


1. 钻 [zuān]2. 钻 [zuàn]钻 [zuān]用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。进入:~心。~营。钻 [zuàn]穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。……


1. 研 [yán]2. 研 [yàn]研 [yán]细磨(mó),碾:~磨。~药。~墨。深入地探求:~究。钻~。~京练都(dū)(晋代左思作《三都赋》构思了十二年,后遂用“研京练都”形容经年累月地构思文章)。研 [yàn]古同“砚”,砚台……



汉语拼音:zuān yán








  1. 深入研究。

    《后汉书·郑玄传》:“其勗求君子之道,钻研勿替,敬慎威仪,以近有德。” 金 白贲 《客有求观予孝经传者感而赋诗》:“如何臻至理,当从践履论。跋涉经险阻,钻研閲寒温。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“太史则钻揅经史,譔著裒然。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第一章:“他还非常爱用脑子,喜欢钻研问题。”

  2. 指用心思虑,费尽心思。

    明 陈所闻 《玉芙蓉·针》曲:“往常时刺鸳鸯费尽钻研。”《醒世恒言·陆五汉硬留合色鞋》:“﹝ 张藎 ﹞……惯在风月场中卖弄,烟花阵里钻研。” 清 珠泉居士 《续板桥杂记·轶事》:“爰採入軼事以传之,且以风彼鬚眉钻研钱孔,曾二嫗之不若者。”



  1. Academically speaking, do not know about his knowledge must study hard will go until all understand.


  2. She did indeed teach us to put out a newspaper, skills I honed during my next 25 years as a journalist.


  3. Maybe you know from experience that trying to change yourself doesn't work. You've read self-help books to no avail.


  4. I know you find the subject difficult, but that is all the more reason why yod should work hard at it.


  5. His death was one of a series of signs I read to step back and take stock of the genetic problems I was repeatedly having to deal with.


  6. 7 "Before that, I studied the theory of Yin and Yang but I got nothing after twelve years of effort. " Confucius replied.


  7. She said that she would dig at American literature for her exam next year.


  8. It's not always easy for you to stop what you'redoing and dig into an emotional issue that seems to have no immediate impact on your day.


  9. Moreover, he threw himself into an important friendship, at a time when he had probably written one draft of his sixth book, on whaling.


  1. 钻研国际法

    assiduously study international law

  2. 她钻研数学。

    She is digging at mathematics.

  3. 可以潜心钻研

    You know, the whole immersion thing.

  4. 他在钻研生物学。

    He is digging at biology.

  5. 钻研业务, 提高技能。

    Endeavor to gain professional proficiency, improve technical skill.

  6. 钻研业务,提高技能。

    Endeavor to gain professional proficiency, improve technical skill.

  7. 他们在钻研物理学。

    They are digging at physics.

  8. 钻研业务已蔚然成风。

    To improve one's professional skill has now become a common practice.

  9. 他在钻研海洋生物学。

    He is going in for marine biology

  10. 钻研, 深入刻苦地研究

    delve to search deeply and laboriously

  11. 他在钻研民用建筑学。

    He is at grips with civil architecture.

  12. 我从没停止钻研数学。

    I didn't stop to puzzle my way through math.

  13. 他钻研这个问题至深夜。

    He dug at the problem late into the night.

  14. 小吴钻研篮球基本技能。

    Xiao Wu grinds away at the basic skills of basketball.

  15. 他钻研科学的所有犄角旮旯。

    He explored every nook and cranny of science.

  16. 他们苦心钻研人类的历史。

    They dug into the history of mankind.

  17. 我真的把漫画书钻研。

    I just really delved into the comic books.

  18. 钻研全身的投入,潜心钻研,探究

    to plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto

  19. 所有学生必须钻研这些书。

    All of the students have to plough through these books.

  20. 所有学生必须钻研这些书。

    All of the students have to plough through these books.

  21. 他实实在在地钻研历史。

    He has honestly studied history.

  22. 全身的投入, 潜心钻研, 探究。

    To plunge into an activity or enterprise with vigor and gusto.

  23. 他老是在钻研词的起源。

    He broke into our conversation several times.

  24. 他刻苦钻研的精神, 得效法。

    His spirit of assiduous study is worthy of emulation.

  25. 约翰一直在钻研古代希腊史。

    John has been diving into the history of ancient Greece.

  26. 这个学生老喜欢找难题钻研钻研。

    The student like to have difficult questions to bite on.

  27. 他最近正在刻苦钻研他的学业。

    He is hammering at his studies recently.

  28. 若不刻苦钻研,如何取得成果?

    How can we achieve anything if we don't work hard ?

  29. 他刻苦钻研的精神,值得效法。

    His spirit of assiduous study is worthy of emulation.

  30. 如不刻苦钻研, 则将一事无成。

    You will certainly achieve nothing unless you study assiduously.


  1. 问:钻研拼音怎么拼?钻研的读音是什么?钻研翻译成英文是什么?

    答:钻研的读音是zuānyán,钻研翻译成英文是 study … intensively



钻 : 钻 zuān 用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:钻孔。钻木取火。钻探。进入:钻心。钻营。

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