









汉语拼音:bìn yí guǎn






  1. 供停放灵柩和办埋丧事的机构。



  1. He got near the bed and placed the gift box next to the other clothing, he was taking to the funeral house, his wife had just died.


  2. When I got to the funeral home, his family and I immediately started swapping funny stories about him.


  3. said the undertaker: raising the candle above his head, to get a better view of Oliver.


  4. A woman went into a funeral home to make arrangements for her husband's funeral.


  5. Suddenly, the meaning of what I had said at the funeral came to light. The part inside that had died with her was my heart!


  6. We attend funerals to honor their memory and grieve our loss, but we do not expect to be greeted at the door by the person who has died.


  7. It had been a firm specializing in funeral parlors and parking lots .


  8. After returning from the funeral home, I called Joanne and asked for her impression of how close Tom might be to death.


  9. Near this town's decimated waterfront, Shigenobu Kimura pushed thick sludge out the front door of his funeral home.


  1. 某个殡仪馆

    for a funeral home.

  2. 山景殡仪馆

    Mountain View Funeral Home.

  3. 殡仪馆生意人

    a cold cook.

  4. 殡仪馆矗立其中,

    A Chapel was built in the midst

  5. 殡仪馆矗立其中,。

    A Chapel was built in the midst.

  6. 殡仪馆设计初探

    A Preliminary Probe into Funeral Parlour Design

  7. 做殡仪馆生意的人

    a cold cook

  8. 我叫他去殡仪馆。

    I asked him to go to the funeral home.

  9. 王先生夜探殡仪馆

    Wang Visits Funeral Parlour at Night

  10. 而殡仪馆的大门紧闭,

    And the gates of this Chapel were shut

  11. 而殡仪馆得大门紧闭,

    And the gates of this Chapel were shut

  12. 殡仪馆环境污染物分析

    Analysis Of Pollutant In Funeral Home

  13. 我祖父开了个殡仪馆。

    My grandfather owned a funeral home.

  14. 王先生夜探殡仪馆下载

    Mr.Wang Visits Funeral Parlour at Night

  15. 江陵殡仪馆规划设计断想

    A Resolute View on the Plan and Design of the Jianling Cemetery

  16. 这种静寂就像殡仪馆中的宁静。

    As quiet as the funeral parlor had been.

  17. 接着又走过尼科尔斯殡仪馆。

    And past Nichols'the undertaker's.

  18. 殡仪馆中用来举行葬仪的礼堂

    a room in a funeral home used for conducting funeral services

  19. 葬仪礼堂殡仪馆中用来举行葬仪的礼堂

    A room in a funeral home used for conducting funeral services.

  20. 是有米切尔殡仪馆带给你的

    Is brought to you by mitchell's funeral home

  21. 我们把爷爷的骨灰安厝在了殡仪馆。

    We have got a place at the funeral service hall for our grandfather's ashes.

  22. 我们把爷爷的骨灰安厝在了殡仪馆。

    We have got a place at the funeral service hall for our grandfather's ashes.

  23. 殡仪馆的老板和警察局长也去了。

    The undertaker went and the town marshal.

  24. 然后去了安放那个年轻母亲的殡仪馆。

    And took them to the funeral home where the young mother was.

  25. 我不算男人,殡仪馆的执事们和我都不算男人。

    I don't count the undertaker's men and myself as men.

  26. 从没见过殡仪馆的人还要带武器的。

    Never knew guards at funeral homes needed to carry them kind of weapons.

  27. 在我们移灵殡仪馆之后,我们整夜为他念诵。

    After we moved to the funeral parlour, we continued to chant into the night.

  28. 除非是殡仪馆制定得品牌, 但是价格较贵。

    Unless it is a funeral parlor to develop the brand, but more expensive price.

  29. 除非是殡仪馆制定的品牌,但是价格较贵。

    Unless it is a funeral parlor to develop the brand, but more expensive price.

  30. 殓葬商或殡仪馆请在适当方格内填。

    Please tick the appropriate boxes.


  1. 问:殡仪馆拼音怎么拼?殡仪馆的读音是什么?殡仪馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殡仪馆的读音是bìnyíguǎn,殡仪馆翻译成英文是 funeral parlour {或} parlor

  2. 问:殡仪馆拼音怎么拼?殡仪馆的读音是什么?殡仪馆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:殡仪馆的读音是bìnyíguǎn,殡仪馆翻译成英文是 Funeral Home



殡仪馆设置于城镇中承包丧葬事宜的机构。殡仪馆下设殡葬咨询室、殡葬业务接洽处和火葬场。中国推行火葬,为火葬提供服务。在不具备火葬条件的地方,提倡土葬改革。 殡仪馆为殡葬提供接运尸体、火化、骨灰寄存以及悼念活动会场等项服务。中国大中城市都已设置殡仪馆。在偏远地区则由民众邻里相互帮助解决殡葬问题。

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