


1. 综 [zōng]2. 综 [zèng]综 [zōng]总合:~合。~括。~述。~览。~核名实(综合事物的名称和实际,加以考核)。错~复杂。综 [zèng]织布机上带着经线上下分开形成梭口的装置。……


1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……







汉语拼音:zōng hé kē xué






  1. It is of great significance to conduct comprehensive and scientific evaluation of the transnational operations of Chinese enterprises.


  2. Geology is a synthesis of the natural sciences: astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics.


  3. In order to develop and utilize water resources, a comprehensive scientific survey and an investigation and assessment must be undertaken.


  4. The thesis adopts the unification of research methods of history and logic, analysis and synthesis, science and value, theory and practice.


  5. Is there any provision of subject grant for the Integrated Science Curriculum?


  6. Finally, four constructive suggestions: how to implement the present integrated science curricula' reform are put forward.


  7. With the development of integrated science, a good many problems has been exposed.


  8. Comparing Content Structure of Specialized Science Course with that of Integrated Science Course


  9. Significance and objective of the establishment of a comprehensive scientific experiment base for hydrologic and geo-technical apparatus


  1. 综合科学考察

    integrated scientific expedition

  2. 我国综合科学课程发展的羁绊与对策

    The Fetter and Countermeasure of the Integrated Science Curriculum in China.

  3. 环境科学综合能力

    synthesize ability of environmental science

  4. 环境科学综合能力的培养

    training synthesize ability of environmental science

  5. 用系统科学综合考察翻译学的构想

    Toward a Systems Approach to the Comprehensive Study of Translatology

  6. 科学综合思维的桃花园,比诗歌里的桃花园更美!

    The Peachblossom Garden of comprehensive science thoughts, is more beautiful than Peachblossom Garden of poem!

  7. 这就要求我们有非凡的素质和综合的科学文化知识。

    This requires us to have the extraordinary quality and comprehensive scientific and cultural knowledge.

  8. 研究成果可为瓯江河口的综合开发提供科学依据。

    It provides scientific basis for comprehensive development of Oujiang River estuary.

  9. 这项研究报告刊载在公共科学图书馆综合上。

    The research was published in the journal Public Library of Science One.

  10. 公共科学图书馆综合上的某篇报道如是说。

    So says a study in the journal Public Library of Science One.

  11. 海洋科学野外综合教学实习体现专业特色之措施

    Some Measures to Incarnate the Specialty Feature in the Field Practice of the Marine Science

  12. 从某种概念来讲,盆景也是美学。文学和科学的综合体。

    Will tell from some kind of concept, miniascape also is aesthetic, literature and scientific synthesis.

  13. 地理综合研究与陆地系统科学 祝黄秉维院士八十五寿辰

    Integrated research of geography and land system science

  14. 美国密歇根大学生命科学综合体

    University of Michigan Life Science Complex, USA

  15. 清代综合治理黄河下游水患的系统科学思想

    Thought of system science on integrated control of flood disasters in the lower Yellow River in the Qing Dynasty.

  16. 课程的编订是一项复杂的综合性的科学研究。

    Formulation of curriculum is a complex and comprehensive process of scientific study.

  17. 林业科学是一门由多学科组成得综合性科学。

    Forestry science is an omnibus science that comprises by much discipline.

  18. 林业科学是一门由多学科组成的综合性科学。

    Forestry science is an omnibus science that comprises by much discipline.

  19. 作为一门综合学科的自然地理学具有环境科学的面貌。

    As a comprehensive discipline, physical geography has the face of environmental science.

  20. 综合性大学的建设必须要有人文社会科学的相应发展。

    The construction of a comprehensive university should have the corresponding development of the humanities and social sciences.

  21. 科学价值的向度研究是一个崭新的综合性跨学科领域研究。

    Studying the value of science is a new and synthetical study.

  22. 综合科学科教学经常津贴

    Recurrent Grant for Integrated Science

  23. 项目建设和管理是一门新兴的综合性的软科学。

    Project construction and management is a new comprehensive soft science.

  24. 科学技术发展到今天,已是综合的、大规模的、集体的事业。

    The development of science technology nowadays is already a comprehensive, large scale, and collective enterprise.

  25. 深圳科学馆地铁车站施工方案的综合技术经济比选研究

    Comparison Study of Integrative Technical Economy about Science Museum Station's Construction Schemes in Shenzhen Metro

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