


1. 钻 [zuān]2. 钻 [zuàn]钻 [zuān]用锥状的物体在另一物体上转动穿孔:~孔。~木取火。~探。进入:~心。~营。钻 [zuàn]穿孔洞的用具:~床。~头。电~。……









汉语拼音:zuān mù qǔ huǒ






  1. 见“ 钻木得火 ”。



  1. I'll start a fire. I'll make something. Lend me your tie. I found a bent stick in the woodpile, and I can make a drill.


  2. Ape men in remote ages thought up the idea of drilling wood to make fire by friction.


  3. Inspired by the known method used by the ancients to drill wood to make fire, Vincent Gobin created this gadget.


  4. For when we build our camp-fire. I can't build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together.


  5. We should such as general, concentrate on, always insist.


  6. ancient times, people fire by rubbing sticks;


  1. 他们称之为钻木取火。

    It was called Fire Drill.

  2. 远古时代的猿人发明了钻木取火。

    Ape men in remote ages thought up the idea of drilling wood to make fire by friction.

  3. 远古时代的猿人发明了钻木取火。

    Ape men in remote ages thought up the idea of drilling wood to make fire by friction.

  4. 燧人氏受到启发,于是发明了钻木取火。

    Su nombre quiere decir el que produce fuego.

  5. 我在木料堆里找到几捆杂草,我可以用来钻木取火。

    I found a bent stick in the woodpile, and I can make a drill.

  6. 渐渐地人类学会了钻木取火,或是燧石取火。

    Gradually, they learnt how to drill wood to make fire or get fire by using flint stones.

  7. 我们应当如钻木取火一般, 全神贯注, 坚持不息。

    We should such as general, concentrate on, always insist.

  8. 取一只汤锅,倒油,中火加热。

    In a stockpot, heat oil over medium heat.

  9. 放入蒸粗麦粉,从火上取下来。

    Stir in couscous, and remove from heat.

  10. 他取出一些纸和一些木块, 生了火。

    He took some paper and a few bits of wood and made a fire.

  11. 塔火俗称棒槌火,是取棒槌倒立状而名。

    Wooden club known as a fire tower fire, inverted wooden club is taking shape and name.

  12. 生小火。只取地上, 手可折的小树枝。

    Keep fires small. Only use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand.

  13. 生小火。只取地上,手可折得小树枝。

    Keep fires small. Only use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand.

  14. 他必须学会怎样取水,怎样猎取食物以及怎样生火。

    He has to learn how to collect water, hunt for food, and make fire.

  15. 如果我到火边取取暖你不会介意吧?

    D'you mind if I warm myself by your fire ?

  16. 取一只汤锅,把黄油放入,中火加热融化。

    In a stockpot, melt butter over medium heat.

  17. 他们不会允许被用来为别人火中取粟。

    They are not going to let themselves be used to pull anybody's chestnuts.

  18. 取大平底锅或烤盘一个,开中火融化黄油。

    Melt butter over medium heat in a large skillet or griddle.

  19. 所以兵士就取出了他得打火匣,擦了几下火。

    Therefore soldier take outed the fire box of his, and wipe the several and next fire.

  20. 他就纵身跳上地坪,轻轻地把牛排从火上取下来。

    He would spring onto the terrace, lift the steak lightly off the fire.

  21. 所以兵士就取出了他的打火匣,擦了几下火。

    Therefore soldier take outed the fire box of his, and wipe the several and next fire.

  22. 这个火筷子做得太短了, 取煤得时候很容易烫到手!

    This pair of fire tongs is too short. One might burn one's hands while fetching coal!

  23. 这个火筷子做的太短了, 取煤的时候很容易烫到手!

    This pair of fire tongs is too short. One might burn one's hands while fetching coal!

  24. 这个火筷子做的太短了,取煤的时候很容易烫到手!

    This pair of fire tongs is too short. One might burn one's hands while fetching coal!

  25. 于是国王大怒, 命人取过锅釜来, 放在火上。

    At that the king in a fury, gave orders to have pans and caldrons heated.

  26. 煮沸后, 小心取出浮在汤面上得泡沫。将火转小。

    When boiled skim the foam from soup. Turn the gas smaller.

  27. 煮沸后, 小心取出浮在汤面上的泡沫。将火转小。

    When boiled skim the foam from soup. Turn the gas smaller.

  28. 热1汤匙油放平底镬内,大火将豆腐煎至金黄色,取起。

    Heat1 tbsp of oil in a wok. Fry the tofu over high heat until golden. Set aside.

  29. 取一个中号锅, 加入前6种原料, 用中火加热到糖完全融化。

    Stir first 6 ingredients in medium saucepan over medium heat until sugar dissolves.

  30. 镬内烧油, 把萝卜糕以大火炸至微黄或煎透, 取出隔油。

    Heat oil in wok to deepfry the turnip pudding over high heat until golden or shallowfry. Drain excess oil.



钻木取火是根据摩擦生热的原理产生的。木原料的本身较为粗糙,在摩擦时,摩擦力较大会产生热量,加之木材本身就是易燃物,所以就会生出火来。 钻木取火的发明来源于我国古时的神话传说。传说在一万年前,燧人氏在燧明国(今河南商丘)发明了钻木取火,开启了华夏文明的起源。

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