




1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……





汉语拼音:yī tiáo xīn






  1. 一桩心事。


  2. 比喻同心同德。

    袁鹰 《远方之歌·五封信》:“在报纸上,看到 中国 来的喜讯:六亿五千万人,都同我们一条心。”



  1. Ms Russo said the company would "benefit from new leadership aligned with a newly composed board. "


  2. The following has been excerpted from Robert Kiyosaki and Donald Trump's new book, Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men--One Message.


  3. Merrill banker Skyleer Tilney says John has not beben a real supporter of the company.


  4. If something happens in the family, you know everybody, everybody bonds together, it's the people here.


  5. If managers identify with shareholders, as they do now, then they worry only about shareholders' losses.


  6. Friendship is one soul in two bodies.


  7. Friend is one mind in two bodies.


  8. Whatever had happened to them, there was nothing more to be done now.


  9. All will be the last, as long as we all will Yi Tiaoxin the past, happiness waved to us!


  1. 军民一条心。

    Our fighters and people are of one mind.

  2. 友谊是两人一条心。

    Friendship is one soul in two bodies.

  3. 汤姆现在横下了一条心。

    Tom's mind was made up now.

  4. 阿四是和他老婆一条心。

    Ah Si agreed with his wife.

  5. 我是说我无法和你一条心。

    I said I couldn't bond you.

  6. 我是说我无法和你一条心。

    I said I couldn't bond you.

  7. 要敢字当头, 横下一条心。

    We must be daring and resolute.

  8. 我只有横下一条心,硬着头皮上了。

    I only horizontal under a heart, crustily skin of head.

  9. 如果我们完全考虑自己就不会一条心。

    If we are all concerned only about ourselves we cannot come together with one mind.

  10. 只要咱们一条心, 就没有攀登不上的高峰。

    So long as we pull together, theres no mountain top we cant conquer.

  11. 只要咱们一条心,就没有攀登不了的高山。

    So long as we pull together, there's no mountain top we can't conquer.

  12. 汤姆横下一条心,没有贝基 撒切尔他也行。

    Tom decided that he could be independent of Becky Thatcher now.

  13. 我们本来是大家一条心, 坦坦然然得, 一点儿也不怀疑。

    We were of one mind, and undisturbed by any troubling doubt.

  14. 我们本来是大家一条心,坦坦然然的,一点儿也不怀疑。

    We were of one mind, and undisturbed by any troubling doubt.

  15. 那一大队人马仿佛变成了一个怪物, 并且只有一条心。

    It seemed as though that mass had become a monster and had but one soul.

  16. 要敢字当头, 横下一条心。我羞愧难当, 不敢正视他。

    We must be daring and resolute. I was so ashamed that I could not look him in the face.

  17. 这是斯坦利铭记在心的一条座右铭。

    It's a lesson Stanley has taken to heart.

  18. 人人心中都有一条好消息。

    Everyone has inside of hm a piece of good news.

  19. 就成为我心中深深埋藏的一条湍急河流。

    Becomes rapids rivers which in my heart buries deeply.

  20. 昨晚我梦到被一条疯狗追,吓得我心都提到嗓子眼了。

    Last night, I dreamed about being chased by an angry dog. I really had my heart in my mouth.

  21. 他们进入了一片小树林,一条河流从两岸灯心草中穿过。

    They came to a small wood where a river ran between banks of rushes.

  22. 他们进入了一片小树林,一条河流从两岸灯心草中穿过。

    They came to a small wood where a river ran between banks of rushes.

  23. 而是用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠。

    But using ones indifferent heart to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you.

  24. 一条鱼静静地游过来,游到了刺猬的心中,揉碎了水草里的梦。

    A fish swim so light, swim into the heart of the hedgehog, broken the dream of the aquatic.

  25. 心中若有一条半温不热的鱼,我们就会了解这种感受了。

    We all know the feeling when we have a halfwarmed fish in our hearts.

  26. 在这以前的13年里,找曾经对这个重要的时刻想象过许多次,每次脑海里都浮现出这样的情景:我孤零零的,任人推过一条又一条回声震荡的走廊,心中充满恐惧,脑中掠过一个个问号:

    I had pictured the moment many times in the previous 13 years, imagining the lonely ride down the echoing corridors, fear gripping my heart, wondering:


  1. 问:一条心拼音怎么拼?一条心的读音是什么?一条心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一条心的读音是yìtiáoxīn,一条心翻译成英文是 to be of one mind; to be at one; to be accord...




拼音:yī tiáo xīn 基本解释 1. [be of one mind]∶具有一个想法 2. [be at one]∶一致地,协力[地] 同党一条心 详细解释 1. 一桩心事。 《荡寇志》第八七回:“我儿,你归了他,我也完了一条心,不知你心下如何?” 2. 比喻同心同德。 袁鹰 《远方之歌·五封信》:“在报纸上,看到 中国 来的喜讯:六亿五千万人,都同我们一条心。”

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