


1. 朱 [zhū]2. 朱 [shú]朱 [zhū]红色:~红。~批。~笔。~文(印章上的阳文)。~门(红漆大门,旧时指豪富人家)。矿物名:~砂(无机化合物,中医用于镇静剂。亦称“辰砂”、“丹砂”)。~墨。姓。朱 [shú]〔~提(shí……





汉语拼音:zhū xī






  1. Up to the time of Chu Xi that he just formed a set of perfect theory for the theory of "mind dominated character and sentimental" .


  2. Chapter II analyzed Zhu Xi's "up and down link up" in philosophical system and his "Competent and Factoring" philosophy of courses.


  3. But, Xuexuan developed and changed zhu xi's philosophy in his Academic career on his own initiative or not.


  4. Chen Chun was the excellent student of old age Zhu Xi, and to be the main disciples of Zhu XI apposing with Huang gan.


  5. Even a short period of a "university" , after Zhu Xi finishing, went so far as can be seen through the pass to the other.


  6. From his contradictory mentality we may see ZHU Xi's deep value concerns and emotional romantic disposition.


  7. The thought of virtue has been so excessively advocated that it covers the truth of Zhu Xi's thought of economic ethics.


  8. As a representative of the Cheng Zhu Neo-Confucianism, Zhu Xi have set up a sophisticated and complex system of the Neo-Confucianism.


  9. Furthermore, Zhu Xi further concretely fulfilled this opinion in his administrative measures for local governance.


  1. 朱熹与徽商

    Zhu Xi and Hui Merchants.

  2. 朱熹盐法思想

    The Thought for Salt Policy of Zhu Xi

  3. 朱熹与法家之学

    Zhu Xi and legalist school

  4. 朱熹与白鹿洞书院

    Zhu Xi And the White Deer Hollow Academy

  5. 试论朱熹的鉴赏理论

    On the Appreciating Theory of Zhu Xi

  6. 朱熹反王逸功过论

    On the Contributions and Blunders of Zhu Xi Opposing Wang Yi

  7. 朱熹文化世界的三统整合

    The Concord of Three Legitimacy of ZHU Xi's Cultural World.

  8. 理学与朱熹的史学思想

    Confucian School of Idealist Philosophy and ZHU Xis Thinking of Historical Science.

  9. 原来朱熹就是武夷山人哪

    Zhu Xi actually a native of Wuyi Mountain

  10. 从诗集传看朱熹之妇女观

    Looks at view of women of the Zhu Xi from Poetry anthology Biography

  11. 是不是就是朱熹讲学得场景啊?

    Show Zhu Xi giving a lecture?

  12. 从题诗看朱熹与佛教之关系

    The Relationship between Zhu Xi and Buddhism through the Analysis of Zhu Xi's Poems.

  13. 朱熹对儒家教育传统的集大成作用

    An Epitomizing Effect on the Tradition of the Confucian Education by Zhu Xi

  14. 略论朱熹与白鹿洞书院之关系

    A Brief Discussion on the Relationship between Zhu Xi and Bailu Academy

  15. 朱熹在白鹿洞书院的教育思想研究

    Researches into Zhu Xi's Concept of Education in the White Deer Hollow Academy.

  16. 仁政学说是孟子、朱熹政治思想的核心。

    The theory of benevolent government is the core of both mencius's and zhuxi's political thoughts.

  17. 那朱熹在武夷山到底生活了多久呢

    How long did Zhu Xi live at Wuyi Mountain

  18. 家礼是南宋朱熹最有影响的礼学著作。

    Family Ritual was the Zhuxi's most influential book.

  19. 第四部分介绍朱熹主张得实现王道得手段。

    The fourth part introduced how Zhu Xi think to realize the kingly way.

  20. 第四部分介绍朱熹主张的实现王道的手段。

    The fourth part introduced how Zhu Xi think to realize the kingly way.

  21. 第五部分对朱熹的王道思想做出评价。

    The fifth part makes the appraisal to Zhu Xi'kingly way thought.

  22. 第五部分对朱熹得王道思想做出评价。

    The fifth part makes the appraisal to Zhu Xi'kingly way thought.

  23. 朱熹蒙学教育思想的基本内容及其当代启示

    The Basic Content and Modern Enlightenment of Zhuxi's Primary Educational Thought.

  24. 朱熹首次提出读作品要玩味的审美鉴赏理论。

    Zhu xi first proposed to read the works of aesthetic appreciation theory crunching.

  25. 朱熹通过集注继承和创新儒学文化的方法值得借鉴。

    It is worth drawing lessons from ZHU Xi's method of inheriting and creating Confucianist culture providing notes.

  26. 朱熹关于性得论述相当深广, 超越了以往人性论得范畴。

    The theory of Xing of Zhuxi is very profound, surpass any category of history on the theory of human nature.

  27. 朱熹关于性的论述相当深广,超越了以往人性论的范畴。

    The theory of Xing of Zhuxi is very profound, surpass any category of history on the theory of human nature.

  28. 朱熹与陆九渊是处于同一时代的两位宋朝教育家。

    Zhu Xi and Lu Jiuyuan are in the same age. They were both the educators in Song Dynasty.

  29. 在这部书里,朱熹使用了声训作为训释词语的方式之一。

    In this book, sound explanation was one of the manners that had been used to explain words.

  30. 在宋代儒士群体中, 朱熹无疑是最具有佛教知识的一位。

    In the Song Dynasty confucianist group, it is no doubt that Zhuxi is the person who has more knowledge about Buddhist general knowledge.


  1. 问:朱熹拼音怎么拼?朱熹的读音是什么?朱熹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱熹的读音是,朱熹翻译成英文是 Zhu Xi

  2. 问:朱熹平拼音怎么拼?朱熹平的读音是什么?朱熹平翻译成英文是什么?

    答:朱熹平的读音是,朱熹平翻译成英文是 Zhu Xiping

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