


单纯、独一、集中在一件事上:~长(cháng )。~使。~心致志。独自掌握和占有:~利。~车。~有。~断。姓。……


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……




1. 术 [shù]2. 术 [shú]3. 术 [zhú]术 [shù]技艺:技~。艺~。武~。学~。不学无~。方法:战~。权~。心~。古代城市中的道路。术 [shú]古同“秫”,黏高梁。术 [zhú]〔白~〕多年生草本植物,根状茎可入药……



汉语拼音:zhuān yǒu jì shù






  1. Used to perform such inspection tasks most of the tools are proprietary technology need to be authorized or paid to use.

  2. By the mid 1980s, a gaggle of independent software companies thrived, each with its own proprietary technologies.

  3. Re-cycle version has a majority of the general index of all compass and know-how with the index indicators.

  4. In future, close cooperation and an intensive exchange of knowhow will be established between the two businesses.

  5. Would Google be the company it is today using proprietary technologies like Microsoft. NET?

  6. Kitron wishes to protect its and its customer's trade secrets, know-how and intellectual property rights under this Agreement.

  7. Whereas the licensor possesses know-how for the designing, manufacturing, installing and marketing of . . .

  8. This button is needed because older editions of Internet Explorer used some nonstandard, proprietary techniques for rendering Web pages.

  9. IBM offers Industry Solution Offerings with Industry specific frameworks, best practices, and expertise.


  1. 投资专有技术进步

    Investment specific technological progress

  2. 专有技术的杠杆作用

    Leveraging Function of Proprietary Technologies

  3. 专有技术的收益法评估

    Exclusive Technique Valuation through Income Approach

  4. 关于专利与专有技术的探讨

    Probe into Patent and Proprietary Technology

  5. 专有技术的法律保护与行政保护

    Legal Protection and Administrative Protection of Special Technology

  6. 论专利与专有技术的价值评估

    Assessment of Patent and Know How

  7. 专有技术转让价值的模糊评估模型

    The Fuzzy Model to Evaluate the Value of Proprietary Technology Transfers

  8. 专有技术非常详细地说明了如何制造设备。

    The know? how tells one all the details of how to manufacture the equipment.

  9. 我想购买专有技术比购买专利使用权要好。

    I think buying the know? how is better than the right to use the patent.

  10. 我们的设备均采用了多项新专利、专有技术。

    We have the equipment used on a number of new patents, proprietary technology.

  11. 税务局指各种专有权,如专利权,专有技术版权,商标等。

    Tax official it means the royalties, include patent right, proprietary technology, copy right, trademark right, and so on.

  12. 如果应用程序使用了这些专有技术, 那么就需要修改。

    If your application makes use of proprietary technology, it needs to be changed.

  13. 出售专有技术就是向折扣提供整个生产过程的全部资料。

    To sell the know?how is to provide the buyer with full information about the complete production.

  14. 公司引进德国波尔公司专有技术, 具有国际先进水平的产品。

    German company to introduce Boer proprietary technology, the international advanced level products.

  15. 专有利用权

    exclusive rights of exploitation.

  16. 全会的专有特权

    prerogative of the Session

  17. 有技术的拳击手

    a scientific boxer

  18. 与现有技术相比

    compared with conventional techniques

  19. 他又高又有技术

    Rawle Marshall played a great game tonight.

  20. 与已有技术相比

    compared with present technology

  21. 主职业僧侣专有技能。

    Available only to Monk primaries.

  22. 主职业战士专有技能。

    Available only to Warrior primaries.

  23. 你们必须有技术能力。

    You must have technical ability.

  24. 主职业游侠的专有技能。

    Available only to Ranger primaries.

  25. 并有技术来做诊断。

    We have the technology to make the diagnosis.

  26. 主职业死亡法师的专有技能。

    Available only to Necromancer primaries.

  27. 我们有技术了解它在哪

    We have the technology that's shown us where it is.

  28. 但是光有技术是不够的。

    But technology is not enough.

  29. 工匠有技术的手工劳动者手艺人

    A skilled manual worker a craftsperson.

  30. 消费品有技术品牌,服务产品也有技术品牌。

    The consumable products have technological brand, so do the service products.


  1. 问:专有技术拼音怎么拼?专有技术的读音是什么?专有技术翻译成英文是什么?

    答:专有技术的读音是zhuānyǒujìshù,专有技术翻译成英文是 know-how

  2. 问:专有技术占有人拼音怎么拼?专有技术占有人的读音是什么?专有技术占有人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:专有技术占有人的读音是zhuān yǒu jì shù zhàn yǒu rén,专有技术占有人翻译成英文是 know-how owner

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