


循序移动:~行。~动。~转(zhuàn )。搬送:~输。~载。~营(交通工具的运行和营业)。~力。~销。空~。海~。使用:~用。~算。~笔。~筹(制定策略)。人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:~气。命~。幸~。国~。南北距离:广~百里。姓……


1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……


1. 令 [líng]2. 令 [lǐng]3. 令 [lìng]令 [líng]〔~狐〕a.古地名,在今山西省临猗县一带;b.复姓。令 [lǐng]量词,印刷用的原张平版纸五百张为一令。令 [lìng]上级对下级的指示:命~。法~。朝(z……



汉语拼音:yùn háng mìng lìng






  1. Make a note of the users that this command displays as you will need to run a command to fix them in a later step.

  2. When you are ready to run your commands or SQL statements, you can click the Execute button.

  3. Optim Development Studio makes it easy to run the command line tools by providing a manageRepository. bat file.

  4. You can check to see whether it is still running or has completed by running the command ps (for Process Status).

  5. Since this program can only display messages or run commands, it refuses to create an alarm that has neither a message nor a command.

  6. This is the main Perl program that allows you to create knock sequences as well as listen for specific knock sequences and run commands.

  7. If you do not use the Server parameter, the command is run on the local server where the command is run.

  8. A simple and obvious approach to running a command on a collection of machines wraps the common ssh utility in a script.

  9. To check that this option has worked, after running the selpg command with the "-d" option, run the command "lpstat -t" .


  1. 在删除设备节点前运行命令。

    Run before removing the device.

  2. 使用它作为另一个用户运行命令。

    Use this to run commands as another user.

  3. 如果文件不可被写入,将不运行命令。

    If the file cannot be written, then the command will not run.

  4. 当您在终端窗口运行命令时,您是在前台运行它。

    When you run a command in your terminal window, you are running it in the foreground.

  5. 在创建设备节点后和删除设备节点前都运行命令。

    Run both after creating and before removing the device.

  6. 用户登录到计算机系统时自动运行命令的管理。

    Management of commands that run automatically when users log onto the computer system.

  7. 一旦运行脚本并确认输出结果正确,运行命令就简单了。

    Once you have run the script and verified the output is correct, it is simple to run the commands.

  8. 让我们回到任务属性, 在这里添加运行命令的开关量。

    Let's go back to the task properties, where I've added the switch to the Run command.

  9. 命令运行完毕,但发生一个或多个错误。

    The command completed with one or more errors.

  10. 必须从成员主机上运行以下命令。

    The following commands must be run from member hosts, not CF hosts.

  11. 在本地应用层计算机上运行该命令。

    Run this command on the local application tier computer.

  12. 运行该命令的方式因操作系统而异。

    The way to run the command varies with operating system.

  13. 很容易从本机运行的命令行,以便能够运行于附表。

    Easy to run from the command line to be able to run on a schedule.

  14. 该软件支持从本机运行得命令行, 超过50种语言。

    The software supports a run from command line, more than 50 languages.

  15. 该软件支持从本机运行的命令行,超过50种语言。

    The software supports a run from command line, more than 50 languages.

  16. 运行此命令后会出现一个显示引导进程的窗口。

    After you run this command, a window displays showing the boot process.

  17. 要查看一个参数的值, 可以在一个终端运行以下命令

    To check the value of a parameter , run the following command at a terminal

  18. 也可以在后台运行该命令,并将输出重定向到文件。

    You can also run it in the background while redirecting output to a file.

  19. 在某些系统上,您可能需要运行一条命令来弹出软盘。

    On some systems, you ll have to run a command to eject the floppy from the drive.

  20. 在多台计算机中运行远程的命令

    Running a remote command across multiple machines

  21. 可以独立模式运行,在命令行下执行。

    It can be run in a standalone mode, executed from the command line.

  22. 在一组文件中对每个文件运行特定的命令。

    FOR Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.

  23. 在运行了这个命令之后,您将看见没有任何输出。

    After running this command, you see that there is no output.

  24. 例如,如何轻松地在多台计算机上运行相同的命令呢?

    For example, how can you run the same command on multiple computers painlessly

  25. 试图通过命令行来运行浏览器。

    Attempt to run browser with command line parameters.

  26. 这时, 您只需通过运行几条命令即可安装所需的组件。

    At the moment, you can install the required components with just a few commands.

  27. 选项,从命令行来运行测试列表。

    You can also run test lists from the command line, using the.

  28. 增强了条件式宏命令的运行效率,略微提高了运行祯数。

    Improved the performance of conditional macros, slightly increasing the framerate.

  29. 批处理允许你能一次运行工具中数道命令而无须干预。

    Batch processing allows you to make several runs of a tool without your intervention.

  30. 这次命令将成功运行。

    It should run successfully this time.


  1. 问:运行命令拼音怎么拼?运行命令的读音是什么?运行命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:运行命令的读音是yùn xíng mìng lìng,运行命令翻译成英文是 run command

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