







汉语拼音:diào sǐ






  1. 吊祭死者。

    《史记·燕召公世家》:“ 燕 王弔死问孤,与百姓同甘苦。” 唐 李白 《自溧水道哭王炎》诗之二:“弔死不及哀,殯宫已秋草。”

  2. 缢死。

    清 李渔 《奈何天·调美》:“不好了,不好了,夫人, 周家姨娘 弔死了。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·验各种死伤法》:“人于家中弔死,移尸外掛者,亦有两痕,原痕紫有血痕,移痕白无血痕。”



  1. Liu Lanzhi lingered for a while under a tree to tree and hanged himself in the southeast.


  2. The men of Volantis and Valyria hung Garin in a golden cage and made mock as he called upon his Mother to destroy them.


  3. Im not quite sure where Ill be this time tomorrow. Probably Ill be down in a lonesome valley, where Ill be hanged from a white oak tree.


  4. That is not to repeat the above two points, I said the diversification of the chain is the diversification, don't to a tree hanged.


  5. This man plans to serve me a warrant. If I am arrested, you know I will be hanged.


  6. There was a time when " to bless the world with one's heels " meant to be hanged.


  7. You could have got him run out of this country. Maybe even got him hanged.


  8. It might be, too, that a witch, like old Mistress Hibbins, the bitter-tempered widow of the magistrate, was to DIE upon the gallows.


  9. I regret I was unable to shoot Henry Clay or to hang John C. Calhoun.


  1. 被绞死, 被吊死

    wallop in a tow

  2. 吊死人之咒。

    The Veritas Project Hangmans Curse.

  3. 吊死的特技演员

    The Adventure of the Hanging Acrobat

  4. 真该把他吊死。

    He should be strung up!

  5. 我会把你们全吊死!

    I'll hang all of you!

  6. 新加坡将吊死澳洲毒贩

    Singapore Hangs Australian Drug Smuggler

  7. 有人吊死,休提绳索。

    Name not a rope in his house that is hang.

  8. 罪犯被推上绞架吊死。

    The criminals were hanged on the gibbet.

  9. 冠犬以恶名,再吊死它。

    Give a dog a bad name.

  10. 我不会把你父亲吊死。

    I will not hang your father.

  11. 自己做绳索来吊死自己。自作自受。

    He has made a halter to hang himself.

  12. 他就吊死在这棵树上。

    He hanged himself from this tree.

  13. 你不会把我父亲吊死吧

    You will not hang my father?

  14. 谋杀犯被抓到且吊死了。

    The murderer was caught and hanged.

  15. 小贼被吊死, 大的却逃脱。

    Little thieves are hanged but great ones escape.

  16. 战争造成窃贼, 和平把他们吊死。

    War makes thieves, and peace hangs them.

  17. 你昨天去看吊死战俘了吗?

    Did you see the prisoners hanged yesterday?

  18. 记住我的话,我会看着他吊死。

    Mark my words, I'll see him hung.

  19. 他们说我们会被吊死和烧死!

    They say we're to be hanged and killed.

  20. 命里做吊死鬼。做不了落水鬼

    He that is born to be hanged shall never he drowned

  21. 罪犯被吊死在上面的木架

    a wooden frame from which condemned persons are executed by hanging

  22. 墨索里尼被意大利人民吊死了。

    Mossonini was hanged by the Italian people.

  23. 他们把叛徒吊死在船帆桁端上。

    They hanged the renegade from the ships yardarm

  24. 他最后上了断头台?还是被吊死?

    Was he beheaded in the end, or hung?

  25. 他会把你们一个个都吊死的。

    He'll stretch your necks one by one.

  26. 狱吏冲进牢房把他吊死了。

    Guards rushed into his cell and strung him up.

  27. 依据国王的命令所有的盗贼被吊死。

    By the kings decree all thieves were hanged.

  28. 十九名,如果你把我一起吊死。

    Nineteen, if you hang me with my men.

  29. 我到的时候他确实已经吊死了。

    He was already dead when I got there.

  30. 房里有人吊死,千万别提绳子。

    Name not a halter in his house that hanged himself.


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