




1. 粥 [zhōu]2. 粥 [yù]粥 [zhōu]用米面等食物煮成的半流质食品:小米~。像粥的东西:泥~。乱成一锅~。粥 [yù]古同“育”,生养。古同“鬻”,卖。……







汉语拼音:zhǔ zhōu fén xū






  • 【解释】:比喻兄弟友爱。
  • 【出自】:《新唐书·李勣传》:“[勣]性友爱,其姊病,尝自为粥而燎其须。姊戒止。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、宾语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. In boiling broth, one burnt his whiskers -- love for one'

  3. s brother and sister

  1. 换一砂锅煮粥。

    Porridge for a casserole.

  2. 要得皮肤好, 煮粥加红枣。

    Red date boiled in the porridge makes the cheeks red.

  3. 气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。

    Common yam rhizome porridge short breath and weak physique.

  4. 滋阴润肺好,煮粥加银耳。

    Yin lungs and good, porridge plus Tremella.

  5. 健脾助消化,煮粥添山楂。

    Spleen to aid digestion, porridge Tim Hawthorn.

  6. 腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。

    Backache kidney virtual, put chestnut porridge.

  7. 食用方法加碴重4倍的水煮粥

    Method of cooking Cook gruel with husked kaoliang and four times water.

  8. 但走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。

    But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel.

  9. 煮饭,煲汤,煮粥三重功能单键切换一锅多用。

    You just press the same key, it will cook, stew soup or stew porridge by itself.

  10. 我亲爱的小弟弟对柿饼情有独钟,已经等不及煮粥了。

    My dear little brother had eyes only for persimmon pies and he was too anxious to wait for the porridge.

  11. 碾磨粗糙的带皮玉米粉,在美国南方煮粥做早餐。

    Coarsely ground hulled corn boiled as a breakfast dish in the southern United States.

  12. 想着,走入看时,只有一个龙钟老僧在那里煮粥。

    But inside he found only a doddering old monk cooking gruel.

  13. 先用黄豆煮粥,可加高汤,粥滚后再加入芝麻粉,盐调味即可。

    First cook a gruel with the soybean, can add stock for cooking, the gruel roll behind again join sesame powder, salt seasoning.

  14. 孔子的一位学生在煮粥时,发现有肮脏的东西掉进锅里去了。

    A student of Confucius while cooking gruel, the detection had dirty thing to drop to go to into the pot.

  15. 粥煮得带烟味了。

    The porridge is smoked.

  16. 夏今防中暑,荷叶同粥煮。

    Lotus leaf porridge prevents sunstroke.

  17. 将大米淘洗净, 以豆浆煮米作粥, 熟后加糖调服。

    Net, to put the rice washing cook rice porridge, soyabean milk for cooked sugar tone takes.

  18. 将田鼠肉, 瘦猪肉切成片, 同黄精放入砂锅中, 同大米煮成粥。

    Field mice flesh, will thin pork is cut piece, put into arenaceous boiler with sealwort, commensurate rice boils congee.

  19. 早餐我喝用水煮的麦片粥,还往里加葡萄干。

    For breakfast I have porridge made with water, to which I add raisins.

  20. 粥本身应该是用鸭汤煮的。

    Congee itself should be duck soup with the cooking.

  21. 粥本身应该是用鸭汤煮得。

    Congee itself should be duck soup with the cooking.

  22. 之后,煮了加糖和牛奶的麦片粥。

    I churned up the cornmeal porridge with milk and sugar.

  23. 鱼肉须彻底煮熟,避免进食生滚鱼生粥。

    Fish has to be cooked thoroughly. Avoid eating raw fish congee.

  24. 但煮玉米粥时,则可以适当地加点碱。

    Cook polenta, you can add some appropriate base.

  25. 他们的晚餐米粥就放在炉子上滚煮著。

    Gurgling on top of it is their dinner rice porridge.

  26. 然后我们会煮玉米粥,而且我真的这样想,我会与你分享。

    Then we would cook cornmeal porridge, and I mean it, of which I'll share with you.

  27. 粥一种用燕麦或其他麦粉在清水或牛奶中煮的软食

    A soft food made by boiling oatmeal or another meal in water or milk.

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