




1. 咽 [yān]2. 咽 [yàn]3. 咽 [yè]咽 [yān]口腔后部由肌肉和黏膜构成的管子,分三部分,上段与鼻腔相对称“鼻咽”;中段与口腔相对称“口咽”;下段在喉的后部称“喉咽”。咽是呼吸道和消化道的共同通路(亦称“咽头”):~……



汉语拼音:wū yè









  1. 低声哭泣。亦指悲泣声。

    汉 蔡琰 《悲愤》诗之一:“观者皆歔欷,行路亦呜咽。” 北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·后娶》:“ 基諶 每拜见后母,感慕呜咽,不能自持,家人莫忍仰视。”《红楼梦》第一○五回:“﹝ 邢夫人 ﹞只得往 凤姐 那边去,见二门傍边也上了封条,惟有屋门开着,里头呜咽不絶。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部二八:“ 汤阿英 的声音有点呜咽了,下面的话再也说不下去。”

  2. 形容低沉凄切的声音。

    汉 蔡琰 《胡笳十八拍》之六:“夜闻 陇水 兮声呜咽,朝见 长城 兮路杳漫。” 唐 温庭筠 《更漏子》词:“背江楼,临海月,城上角声呜咽。” 宋 孙舣 《菩萨蛮·落梅》词:“一声羌管吹呜咽,玉溪夜半梅翻雪。” 清 唐孙华 《溪边步月》诗:“呜咽笙簫别院曲,鏘鸣环玦过桥泉。”



  1. The little duchess tossed a tiny silver spoon at him and he stopped whimpering, but Howell bit right into the lip of his demitasse cup.


  2. whose voices came into my ears , as if the whimpers of stream in my dream.


  3. Tim didn't hear the startled sobbing of a small boy who fell off the monkey bars just a few hundred metres away.


  4. He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry.


  5. The taxi driver was kind and kept asking me what the matter was, but I only sobbed out: "Please take me home. "


  6. "It's a very ticklish business, this, Mr Steger, " put in the manager, yieldingly, and yet with a slight whimper in his voice.


  7. But now his occasional sob turned to a steady , silent crying, his eyes held tightly shut, his fist in his mouth trying to stop his sobs.


  8. What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. "


  9. Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep.


  1. 风在呜咽。

    The wind sobs.

  2. 呜咽的声音

    a whining voice.

  3. 并且会呜咽。

    and you might sob.

  4. 呜咽的小孩

    a whiny child.

  5. 而风开始呜咽

    And the wind beings to moan

  6. 她呜咽地回答。

    She answered with a sob.

  7. 发出呜咽声

    To utter a moan or moans.

  8. 小溪呜咽着流过。

    The stream sobbed.

  9. 回首丧钟, 残柳呜咽

    Past the passing bell past willow is weeping

  10. 风啊在咆哮,风啊在呜咽!

    And the wind did roar and the wind did moan!

  11. 江河呜咽,天地同哀。

    Sob rivers, heaven and earth with sorrow.

  12. 说完他又呜咽起来。

    And he fell to sobbing again.

  13. 小女孩呜咽着,轻轻地呜咽着。

    The girl whimpers, very softly.

  14. 她呜咽着以示抗议。

    She gave a little whimper of protest.

  15. 海浪冲击船身, 有如呜咽。

    The sea water washed mournfully against the sides of the boat.

  16. 呜咽献上的, 甜美的食品!

    Sweet nourishment, provided with a sob!

  17. 她呜咽着上楼去了。

    She went sobbing up the stairs.

  18. 他喉咙里发出一声呜咽。

    A sob welled up in his throat.

  19. 小男孩呜咽着睡熟了。

    The little boy cried himself to sleep.

  20. 他正在呜咽,使他的呼吸屏息。

    He was whimpering, catching his breath.

  21. 病童躺在床上呜咽啜泣。

    The sick boy lay in bed whimpered.

  22. 病童躺在床上呜咽抽泣。

    The sick boy lay in bed and whimpered.

  23. 一只受伤的狗在远处呜咽

    The faraway yelping of a wounded dog

  24. 玛莎得身子因呜咽而抽搐着。

    Marsha's body was racked with sobs.

  25. 玛莎的身子因呜咽而抽搐着。

    Marsha's body was racked with sobs.

  26. 不多时, 他的呜咽变成了啜泣。

    His sobs soon turned to sniffs.

  27. 远远地能听到风笛的呜咽。

    The wail of the bagpipe could be heard in the distance.

  28. 迫令他呜咽悲啼,而对他绝无悯恻。

    To make him moan, but pity not his moans.

  29. 从此, 我不再呜咽, 不再踌躇, 不再需要什麽。

    Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing.

  30. 那孩子呜咽地哭到睡著了。

    The child sobbed himself to sleep.


  1. 问:呜咽拼音怎么拼?呜咽的读音是什么?呜咽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:呜咽的读音是wūyè,呜咽翻译成英文是 sob



“呜咽”是个多义词,它可以指呜咽(安瀬圣编曲歌曲), 呜咽(汉语词目), 呜咽(郑秀晶演唱的《对我而言,可爱的她》OST), 呜咽(宇宙学名词)。

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