


极,无比的:~大。~高。~初。~终。~为(wéi )。聚合:忧喜~门。合计:“~大将军青凡七出击匈奴”。……




1. 通 [tōng]通 [tōng]没有阻碍,可以穿过,能够达到:~风。~天。~气。~宵。~行。~过。~衢。贯~。四~八达。曲径~幽。懂得,彻底明了:~晓。~彻。~今博古。~情达理。传达:~令。~讯。~报。~告。~知。~缉。~谍。往来交接……





汉语拼音:zuì hòu tōng dié






  1. 一国对另一国提出的必须接受其要求,否则将使用武力或采取其他强制措施的外交文书,这种文书限在一定时间内答复。又称“哀的美敦书”。

    瞿秋白 《文艺杂著续辑·择吉》:“一九一五年五月七日, 日本 对 中国 提出了‘二十一条’的最后通牒,限四十八小时内答复。”



  1. Rambouillet was not a negotiation-as is often claimed-but an ultimatum .

  2. "I repeat again: We do not intend to join all sorts of ultimatums that can only drive the situation to a dead end, " he said.

  3. Loyalists in Sirte, the last big city in his hands, were given an ultimatum to surrender by September 3rd or face an all-out assault.

  4. Then, ten days into the shelling, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so.

  5. Although it would be nice if every soul could fully respond to the Light, it has to be borne in mind that there is no deadline involved.

  6. The seat back in a few years ago gave you issue the ultimatum, and you do not dare looked down on the seat!

  7. He gave his daughter an ultimatum: unless she stopped taking drugs he would throw her out of the house.

  8. A weary populace listened to the war master's ultimatum, and agencies like the Peace Brigade turned against the Jedi order.

  9. John Smith, who arrived in Virginia in 1608, introduced an ultimatum - those who did not work would not receive food or pay.


  1. 发出最后通牒

    to issue an ultimatum

  2. 停止发出最后通牒。

    Stop with the ultimatums.

  3. 小马的最后通牒。

    Mascherano issues quit threat.

  4. 给某人下最后通牒

    to give somebody an ultimatum

  5. 但这算是最后通牒

    But it was kind of an ultimatum.

  6. 老师并不下最后通牒。

    A proactive teacher doesnt deliver ultimatums.

  7. 有人下了最后通牒。

    Ultimatums were made.

  8. 苏珊得到了最后通牒。

    Susan got an ultimatum.

  9. 苏珊得到了最后通牒。

    Susan got an ultimatum.

  10. 接受, 拒绝, 发出, 送交最后通牒。

    Accept, reject, issue, deliver an ultimatum

  11. 这简直是赤裸裸的最后通牒!

    It's just a crass ultimatum!

  12. 他们的最后通牒午夜时到期。

    Their ultimatum expires at midnight.

  13. 他们向敌人递交了最后通牒。

    They delivered their ultimatum to the enemy

  14. 我给她最后通牒我却无能为力。

    I gave her an ultimatum and there's nothing I can do.

  15. 他们需要给高层们下达最后通牒。

    They need to give them some ultimatums.

  16. 他们向伊拉克发出最后通牒。

    They delivered an ultimatum to Iraq.

  17. 他通知他们这是他的最后通牒。

    He advised them that this was his final notice.

  18. 她给德国发了最后通牒吗?

    Had she sent an ultimatum to Germany?

  19. 他们给那个国家发出了最后通牒。

    They delivered an ultimatum to that country.

  20. 本周不宜给别人最后通牒,为难别人。

    this week is not the day to try to comer people by giving them ultimatums.

  21. 资方昨天向劳方发出了最后通牒。

    The management yesterday issued an ultimatum to the workforce.

  22. 看来他是认真对待我们的最后通牒了。

    Guess he took our ultimatum seriously.

  23. 最后通牒规定的期限到明天中午截止。

    The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow.

  24. 北约给塞尔维亚人下了最后通牒。

    NATO gave the Serbs an ultimatum.

  25. 这一纸最后通牒必然会引起严重危机。

    This ultimatum was bound to create a grave crisis.

  26. 这是伯恩的最后通牒和生化危机4。

    That was Bourne Ultimatum and Resident Evil 4.

  27. 总统拒绝被拖入发表最后通牒的境地。

    The president refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum.

  28. 最后通牒规定得期限到明天中午截止。

    The ultimatum expires at noon tomorrow.

  29. 请听卡伦如何斥责他,给他下最后通牒。

    Listen as she reprimands him and gives him an ultimatum.

  30. 次日,欧盟峰会发出了更加强硬的最后通牒。

    Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum.


  1. 问:最后通牒拼音怎么拼?最后通牒的读音是什么?最后通牒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:最后通牒的读音是zuìhòutōngdié,最后通牒翻译成英文是 a diplomatic statement demanding conformity t...

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