




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:zǐ de






  1. 见“ 紫菂 ”。



  1. Everyone would not crasher, red, yellow, white, purple, all sorts of flowers is like that of a large and beautiful flower bed.


  2. I had clamped so hard that it drew blood and the poor chap had a blackened swollen lip for the remainder of my stay.


  3. Eastern colored a little bit Fanzhaoyudu the sky, contracted slightly in Hong Yun, Piaozhe Purpurin Purpurin the Choi Wan.


  4. For the plum blossoms, I often use a slightly purplish red to sketch them out in uneven thickness, also done in flat acrylic strokes.


  5. But as the rainbow-color 7 (Green Orange Red Green blue-violet), in fact, only Japan, China, South Korea and a small number of countries.


  6. deep violet glamour is infinite, the heart of layer upon layer wave is placatory sleep deeply.


  7. After seeking cure to be bitten by not famous insect erubescent the folk prescription of the foot of swollen, Hei Zi!


  8. Spring has come, red, purple and yellow colors of the Huadu out a small head.


  9. She showed us her arms, and we saw with horror that her skin was black and blue where she had been beaten.


  1. 从红到紫的各种颜色

    All the colours from red to violet.

  2. 指一种中等的紫的颜色。

    Of a moderate purple color.

  3. 可能是天空边紫的时候?

    Maybe whenthe sky turned purple?

  4. 有很多种颜色的,有红的,黄的和紫的。

    They have a lot of colors, some as red, yellow and purple.

  5. 又青又紫的,绕着一圈橘色的边。

    It's blue and mahogany with little streaks of orange.

  6. 她最后穿着一条玫瑰紫的长裙参加了晚宴。

    At last she chose a rosy dress to the party.

  7. 她最后穿着一条玫瑰紫的长裙参加了晚宴。

    At last she chose a rosy dress to the party.

  8. 膨润土吸附结晶紫的动力学与热力学研究

    Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Adsorption of Crystal Violet by Bentonite.

  9. 本能使我吸嗅酸橙树的花朵,摘取最紫的樱桃。

    Instinct makes me sniff the lime blossoms and reach for the darkness cherry.

  10. 浅粉或紫的妊娠纹也会出现在你的肚子,胸部或大腿上。

    Stretch marks are thin pink or purplish lines that can appear on your abdomen, breasts, or thighs.

  11. 堆满乌云的天空现出一种混沌的紫铜色。

    The cloudmussed sky turned a vague copper color.

  12. 青一块,紫一块的

    black and blue

  13. 她围巾的紫颜色跟她帽子的蓝颜色不相配。

    The purple of her scarf clashes with the blue of her bonnet.

  14. 采摘紫浆果的日子

    The Days of Picking Blueberries

  15. 她不应该穿这件相当诱惑人的紫衣服去。

    She shouldn't wear her rather seductive purple dress for the journey.

  16. 镶嵌紫水晶的银胸针

    Hobe Sterling Oval Brooch with Amethyst

  17. 沃克的紫颜色讲述了美国南方黑人妇女西丽的故事。

    Alice Walkers The Color Purple tells the story of Celie, a Black woman in American South.

  18. 你身上怎么青一块紫一块的?

    Why are you black and blue?

  19. 他因发火脸都青一块紫一块的。

    He goes purple with rage.

  20. 流动缩旋紫铜筒体的试验分析

    The Flow Contraction Spinning Research of The Copper Barrel

  21. 电离的氮分子则发出紫蓝色的光。

    Ionized nitrogen molecules issued purple and blue light.

  22. 你腿上青一块紫一块的是什么?

    What is that black and blue area on your leg ?

  23. 我要把他揍得青一块紫一块的。

    I'd like to leather him black and blue.

  24. 牧草替代防制紫茎泽兰的研究

    Study on planting varied grasses to control Eupatorium Adenophorum

  25. 他打完架後脸上青一块紫一块的。

    His face was a mass of bruises after the fight.

  26. 我看见桑树上结满了紫黑色的桑椹。

    I saw the mulberry tree full of purple-dark mulberry fruits.

  27. 紫葡萄汁的效果最好,其次是紫葡萄,苹果汁和苹果。

    Purple grape juice was the best, followed by purple grapes, apple juice and apples.

  28. 他打完架后脸上青一块紫一块的。

    He lay there, his body a crazy quilt of and bruises.

  29. 取自加洲紫葡萄的一种干红葡萄酒

    dry red California table wine made from purple Pinot grapes

  30. 上周我成功的取得了与阿紫的联系!

    I managedto come into contact with KTs Violet last week!

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