








天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……



汉语拼音:zhēn chá wèi xīng






  1. 用于搜集情报的人造地球卫星。一般装有电视、雷达、红外线或其他现代化的探测、摄影设备,能够查明地球表面上的目标。



  1. "It was the last film-recovery system used for reconnaissance, " he says.

  2. however, it was all unconfirmed information until a Kramaerican Photo reconnaissance satellite passed overhead.

  3. It would even be more funny if the US pull out a radar image from its satellites.

  4. There are 33 in orbit and that number may grow to 65 by 2014, 11 of which would be capable of conducting ocean surveillance, he said.

  5. Today China's better reconnaissance satellites are thought to have ground resolutions under two meters, and perhaps as low as half a meter.

  6. Department of Defense responsible for meeting the RECONNAISSANCE SATELLITE needs of various government organizations.

  7. The test shows that the system can preferably simulate the orbit running and reconing process of satellite, which has some applied value.

  8. The radar is supplemented by reconnaissance satellites, another Navy official said, requesting anonymity.

  9. The fast-growing network of reconnaissance satellites provides China with the vision to harness this hardware.


  1. 多侦察卫星

    multiple reconnaissance satellites.

  2. 电子侦察卫星

    electronic reconnaissance satellite

  3. 照相侦察卫星

    photographic reconnaissance satellite

  4. 电子海洋侦察卫星

    electronic ocean reconnaissance satellite

  5. 光学成像侦察卫星

    optical imaging reconnaissance satellite

  6. 成像侦察卫星星座

    imaging reconnaissance satellite constellation

  7. 美国的照相侦察卫星

    The US Photographic Reconnaissance Satellite

  8. 美国成像侦察卫星的发展

    Development of American Imaging intelligence satellites

  9. 电子侦察卫星对抗技术研究

    On Study of the Countermeasures Against Electronic Reconnaissance Satellites

  10. 国外军事侦察卫星的发展状况

    A Review of Technical Development of Military Reconnaissance Satellite Abroad

  11. 光学成像侦察卫星作战效能分析

    Analyses of Operational Effectiveness of Optical Imaging Reconnaissance Satellite

  12. 侦察卫星的组网及其威胁分析评估

    Reconnaissance Satellite Nets and Threat Assessment

  13. 该国今天又发射了一颗侦察卫星。

    Today, that country launched another reconnaissance satellite.

  14. 介绍了国外电子侦察卫星的发展现状。

    This paper introduces the development actualities of overseas electronic reconnaissance satellites.

  15. 电子侦察卫星的发展、应用及其面临的挑战

    Development, Application and Challenge Confronted with Electronic Reconnaissance Satellite

  16. 电子侦察卫星任务规划调度模型与算法研究

    Study of Electronic Reconnaissance Satellites Mission Scheduling Model and Algorithm

  17. 最大访问间隔时间与成像侦察卫星星座

    Maximum Access Time Interval and Imaging Reconnaissance Satellite Constellatio

  18. 台湾人过去还租借以色列的侦察卫星。

    The Taiwanese in the past have also leased capability on an Israeli reconnaissance satellite.

  19. 基于聚类分析的低轨侦察卫星无源定位

    Passive Localization of LEO Based on Clustering Analysis

  20. 固定的火箭发射装置易被间谍侦察卫星所发现。

    The immobile launcher of rocket is readily spotted by the spy reconnaissance satellite.

  21. 侦察卫星星座目标发现概率与最大访问间隔分析

    Analysis of the probability of target detection and max access gap of reconnaissance satellite constellation

  22. 对电子侦察卫星任务规划模型及算法进行了研究。

    Mission planning for electronic reconnaissance satellites is a challenging combinatorial optimization problem, and its scheduling model and algorithm are studied.

  23. 并对有3颗低轨道卫星的侦察卫星星座进行了优化仿真。

    The optimal simulation of a constellation with3 LEO satellites was made.

  24. 另一要求匿名的米鳖海军官员说这雷达还由侦察卫星补充。

    The radar is supplemented by reconnaissance satellites, another Navy official said, requesting anonymity.

  25. 预警系统和卫星侦察。

    Early warning system and satellite surveillance.

  26. 地面雷达站反卫星侦察对策研究

    Countermeasures of ground radar station against satellite reconnaissance

  27. 卫星侦察信息传输业务的仿真与分析

    Simulation and analysis for transmission of satellite recon information

  28. 海洋监视卫星对水面舰艇电子侦察效能分析

    Electronic Reconnaissance Effectiveness Analysis of Ocean Surveillance Satellite to Surface Ship

  29. 一种基于空间到达角的卫星电子侦察信号分选方法

    A Method of Satellite Electronic Reconnaissance Signal Sorting Based on Angle of Arrival


  1. 问:侦察卫星拼音怎么拼?侦察卫星的读音是什么?侦察卫星翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侦察卫星的读音是zhēncháwèixīng,侦察卫星翻译成英文是 reconnaissance satellite; an artificial sate...

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