







汉语拼音:zī qián







  1. 钱财。


  2. 让钱流通。

    宋 叶适 《福建运使直显谟阁少卿赵公墓志铭》:“会之滞于州库者,为之转糴而资钱于市;钱会常相权,民无贵食,肆无虚券。”



  1. 网络
  2. efficiency bar

  1. 他把钱藏在床垫里,以资有些东西作为靠山。

    He hides money in the mattress so he can have something to fall back on.

  2. 但真的资不抵债还不起钱了,那又能如何呢?

    But since money is not really insolvent, that what can they do it.

  3. 登车付钱,不设找赎。乘客亦可使用八达通咭缴付车资。

    Pay tender exact fare. Octopus cards are also accepted.

  4. 这是耗资我了很多钱。

    It was costing me a lot of money.

  5. 看上去他很有钱,其实家资微薄。

    He seems to be rich, but in fact he has little wealth.

  6. 看上去他很有钱,其实家资微薄。

    He seems to be rich, but in fact he has little wealth.

  7. 看上去他很有钱, 但实际上家资微薄。

    He seems a rich man, but is poverty in practice.

  8. 经理用集资来得钱买下了这个公司。

    The manager used the concentrate fund to purchase the firm.

  9. 经理用集资来的钱买下了这个公司。

    The manager used the concentrate fund to purchase the firm.

  10. 经理用集资来的钱买下了这个公司。

    The manager used the concentrate fund to purchase the firm.

  11. 如果他们希望增发股票集资,谁掏钱呢

    If they want to raise equity, who will buy it?

  12. 读书2008基金会非常感谢资博实业钱赞得捐赠。

    We thank qianzan of zibo for the generous donation to Readers 2006 Foundation.

  13. 读书2008基金会非常感谢资博实业钱赞的捐赠。

    We thank qianzan of zibo for the generous donation to Readers 2008 Foundation.

  14. 本月攒钱集资需要耐心。但耐心终将使你无坚不摧。

    Raising money this month may require patience, but it's the patient Virgo who will get what he or she wants.

  15. 在薪资协商中, 第一个提到钱的人就是输家。

    In salary negotiations, the one who mentions money first loses.

  16. 这座大桥由当地农民集资兴建,没花国家一分钱。

    This bridge was built with funds pooled by the local farmers. Not a cent of state money was spent.

  17. 乘客可将现金车资放入钱箱,或可使用八达通卡。

    Passengers should pay exact fares or use the Octopus Card.

  18. 薪资单是公开的,整个摄制组成员都知道他发了多少钱。

    He was totally transparent with his books. The entire team could see how much he put in.

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