论如何总该知道匹配的是什么节点吧?

    After all, you know what node is matched, right?

  30. 虽然时代不同, 我想历史古迹总该依旧吧。

    Times are different, but the historic sites, I sume, must have remained the same.

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